blob: 6dafa96afc76e5bd622de0b8612ed6450b0a3366 [file] [log] [blame]
// This script implements Dijkstra"s shortest
// path algorighm
var s : Node;
s =|n.label = "a").first();
for (n in Node.allInstances) {
n.~distance = 10000;
s.~distance = 0;
var Q : Sequence(Node);
Q = Node.allInstances.clone();
while (not Q.isEmpty()) {
var u : Node;
u = Q.extractMin();
for (e in u.outgoing) {
var v : Node;
v =;
if (u.~distance + e.weight < v.~distance) {
v.~distance = u.~distance + e.weight;
v.~previous = u;
// Print distances and paths
for (n in Node.allInstances){
("Distance of " + n.label + " from " + s.label + " : " +
n.~distance + " via " + n.getPath()).println();
operation Sequence(Node) extractMin() : Node {
var min : Node;
min =|self.forAll(
n1|n.~distance <= n1.~distance)).first();
return min;
operation Node getPath() : String {
if (self.~previous.isDefined()) {
return self.~previous.getPath() + "->" + self.label;
return self.label;