blob: d70c63a1ecd8777d5cc1cf20dc3598986f4df0b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2010 VMware Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Apache License v2.0
* is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* VMware Inc.
import java.util.Dictionary;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.util.OsgiBundleUtils;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
* IO tests related to fragments.
* @author Costin Leau
public class FragmentIoTests extends BaseIoTest {
public void testFileWithTheSameNameInOwningBundleAndAttachedFragment() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/" + PACKAGE + "duplicate.file");
assertTrue("file with the same name available in bundles are ignored", fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testFileWithTheSameNameInOwningBundleAndAttachedFragmentWithMatchingAtFileLevel() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/" + PACKAGE + "dupli*.file");
assertTrue("file with the same name available in bundles are ignored", fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testFileWithTheSameNameInOwningBundleAndAttachedFragmentWithMatchingAtFileLevelOn1Char()
throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/" + PACKAGE + "duplic?te.file");
assertTrue("file with the same name available in bundles are ignored", fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testFileWithTheSameNameInOwningBundleAndAttachedFragmentWithMatchingAtFolderLevel() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/org/eclipse/gemini/**/*.file");
assertTrue("file with the same name available in bundles are ignored", fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testFileLevelWildCardMatchingIncludingFragmentResources() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/" + PACKAGE + "*.file");
// 1 in each attached bundle
assertTrue(fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testFileLevelMatchingJustFragments() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/fragment*.file");
// we have at least one duplicates in two bundles
assertTrue(fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testFileOnlyInOneFragment() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/fragment1.file");
assertEquals(1, fragmentResource.length);
public void testFileOnlyInAnotherFragment() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/fragment2.file");
assertEquals(1, fragmentResource.length);
public void testFileWithTheSameNameOnlyInAttachedFragmentsOnly() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/" + PACKAGE + "fragment-duplicate.file");
// should find at least 2
assertTrue("files with the same name available in attached fragments are ignored", fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testFileWithTheSameNameOnlyInAttachedFragmentsOnlyWithMatchingAtFileLevel() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/" + PACKAGE + "fragment-dupli*.file");
// should find at least 2
assertTrue("files with the same name available in attached fragments are ignored", fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testFileWithTheSameNameOnlyInAttachedFragmentsOnlyWithMatchingAtFileLevelOnOneChar() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/" + PACKAGE + "fragment-duplic?t?.file");
// should find at least 2
assertTrue("files with the same name available in attached fragments are ignored", fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testFileWithTheSameNameOnlyInAttachedFragmentsOnlyWithMatchingAtFolderLevel() throws Exception {
Resource[] fragmentResource =
// should find at least 2
assertTrue("files with the same name available in attached fragments are ignored", fragmentResource.length > 1);
public void testGetRootInBundleAndFragments() throws Exception {
Resource[] res = patternLoader.getResources("/");
assertTrue(res.length > 1);
res = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/");
assertTrue("found only " + ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(res), res.length > 1);
public void testFileLevelWildcardMatching() throws Exception {
// find res files
Resource[] res = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/" + PACKAGE + "*.res");
assertEquals("found only " + ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(res), 2, res.length);
public void testFileLevelPatternMatching() throws Exception {
// find just this class
Resource[] res = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/" + PACKAGE + "IoTe*.class");
// should find only 1
assertEquals("found only " + ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(res), 1, res.length);
public void testFileLevelCharPatternMatchingForOneChar() throws Exception {
Resource[] res = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:" + PACKAGE + "IoTe*ts.class");
// should find only 1
assertEquals("found only " + ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(res), 1, res.length);
public void testFileLevelCharMatching() throws Exception {
Resource[] res = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:" + PACKAGE + "IoTe?ts.class");
// should find only 1
assertEquals("found only " + ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(res), 1, res.length);
public void testFileLevelDoubleCharMatching() throws Exception {
Resource[] res = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:" + PACKAGE + "IoTe??s.class");
// should find only 1
assertEquals("found only " + ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(res), 1, res.length);
public void testFolderLevelWildcardMatching() throws Exception {
// find all classes
Resource[] res = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:/**/io/*.class");
assertTrue("found only " + ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(res), res.length > 3);
public void testNoPrefixMeansBundlePrefixOnClasses() throws Exception {
Resource[] wPrefix = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:**/*.class");
Resource[] woPrefix = patternLoader.getResources("**/*.class");
assertTrue(ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(wPrefix, woPrefix));
public void testNoPrefixMeansBundlePrefixOnFiles() throws Exception {
Resource[] wPrefix = patternLoader.getResources("osgibundle:**/*.res");
Resource[] woPrefix = patternLoader.getResources("**/*.res");
assertTrue(ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(wPrefix, woPrefix));
public void testClassPathFileLevelMatching() throws Exception {
// find this classe
Resource[] res = patternLoader.getResources("classpath:/" + PACKAGE + "FragmentIoTests.class");
assertEquals(1, res.length);
public void testFragmentAndHostHeaderMerging() throws Exception {
Dictionary hostHeaders = bundle.getHeaders();
public void testFragment1Headers() throws Exception {
Bundle fragment1 =
OsgiBundleUtils.findBundleBySymbolicName(bundleContext, "");
Dictionary fragment1Headers = fragment1.getHeaders();
public void testFragment2Headers() throws Exception {
Bundle fragment1 =
OsgiBundleUtils.findBundleBySymbolicName(bundleContext, "");
Dictionary fragment1Headers = fragment1.getHeaders();