TODO: Automate tests

Running manual tests is very expensive. The test cases below should be considered for automation!

Test Cases for JS EPP package

Any failure to those test cases should be reported to EPP or other project causing the error, and shared with EPP mailing-list.

There is big room for improvements in these test-cases (more test-case, more detailed steps...). Feel free to contribute!


. Startup package on a new workspace . Check: error log doesn't report issue

New Static Web Project enables HTML, CSS and JS

. Create a new Static Web Project . Create/Open an HTML file => Check completion, highlighting and other features are enabled . Create/Open an CSS file => Check completion, highlighting and other features are enabled . Create/Open an JS file => Check completion, highlighting and other features are enabled

Import an existing JS project

. File > Open Projects from Filesystem... Pick a JS project such as mathjs (on GitHub), proceed . Check: Project has the JavaScript nature and right content

Editing JS

. From the mathjs project above, pick an interesting .js file . Check: syntax highlighting, completion... are enabled and work as expected

Node/NPM actions

. From the mathjs project above . Check: Run As actions are available on projet, package.json and work as expected


. From the mathjs project above . put a breakpoint, start debug . Check: breakpoint is hit, values are visibile, step into/over and debugger in general works