blob: 4d2247d622272e839535ed37ab7a156c33e9d62f [file] [log] [blame]
// Based on
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
jdk 'openjdk11-latest'
parameters {
booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: 'Do a dry run of the build. Everything will be done except the final copy to download which will be echoed', name: 'DRY_RUN')
string(defaultValue: '2020-06', description: 'The release name. Release is uploaded to', name: 'RELEASE_NAME')
string(defaultValue: 'M3', description: 'The name of the milestone, e.g. M1, M2, M3, RC1 or R', name: 'RELEASE_MILESTONE')
string(defaultValue: 'M3', description: 'The name of the directory to place the release, generally the same as RELEASE_MILESTONE except for R builds when it should be RC2 (or RC2a, etc for respins)', name: 'RELEASE_DIR')
string(defaultValue: '12345', description: 'The CI build number being promoted from of job simrel.epp-tycho-build', name: 'BUILD_NUMBER')
options {
stages {
stage('Upload') {
steps {
// XXX: When EPP is moved to JIRO we need sshagent
sh './releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/tools/'
post {
always {
// We have a sleep as a post action to keep the
// workspace around so it can be examined - very
// useful on DRY_RUN builds to examine the
// workspace to see if content is right, or to
// examine a broken build.
// It does mean however that the build needs to
// cancelled manually
sh 'sleep 1d'
cleanup {