Solve symbolic link issue for RCP/RAP package (draft)

This first implementation uses a shell script for creating the zip/tar
archives instead of the built-in Tycho product build version that is not
able to create simple symbolic links. The Bash shell script uses
internally the native (Unix/Linux) implementations of zip and tar.

With this addition we loose the ability to run the EPP build on systems
without Bash, zip, tar, gzip.

This is a commit in an early development stage to see if the approach
works on the build servers. More clean-up and the change of
the other packages is required.

See bug 424769: symbolic link missing from "Mac packages"

Change-Id: I8a4cb60e92492455970ebd0e2d1a99e85e7cf731
Signed-off-by: Markus Knauer <>
3 files changed
tree: e069d6cb87306dfd035c2c72d70f0937144cfd68
  1. packages/
  2. releng/
  3. .gitignore
  4. pom.xml

The EPP Build

The Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) provides the download packages based on the content of the yearly Simultaneous Release. The download packages are provided from

Build a Package Locally

It's easy to run the build locally! All you need is Maven and then you need to tell Maven which package(s) to build via profile. As an example, the following command from the root of the Git repository builds the RCP/RAP package against the Simultaneous Release staging p2 repository:

mvn clean verify -Pepp.package.rcp

This build creates output in two places:

  1. tar.gz/zip archives with the packages in packages/org.eclipse.epp.package.rcp.product/target/products/ and
  2. a p2 repository with the EPP artifacts in repository/.

Windows users

If you are running the build on Windows, the last build step will currently fail. This failure can be circumvented by skipping the last step which aggregates the filtered EPP artifacts from the packages into a new p2 repository. For further details see bug 426416. At the moment it is advised to run the build command on Windows with package only:

mvn clean package -Pepp.package.rcp

Available Profiles

Each package uses its own profile:

  • epp.package.automotive
  • epp.package.cpp
  • epp.package.dsl
  • epp.package.jee
  • epp.package.modeling
  • epp.package.parallel
  • epp.package.php
  • epp.package.rcp
  • epp.package.reporting
  • epp.package.scout
  • epp.package.standard
  • epp.package.testing

With the signing profile enabled, the build artifacts (bundles, features) and the Windows and Mac OSX executables are signed. This is done by using the Eclipse Foundation internal signing service and can be activated only if the build is running there.

  • eclipse-sign