| @namespace(uri="comps", prefix="comps") |
| @constraints(file="comps.evl") |
| package comps; |
| |
| @GenModel(documentation="Abstract class for named elements") |
| abstract class NamedElement {
| attr String name;
| } |
| |
| @GenModel(documentation="Root entity that contains components, connectors and ports") |
| class Model extends NamedElement {
| val Component[*] components; |
| val Connector[*] connectors; |
| val Type[*] types;
| } |
| |
| @GenModel(documentation="Components are behavioural blocks that communicate through input and output ports") |
| class Component extends NamedElement { |
| val Port[*] inPorts; |
| val Port[*] outPorts; |
| attr String action; |
| val Component[*]#parent children; |
| ref Component#children parent; |
| val Documentation#component documentation; |
| } |
| |
| @GenModel(documentation="Free-text documentation for a component") |
| class Documentation {
| attr String text; |
| ref Component#documentation component;
| } |
| |
| @GenModel(documentation="Ports are used to model the input and output of components") |
| class Port extends NamedElement { |
| ref Type type; |
| ref Connector[*]#to incoming; |
| ref Connector[*]#from outgoing; |
| } |
| |
| @GenModel(documentation="Connectors connect ports of components") |
| class Connector { |
| ref Port#outgoing from; |
| ref Port#incoming to; |
| } |
| |
| @GenModel(documentation="Types of ports. The name should be a valid type name in the target programming language.") |
| class Type extends NamedElement { |
| |
| } |