blob: d91ce78ea81e0f12014427466b2f5cde1d7def1a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.equinox.bidi.internal.tests;
import org.eclipse.equinox.bidi.*;
* Tests most public methods of BidiComplexHelper
public class BidiComplexMethodsTest extends BidiComplexTestBase {
final static int LTR = BidiComplexFeatures.DIR_LTR;
final static int RTL = BidiComplexFeatures.DIR_RTL;
final static BidiComplexEnvironment envLTR = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, false, BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_LTR);
final static BidiComplexEnvironment envRTL = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, false, BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_RTL);
final static BidiComplexEnvironment envRTLMIR = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, true, BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_RTL);
final static BidiComplexEnvironment envIGN = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, false, BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_IGNORE);
final static BidiComplexEnvironment envCLR = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, false, BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_CONTEXTUAL_LTR);
final static BidiComplexEnvironment envCRL = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, false, BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_CONTEXTUAL_RTL);
final static BidiComplexEnvironment envERR = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, false, 9999);
BidiComplexHelper helper;
private void doTestTools() {
// This method tests utility methods used by the JUnits
String data = "56789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~#@&><^|`";
String text = toUT16(data);
String dat2 = toPseudo(text);
assertEquals(data, dat2);
text = toPseudo(data);
assertEquals("56789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~#@&><^|`", text);
int[] arrayA = new int[] {1, 2};
int[] arrayB = new int[] {3, 4, 5};
assertFalse(arrays_equal(arrayA, arrayB));
assertTrue(arrays_equal(arrayA, arrayA));
arrayB = new int[] {3, 4};
assertFalse(arrays_equal(arrayA, arrayB));
text = array_display(null);
assertEquals("null", text);
private void doTestState() {
String data, lean, full, model;
int state;
data = "A=B+C;/* D=E+F;";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "A@=B@+C@;/* D=E+F;";
assertEquals("full1", model, toPseudo(full));
state = helper.getFinalState();
data = "A=B+C; D=E+F;";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean, state);
model = "A=B+C; D=E+F;";
assertEquals("full2", model, toPseudo(full));
state = helper.getFinalState();
data = "A=B+C;*/ D=E+F;";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean, state);
model = "A=B+C;*/@ D@=E@+F;";
assertEquals("full3", model, toPseudo(full));
private void doTestOrientation() {
int orient;
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.COMMA_DELIMITED);
orient = helper.getEnvironment().orientation;
assertEquals("orient #1", BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_LTR, orient);
orient = helper.getEnvironment().orientation;
assertEquals("orient #2", BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_IGNORE, orient);
orient = helper.getEnvironment().orientation;
assertEquals("orient #3", BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_CONTEXTUAL_RTL, orient);
orient = helper.getEnvironment().orientation;
assertEquals("orient #4", BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_UNKNOWN, orient);
private void doTestOrient(BidiComplexFeatures f, String label, String data, String resLTR, String resRTL, String resCon) {
String full, lean;
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
assertEquals(label + "LTR full", resLTR, toPseudo(full));
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
assertEquals("label + RTL full", resRTL, toPseudo(full));
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
assertEquals(label + "CON full", resCon, toPseudo(full));
private void doTestScripts() {
BidiComplexFeatures f2, f1 = helper.getFeatures();
boolean flag;
flag = f1.ignoreArabic;
assertFalse("Ignores Arabic 1", flag);
flag = f1.ignoreHebrew;
assertFalse("Ignores Hebrew 1", flag);
f2 = new BidiComplexFeatures(f1.operators, 0, -1, -1, true, true);
flag = f2.ignoreArabic;
assertTrue("Ignores Arabic 2", flag);
flag = f2.ignoreHebrew;
assertTrue("Ignores Hebrew 2", flag);
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #1 ", "BCD,EF", "BCD,EF", ">@BCD,EF@^", "@BCD,EF");
f2 = new BidiComplexFeatures(f1.operators, 0, -1, -1, false, true);
flag = f2.ignoreArabic;
assertFalse("Ignores Arabic 3", flag);
flag = f2.ignoreHebrew;
assertTrue("Ignores Hebrew 3", flag);
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #2 ", "d,EF", "d,EF", ">@d,EF@^", "d,EF");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #3 ", "#,eF", "#,eF", ">@#,eF@^", "@#,eF");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #4 ", "#,12", "#@,12", ">@#@,12@^", "@#@,12");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #5 ", "#,##", "#@,##", ">@#@,##@^", "@#@,##");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #6 ", "#,89", "#@,89", ">@#@,89@^", "@#@,89");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #7 ", "#,ef", "#,ef", ">@#,ef@^", "@#,ef");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #8 ", "#,", "#,", ">@#,@^", "@#,");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #9 ", "9,ef", "9,ef", ">@9,ef@^", "9,ef");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #10 ", "9,##", "9@,##", ">@9@,##@^", "9@,##");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #11 ", "7,89", "7@,89", ">@7@,89@^", "7@,89");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #12 ", "7,EF", "7,EF", ">@7,EF@^", "@7,EF");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #13 ", "BCD,EF", "BCD,EF", ">@BCD,EF@^", "@BCD,EF");
f2 = new BidiComplexFeatures(f1.operators, 0, -1, -1, true, false);
flag = f2.ignoreArabic;
assertTrue("Ignores Arabic 4", flag);
flag = f2.ignoreHebrew;
assertFalse("Ignores Hebrew 4", flag);
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #14 ", "BCd,EF", "BCd,EF", ">@BCd,EF@^", "@BCd,EF");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #15 ", "BCD,eF", "BCD,eF", ">@BCD,eF@^", "@BCD,eF");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #16 ", "BCD,EF", "BCD@,EF", ">@BCD@,EF@^", "@BCD@,EF");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #17 ", "BCD,12", "BCD@,12", ">@BCD@,12@^", "@BCD@,12");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #18 ", "BCD,", "BCD,", ">@BCD,@^", "@BCD,");
f2 = new BidiComplexFeatures(f1.operators, 0, -1, -1, false, false);
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #19 ", "123,45|67", "123,45|67", ">@123,45|67@^", "@123,45|67");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #20 ", "5,e", "5,e", ">@5,e@^", "5,e");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #21 ", "5,#", "5@,#", ">@5@,#@^", "5@,#");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #22 ", "5,6", "5@,6", ">@5@,6@^", "5@,6");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #23 ", "5,D", "5@,D", ">@5@,D@^", "5@,D");
doTestOrient(f2, "Scripts #24 ", "5,--", "5,--", ">@5,--@^", "@5,--");
private void doTestLeanOffsets() {
String lean, data, label;
int state;
int[] offsets;
int[] model;
data = "A=B+C;/* D=E+F;";
lean = toUT16(data);
offsets = helper.leanBidiCharOffsets();
model = new int[] {1, 3, 5};
label = "leanBidiCharOffsets() #1 expected=" + array_display(model) + " result=" + array_display(offsets);
assertTrue(label, arrays_equal(model, offsets));
state = helper.getFinalState();
data = "A=B+C;*/ D=E+F;";
lean = toUT16(data);
helper.leanToFullText(lean, state);
offsets = helper.leanBidiCharOffsets();
model = new int[] {8, 10, 12};
label = "leanBidiCharOffsets() #2 expected=" + array_display(model) + " result=" + array_display(offsets);
assertTrue(label, arrays_equal(model, offsets));
offsets = helper.leanBidiCharOffsets();
model = new int[] {8, 10, 12};
label = "leanBidiCharOffsets() #3 expected=" + array_display(model) + " result=" + array_display(offsets);
assertTrue(label, arrays_equal(model, offsets));
private void doTestFullOffsets(String label, String data, int[] resLTR, int[] resRTL, int[] resCon) {
String full, lean, msg;
int[] offsets;
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
// the following line avoids a compiler warning about full never being
// read
full += "";
offsets = helper.fullBidiCharOffsets();
msg = label + "LTR expected=" + array_display(resLTR) + " result=" + array_display(offsets);
assertTrue(msg, arrays_equal(resLTR, offsets));
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
offsets = helper.fullBidiCharOffsets();
msg = label + "RTL expected=" + array_display(resRTL) + " result=" + array_display(offsets);
assertTrue(msg, arrays_equal(resRTL, offsets));
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
offsets = helper.fullBidiCharOffsets();
msg = label + "CON expected=" + array_display(resCon) + " result=" + array_display(offsets);
assertTrue(msg, arrays_equal(resCon, offsets));
private void doTestMirrored() {
boolean mirrored;
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.COMMA_DELIMITED);
mirrored = helper.getEnvironment().mirrored;
assertFalse("mirrored #1", mirrored);
BidiComplexEnvironment env = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, true, BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_LTR);
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.COMMA_DELIMITED, env);
mirrored = helper.getEnvironment().mirrored;
assertTrue("mirrored #2", mirrored);
private void doTestDirection() {
String data, lean, full, model, msg;
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.COMMA_DELIMITED);
BidiComplexFeatures f1 = helper.getFeatures();
msg = "TestDirection #1";
assertTrue(msg, f1.dirArabic == LTR && f1.dirHebrew == LTR);
BidiComplexFeatures f2 = new BidiComplexFeatures(f1.operators, 0, RTL, RTL, false, false);
f1 = helper.getFeatures();
msg = "TestDirection #2";
assertTrue(msg, f1.dirArabic == RTL && f1.dirHebrew == RTL);
BidiComplexEnvironment environment = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, false, BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_LTR);
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.EMAIL, environment);
f1 = helper.getFeatures();
msg = "TestDirection #3";
assertTrue(msg, f1.dirArabic == LTR && f1.dirHebrew == LTR);
data = "";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "";
assertEquals("TestDirection #9 full", model, toPseudo(full));
data = "";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "";
assertEquals("TestDirection #10 full", model, toPseudo(full));
environment = new BidiComplexEnvironment(null, true, BidiComplexEnvironment.ORIENT_LTR);
f1 = helper.getFeatures();
msg = "TestDirection #10.5";
assertTrue(msg, f1.dirArabic == RTL && f1.dirHebrew == LTR);
data = "";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "<&^";
assertEquals("TestDirection #11 full", model, toPseudo(full));
data = "#ABc.#DEF:HOSt.COM";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "<&#ABc.#DEF:HOSt.COM&^";
assertEquals("TestDirection #12 full", model, toPseudo(full));
data = "#ABc.#DEF:HOSt.";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "<&#ABc.#DEF:HOSt.&^";
assertEquals("TestDirection #13 full", model, toPseudo(full));
data = "";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "";
assertEquals("TestDirection #14 full", model, toPseudo(full));
data = "--.---:----";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "--.---:----";
assertEquals("TestDirection #15 full", model, toPseudo(full));
data = "ABC.|";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "ABC.|";
assertEquals("TestDirection #16 full", model, toPseudo(full));
data = "#ABc.|";
lean = toUT16(data);
full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
model = "#ABc.|";
assertEquals("TestDirection #17 full", model, toPseudo(full));
assertEquals("Test curDirection", RTL, helper.getCurDirection());
public void testMethods() {
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.JAVA);
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.COMMA_DELIMITED);
BidiComplexFeatures f2 = helper.getFeatures();
doTestOrient(f2, "Methods #1 ", "", "", "", "");
doTestOrient(f2, "Methods #2 ", "abc", "abc", ">@abc@^", "abc");
doTestOrient(f2, "Methods #3 ", "ABC", "ABC", ">@ABC@^", "@ABC");
doTestOrient(f2, "Methods #4 ", "bcd,ef", "bcd,ef", ">@bcd,ef@^", "bcd,ef");
doTestOrient(f2, "Methods #5 ", "BCD,EF", "BCD@,EF", ">@BCD@,EF@^", "@BCD@,EF");
doTestOrient(f2, "Methods #6 ", "cde,FG", "cde,FG", ">@cde,FG@^", "cde,FG");
doTestOrient(f2, "Methods #7 ", "CDE,fg", "CDE,fg", ">@CDE,fg@^", "@CDE,fg");
doTestOrient(f2, "Methods #8 ", "12..def,GH", "12..def,GH", ">@12..def,GH@^", "12..def,GH");
doTestOrient(f2, "Methods #9 ", "34..DEF,gh", "34..DEF,gh", ">@34..DEF,gh@^", "@34..DEF,gh");
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.JAVA);
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.COMMA_DELIMITED);
doTestFullOffsets("TestFullOffsets ", "BCD,EF,G", new int[] {3, 7}, new int[] {0, 1, 5, 9, 12, 13}, new int[] {0, 4, 8});
helper = new BidiComplexHelper(IBidiComplexExpressionTypes.COMMA_DELIMITED);
String data = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z";
String lean = toUT16(data);
String full = helper.leanToFullText(lean);
String model = "A@,B@,C@,D@,E@,F@,G@,H@,I@,J@,K@,L@,M@,N@,O@,P@,Q@,R@,S@,T@,U@,V@,W@,X@,Y@,Z";
assertEquals("many inserts", model, toPseudo(full));