blob: 3468575e13106b65d976b6399a1951024f973405 [file] [log] [blame]
\subsection{Pattern Matching Task}
The \emph{epsilon.epl} task executes an EPL module, defined using the \emph{src} attribute to perform pattern matching on the models that are specified using the \emph{model} nested elements. In addition to the attributes defined by the ExecutableModuleTask, this task also provides the following attributes.
\item \emph{repeatWhileMatches}: A boolean specifying whether the pattern matching process should continue to execute for as long as matches are found.
\item \emph{maxLoops}: An integer specifying the maximum number of pattern matching iterations.
\item \emph{exportAs}: The name under which the computed pattern match model should be made available to other Epsilon tasks of the workflow.