tree: 365737a3895187fcdeff6a85989da92a897b976c [path history] [tgz]
  1. .settings/
  2. eclipse-help/
  3. featuremodel/
  4. META-INF/
  5. online-doc/
  6. src/
  7. targets/
  8. .classpath
  9. .gitignore
  10. .project
  12. make-doc.launch
  13. make-doc.xml
  14. plugin.xml
  15. project_structure.svg
  17. run_online-doc.xml
  18. run_online-doc.xml.launch

eTrice documentation + help


  • Featurizer (Download from Bitbucket and install)
  • Stagen (Download .jar from Bitbucket and put it to folder /xternalLibs, **Java 8 **)
  • saxon9he.jar (in folder /xternalLibs)

Project Structure

commented screenshot


Feature model, including

  • Keyword hover
  • Eclipse context help
  • Feature Reference documentation part (

Online Help Site

Eclipse Help

HowTo Edit

To update/publish everything run make.xml. Logs can be found in folder /tmp. Prerequisite: Make at least a dummy change in featuremodel/etrice.featurizer to force code generation to folder /feature-gen.


All artifacts are automatically generated to folder /feature-gen on change. make.xml copies them to the final location:

  • to folder /online-doc/content
  • else to folder /targets


To build the documentation there are two use cases:

  • incremental build during editing of the *.md sources. To do so run-online-doc has to be executed. It starts a background process which never terminates (when finished kill the Java process using the Windows Task Manager)
  • one time build e.g. after pulling the repo. To do so launch make-doc

Note: In both cases the featurizer should have generated so that its generated code in folder “feature-gen” is available. To force a re-generation open a *.featurizer file, make a change and save.

Online Help Site

The documentation content resides in folder /content (exception is copied there). The output folder for the complete generated site is /online-doc/target. Run Ant script run_online-doc.xml to start Stagen.


A static site generator, readme can be found in the repository. A modified version is used, that supports

  • xtext syntax highlighting
  • toc generation
  • markdown within tables (every table cell is generated isolated)

Eclipse Help

Basically derived from Online Help Site by the means of copying and generating, but with different layout.