blob: 2144e96cb55e8402eca73c52e86581684a128aed [file] [log] [blame]
author = {Florian Heidenreich and Jendrik Johannes and Mirko Seifert
and Christian Wende},
title = {{JaMoPP: The Java Model Parser and Printer}},
institution = {Technische Universität Dresden, Fakult\"at Informatik},
year = {2009},
OPTkey = {},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {TUD-FI09-10},
OPTaddress = {},
OPTmonth = {},
note = {\url{}},
OPTannote = {}
address = {Boston, MA},
author = {Erich Gamma and Richard Helm and Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides},
howpublished = {Hardcover},
interHash = {d46ec5e2c98583730aa182ceb4a3ab22},
intraHash = {b074c2848d5c64657278632da5ecbd08},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
title = {{Design Patterns}},
url = {},
year = 1995,
id = 115158,
priority = 0,
isbn = 0201633612
citeulike-article-id = 3978981,
day = 28,
author = {David Steinberg and Frank Budinsky and Marcelo Paternostro and Ed Merks},
edition = {2nd Revised edition (REV).},
howpublished = {Taschenbuch},
isbn = 0321331885,
keywords = {2008, 2c, emf, modelling},
month = {January},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman, Amsterdam},
title = {{EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition) (Eclipse)}},
url = {},
year = 2009
author = {Ivan Kurtev and Jean Bézivin and Mehmet Aksit},
title = {Technological spaces: An initial appraisal},
booktitle = {CoopIS, DOA'2002 Federated Conferences, Industrial track},
year = {2002}
author = {{OMG}},
publisher = {Object Management Group},
series = {OMG Available Specification},
title = {{MOF 2.0 / XMI Mapping Specification, v2.1.1}},
url = {},
year = {2007}
author = {Tassilo Horn and J\"urgen Ebert},
title = {{The GReTL Transformation Language}},
institution = {University Koblenz-Landau, Institute for Software Technology},
year = 2011,
note = {to appear, draft at \url{}}
author={Edgar Jakumeit and Sebastian Buchwald and Moritz Kroll},
journal={International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer