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  9. plugin.xml

Visualising Models with Picto and Sirius

Graphical modelling frameworks such as Sirius allow for models to be visualised and edited as diagrams, tables and trees. Sometimes it may be beneficial to visualise parts of the model in a different format, such as graphs. By combining both Sirius and Picto, you can combine the benefits of graphical editing, with the flexibility of rendering views using HTML/SVG/JavaScript-based technology.

Picto Sirius Visualisation


In this example, we will use the Sirius basicfamily example and render charts using ChartJS.

  1. Import the following projects using File>New>Other>Examples>Sirius Examples:

    • Basic Family Metamodel Definition (If you cannot see the Sirius Examples, you will need to install the samples feature from here)
  2. Import the org.eclipse.epsilon.examples.picto.sirius plug-in project from the Epsilon repository.

  3. Launch a new runtime instance of Eclipse.

  4. In the new runtime instance, import the following projects using File>New>Other>Examples>Sirius Examples:

    • Advanced Tutorial Solution
    • Basic Family Sample Model projects
  5. Open the Picto view (Window>Show View>Other>Picto)

  6. In the basicfamily.sample project, create a new Persons diagram on the Family element.

E.g. open the representations.aird file and do the following:

Picto Sirius Visulisation

Picto Sirius Visulisation

And click Finish

When opened you should see charts showing the number of males and females in the family

Picto Sirius Visualisation

  1. Now create a new Relationships diagram on Elias

Picto Sirius Visualisation

You should now see charts showing the number of male and female children of Elias

Picto Sirius Visualisation

Modifying the Example

The org.eclipse.epsilon.examples.picto.sirius plug-in uses the pictoSource extension point and the BasicFamilyPictoSource class to allow Picto to obtain model elements and auto-refresh on save of the Sirius editor. This uses part of the Sirius API to get the root element of the diagram

	protected EObject getRootOfDiagram(IEditorPart editorPart) {
		if (isSiriusEditor(editorPart)) {
			DDiagramEditor editor = (DDiagramEditor) editorPart;
			DSemanticDiagramImpl diagram = (DSemanticDiagramImpl) editor.getRepresentation();
			return diagram.getTarget();
		return null;
	protected boolean isSiriusEditor(IEditorPart editorPart) {
		return editorPart instanceof DDiagramEditor;

The basicfamily.egx file (located in the resources directory of the org.eclipse.epsilon.examples.picto.sirius plug-in) coordinates the generation of the Picto views.

The model2bar.egl and model2pie.egl files generates the respective bar and pie chart views using the ChartJS framework.

See this page to learn more about Picto