blob: d3f809498cbd87db864a1bcf7bf54c080631f1e1 [file] [log] [blame]
<project name="Build specific targets and properties" default="noDefault">
<!-- =====================================================================
The Following Properties are available in all targets:
- eclipse.base : the base folder everything will be collected into
- eclipse.plugins : the plugins folder
- eclipse.features: the features folder
- archiveFullPath : the full path of the final archive once it is created
===================================================================== -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Called after invoking the targets for all plugins -->
<!-- and features. Results exist as folders and have not yet been jarred. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Called just prior to signing a jar -->
<!-- In addititon to the properties listed above: -->
<!-- - source : plugins or features directory -->
<!-- - elementName: element being signed without .jar -->
<!-- (eg "org.eclipse.foo_1.0.0" -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="pre.jarSigning">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Called after all plugins and features have been jarred -->
<!-- (and potentially signed) -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="post.jarUp">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Called just before the archive file is built -->
<!-- In addititon to the properties listed above: -->
<!-- - rootFolder : the folder containing the root files -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="pre.archive">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Default target -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="noDefault">
<echo message="You must specify a target when invoking this file" />