blob: b54eb60230464d081b604cc8787b8b6b7b98f6e2 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Note: When updating the version, ensure it is a valid OSGi version -->
<name>Gemini Blueprint</name>
Eclipse Gemini Blueprint project makes it easy to build Java applications that run in an OSGi framework. By
using Gemini Blueprint, applications benefit from using a
better separation of modules, the ability to dynamically add, remove, and update modules in a running system,
the ability to deploy multiple versions of a module
simultaneously (and have clients automatically bind to the appropriate one), and a dynamic service model.
<!-- Source file encoding -->
<!-- Spring version -->
<!-- other properties -->
<!-- compiled against osgi Revision -->
<!-- platform versions -->
<!-- equinox - repackaged in ${basedir}/lib/equinox -->
<!-- Knopflerfish -->
<!-- Felix 4.4.x supports OSGi R5 -->
<!-- javadoc configuration -->
<!-- security options for integration testing -->
<!-- bundlor settings -->
<!-- common version ranges -->
<!-- ============================================= -->
<!-- Basic configuration: JIRA, SCM, CI, devs etc. -->
<!-- ============================================= -->
<name>Adrian Colyer</name>
<email>adrian.colyer at</email>
<organization>SpringSource, division of VMware</organization>
<name>Hal Hildebrand</name>
<email>hal.hildebrand at</email>
<name>Costin Leau</name>
<email>costin.leau at</email>
<organization>SpringSource, division of VMware</organization>
<role>Project Admin</role>
<name>Andy Piper</name>
<email>andy at</email>
<name>Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0</name>
<name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
<!-- =================================================== -->
<!-- Project Modules, Dependencies, Plugins and Profiles -->
<!-- =================================================== -->
<!-- modules for Spring-OSGi -->
<!-- Gemini Blueprint -->
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- shared dependencies across modules -->
<!-- junit -->
<!-- commons-logging in slf4j wrapper -->
<!-- force surefire to use new junit 4.7+ runner, it would normally auto detect this -->
<!-- but since we're not using the official junit dependency it is unable to do so.-->
<!-- - this makes things like @Ignore work. -->
<title>OSGi Blueprint Service</title>
<title>Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Core</title>
<title>Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Extender</title>
<title>Eclipse Gemini Blueprint IO</title>
<title>Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Integration Testing Framework</title>
<title>Eclipse Gemini Blueprint Mock</title>
<Bundle-Vendor>Eclipse Foundation</Bundle-Vendor>
<Implementation-Title>Eclipse Gemini Blueprint</Implementation-Title>
<Implementation-Vendor>Eclipse Foundation</Implementation-Vendor>
<!-- clover plug-in -->
<!-- saving history is problematic since each module would override
the previous unless a different folder is used for the root
<!-- exclusions -->
<!-- integration tests -->
<!-- addressed in 1.2 -->
<!-- =============== -->
<!-- Javadocs -->
<!-- =============== -->
<!-- ============== -->
<!-- FindBugs -->
<!-- ============== -->
<!-- =========== -->
<!-- PMD -->
<!-- =========== -->
<!-- ============== -->
<!-- jDepend -->
<!-- ============== -->
<!-- that's the default value, you don't have to set it -->
<!-- that's the default value -->
<dateFormat>dd.MM.yyyy '@' HH:mm:ss z</dateFormat>
<!-- true is default here, it prints some more information during the build -->
If you'd like to tell the plugin where your .git directory is,
use this setting, otherwise we'll perform a search trying to
figure out the right directory. It's better to add it explicit IMHO.
If you want to keep git information, even in your WAR file etc,
use this mode, which will generate a properties file (with filled out values)
which you can then normally read using new Properties().load(/**/)
this is true by default; You may want to set this to false, if the plugin should run inside a
<packaging>pom</packaging> project. Most projects won't need to override this property.
For an use-case for this kind of behaviour see:
<!-- this is false by default, forces the plugin to generate the file -->
<!-- The path for the to be generated properties file, it's relative to ${project.basedir} -->
<!-- true by default, controls whether the plugin will fail when no .git directory is found, when set to false the plugin will just skip execution -->
<!-- @since 2.0.4 -->
<!-- @since 2.1.0 -->
read up about git-describe on the in man, or it's homepage - it's a really powerful versioning helper
and the recommended way to use git-commit-id-plugin. The configuration bellow is optional,
by default describe will run "just like git-describe on the command line", even though it's a JGit reimplementation.
<!-- don't generate the describe property -->
if no tag was found "near" this commit, just print the commit's id instead,
helpful when you always expect this field to be not-empty
how many chars should be displayed as the commit object id?
7 is git's default,
0 has a special meaning (see end of this,
and 40 is the maximum value here
<!-- when the build is triggered while the repo is in "dirty state", append this suffix -->
always print using the "tag-commits_from_tag-g_commit_id-maybe_dirty" format, even if "on" a tag.
The distance will always be 0 if you're "on" the tag.
<!-- profiles for equinox, knopflerfish, and felix -->
<!-- to use these profiles invoke maven with -Pprofile-name, e.g. -->
<!-- mvn -Pfelix test -->
<!-- integration testing profile -->
<!-- Java 2 security enabled profile -->
<!-- clover profile -->
<!-- ======================================= -->
<!-- Website and reporting -->
<!-- ======================================= -->
<!-- ================================================ -->
<!-- Repository Configuration -->
<!-- ================================================ -->
<name>maven repo</name>
<name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Bundle Releases</name>
<name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Bundle Milestones</name>
<name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Bundle Snapshots</name>
<name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - External Bundle Release</name>
<name>Eclipse Virgo Build</name>
<name>maven repo</name>
<name>knopflerfish repo</name>
<name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Bundle Releases</name>
<name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - External Bundle Release</name>
<name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Bundle Milestones</name>
<name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - Snapshots</name>
<name>Spring Portfolio Release Repository</name>
<name>Spring Portfolio External Repository</name>
<name>Spring Portfolio Milestone Repository</name>
<name>Spring External Dependencies Repository</name>
<!-- used when building against Spring snapshots -->
<name>Spring Portfolio Milestone Repository</name>
<name>Official Knopflerfish Repository</name>
<!--todo: is this still needed -->
<name>i21 osgi artifacts repo</name>
<name>Eclipse Virgo Build</name>