add vdma-ias skills example

Signed-off-by: kdorofeev <>
diff --git a/skills/.project b/skills/.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b2197f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/.project
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+	<name>Skills</name>
+	<comment></comment>
+	<projects>
+	</projects>
+	<buildSpec>
+	</buildSpec>
+	<natures>
+		<nature>org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.systemmanagement.FordiacNature</nature>
+	</natures>
diff --git a/skills/Skills.sys b/skills/Skills.sys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f84d3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/Skills.sys
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE System SYSTEM "">
+<System Comment="" Name="Skills">
+  <Identification/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="dorofeev" Date="2019-10-15" Version="1.0"/>
+  <Application Comment="" Name="SkillsApp">
+    <SubAppNetwork>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill_Full" Type="IAS_Skill_Full" x="2600.0" y="200.0"/>
+      <SubApp Comment="" Name="QX_sim" Type="QX_sim" x="4570.0" y="390.0">
+        <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+      </SubApp>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="E_SR" Type="E_SR" x="4100.0" y="600.0"/>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="E_SWITCH" Type="E_SWITCH" x="1900.0" y="500.0"/>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill_Full_1" Type="IAS_Skill_Full" x="2600.0" y="1700.0"/>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="E_SR_1" Type="E_SR" x="4100.0" y="2100.0"/>
+      <SubApp Comment="" Name="QX_sim_1" Type="QX_sim" x="4570.0" y="1890.0">
+        <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+      </SubApp>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="E_SWITCH_1" Type="E_SWITCH" x="1900.0" y="2000.0"/>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill_Full_2" Type="IAS_Skill_Full" x="2600.0" y="3200.0"/>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="E_SR_2" Type="E_SR" x="4100.0" y="3600.0"/>
+      <SubApp Comment="" Name="QX_sim_2" Type="QX_sim" x="4570.0" y="3390.0">
+        <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+      </SubApp>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="E_SWITCH_2" Type="E_SWITCH" x="1900.0" y="3500.0"/>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="E_TimeOut" Type="E_TimeOut" x="-100.0" y="2500.0"/>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="OrchestratorExample" Type="OrchestratorExample" x="-1600.0" y="1400.0"/>
+      <SubApp Comment="" Name="SServer_3" Type="SServer" x="-2900.0" y="1400.0">
+        <Parameter Name="skillName" Value="blinkingLight"/>
+      </SubApp>
+      <EventConnections>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR.S" Source="IAS_Skill_Full.start"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR.R" Source="IAS_Skill_Full.stop"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim.REQ" Source="E_SR.EO" dx1="85.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH.EI" Source="QX_sim.CNF" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-540.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full.StopEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH.EO0" dx1="110.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full.StartEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH.EO1" dx1="110.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR_1.S" Source="IAS_Skill_Full_1.start"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_1.StopEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH_1.EO0" dx1="110.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR_1.R" Source="IAS_Skill_Full_1.stop"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_1.StartEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH_1.EO1" dx1="110.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH_1.EI" Source="QX_sim_1.CNF" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-540.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim_1.REQ" Source="E_SR_1.EO" dx1="85.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR_2.S" Source="IAS_Skill_Full_2.start"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_2.StopEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH_2.EO0" dx1="110.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR_2.R" Source="IAS_Skill_Full_2.stop"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_2.StartEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH_2.EO1" dx1="110.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH_2.EI" Source="QX_sim_2.CNF" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-540.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim_2.REQ" Source="E_SR_2.EO" dx1="85.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="OrchestratorExample.INIT" Source="SServer_3.INITO"/>
+      </EventConnections>
+      <DataConnections>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim.OUT" Source="E_SR.Q" dx1="85.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH.G" Source="QX_sim.QO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="660.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim_1.OUT" Source="E_SR_1.Q" dx1="85.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH_1.G" Source="QX_sim_1.QO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="660.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim_2.OUT" Source="E_SR_2.Q" dx1="85.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH_2.G" Source="QX_sim_2.QO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="660.0"/>
+      </DataConnections>
+      <AdapterConnections>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TimeOut.TimeOutSocket" Source="OrchestratorExample.ATimeOut" dx1="280.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="OrchestratorExample.blinkingLight" Source="SServer_3.IAS_Skill"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full.IAS_Skill" Source="OrchestratorExample.Lamp1" dx1="1520.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_1.IAS_Skill" Source="OrchestratorExample.Lamp2" dx1="1735.0"/>
+        <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_2.IAS_Skill" Source="OrchestratorExample.Lamp3" dx1="1520.0"/>
+      </AdapterConnections>
+    </SubAppNetwork>
+  </Application>
+  <Application Comment="" Name="test">
+    <SubAppNetwork>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="PUBLISH_1" Type="PUBLISH_1" x="3440.0" y="1885.0">
+        <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+        <Parameter Name="ID" Value="opc_ua[WRITE;/Objects/IsolatedTests/WRITEVariable]"/>
+      </FB>
+      <FB Comment="" Name="DINT2DINT_1" Type="DINT2DINT" x="2155.0" y="2625.0">
+        <Parameter Name="IN" Value="DINT#12"/>
+      </FB>
+    </SubAppNetwork>
+  </Application>
+  <Device Comment="" Name="skillConsumer" Type="FORTE_PC" x="1855.0" y="1360.0">
+    <Parameter Name="MGR_ID" Value="&quot;localhost:61499&quot;"/>
+    <Attribute Comment="device profile" Name="Profile" Type="STRING" Value="HOLOBLOC"/>
+    <Attribute Comment="color" Name="Color" Type="STRING" Value="201,144,38"/>
+    <Resource Comment="" Name="EMB_RES" Type="EMB_RES" x="0.0" y="0.0">
+      <FBNetwork>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="E_TimeOut" Type="E_TimeOut" x="300.0" y="2500.0"/>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="OrchestratorExample" Type="OrchestratorExample" x="-1600.0" y="1400.0"/>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="SServer_3" Type="SServer" x="-2900.0" y="1600.0">
+          <Parameter Name="skillName" Value="blinkingLight"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="SClient_2_1" Type="SClient" x="2600.0" y="2400.0">
+          <Parameter Name="remoteIPandPort" Value="localhost:4843"/>
+          <Parameter Name="IAS_Namespace" Value="STRING#4"/>
+          <Parameter Name="skillStateMachineNodeBrowsePath" Value="STRING#4:skills/4:Lamp3/4:StateMachine/"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="SClient_3" Type="SClient" x="2600.0" y="600.0">
+          <Parameter Name="remoteIPandPort" Value="localhost:4841"/>
+          <Parameter Name="IAS_Namespace" Value="STRING#4"/>
+          <Parameter Name="skillStateMachineNodeBrowsePath" Value="STRING#4:skills/4:Lamp1/4:StateMachine/"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="SClient_1_1" Type="SClient" x="2600.0" y="1500.0">
+          <Parameter Name="remoteIPandPort" Value="localhost:4842"/>
+          <Parameter Name="IAS_Namespace" Value="STRING#4"/>
+          <Parameter Name="skillStateMachineNodeBrowsePath" Value="STRING#4:skills/4:Lamp2/4:StateMachine/"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <EventConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="OrchestratorExample.INIT" Source="SServer_3.INITO" dx1="165.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SServer_3.INIT" Source="START.COLD" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="530.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SServer_3.INIT" Source="START.WARM" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="345.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SClient_2_1.INIT" Source="SClient_1_1.INITO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="695.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SClient_1_1.INIT" Source="SClient_3.INITO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="685.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SClient_3.INIT" Source="START.COLD" dx1="990.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SClient_3.INIT" Source="START.WARM" dx1="990.0"/>
+        </EventConnections>
+        <AdapterConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TimeOut.TimeOutSocket" Source="OrchestratorExample.ATimeOut" dx1="370.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="OrchestratorExample.blinkingLight" Source="SServer_3.IAS_Skill" dx1="165.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SClient_2_1.IAS_Skill" Source="OrchestratorExample.Lamp3" dx1="1520.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SClient_1_1.IAS_Skill" Source="OrchestratorExample.Lamp2" dx1="1520.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SClient_3.IAS_Skill" Source="OrchestratorExample.Lamp1" dx1="1520.0"/>
+        </AdapterConnections>
+      </FBNetwork>
+    </Resource>
+  </Device>
+  <Device Comment="" Name="skillProvider1" Type="FORTE_PC" x="3960.0" y="1365.0">
+    <Parameter Name="MGR_ID" Value="&quot;localhost:61500&quot;"/>
+    <Attribute Comment="device profile" Name="Profile" Type="STRING" Value="HOLOBLOC"/>
+    <Attribute Comment="color" Name="Color" Type="STRING" Value="147,115,206"/>
+    <Resource Comment="" Name="EMB_RES" Type="EMB_RES" x="0.0" y="0.0">
+      <FBNetwork>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill_Full" Type="IAS_Skill_Full" x="6500.0" y="1200.0"/>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="QX_sim" Type="QX_sim" x="8470.0" y="1390.0">
+          <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="E_SWITCH" Type="E_SWITCH" x="9300.0" y="1500.0"/>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="E_SR" Type="E_SR" x="8000.0" y="1600.0"/>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="SServer_1" Type="SServer" x="4700.0" y="1600.0">
+          <Parameter Name="skillName" Value="Lamp1"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <EventConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH.EI" Source="QX_sim.CNF" dx1="95.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full.StopEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH.EO0" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-50.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full.StartEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH.EO1" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-50.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR.S" Source="IAS_Skill_Full.start"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR.R" Source="IAS_Skill_Full.stop"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim.REQ" Source="E_SR.EO" dx1="85.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SServer_1.INIT" Source="START.COLD" dx1="2040.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SServer_1.INIT" Source="START.WARM" dx1="2040.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full.INIT" Source="SServer_1.INITO" dx1="415.0"/>
+        </EventConnections>
+        <DataConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH.G" Source="QX_sim.QO" dx1="95.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim.OUT" Source="E_SR.Q" dx1="85.0"/>
+        </DataConnections>
+        <AdapterConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full.IAS_Skill" Source="SServer_1.IAS_Skill" dx1="415.0"/>
+        </AdapterConnections>
+      </FBNetwork>
+    </Resource>
+  </Device>
+  <Device Comment="" Name="skillProvider2" Type="FORTE_PC" x="4900.0" y="900.0">
+    <Parameter Name="MGR_ID" Value="&quot;localhost:61501&quot;"/>
+    <Attribute Comment="device profile" Name="Profile" Type="STRING" Value="HOLOBLOC"/>
+    <Attribute Comment="color" Name="Color" Type="STRING" Value="229,120,189"/>
+    <Resource Comment="" Name="EMB_RES" Type="EMB_RES" x="0.0" y="0.0">
+      <FBNetwork>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill_Full_1" Type="IAS_Skill_Full" x="6500.0" y="1700.0"/>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="E_SR_1" Type="E_SR" x="8000.0" y="2100.0"/>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="QX_sim_1" Type="QX_sim" x="8470.0" y="1890.0">
+          <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="E_SWITCH_1" Type="E_SWITCH" x="5800.0" y="2000.0"/>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="SServer_1_1" Type="SServer" x="4100.0" y="1800.0">
+          <Parameter Name="skillName" Value="Lamp2"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <EventConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR_1.S" Source="IAS_Skill_Full_1.start"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR_1.R" Source="IAS_Skill_Full_1.stop"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim_1.REQ" Source="E_SR_1.EO" dx1="85.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH_1.EI" Source="QX_sim_1.CNF" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="5.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_1.StopEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH_1.EO0" dx1="110.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_1.StartEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH_1.EO1" dx1="110.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SServer_1_1.INIT" Source="START.COLD" dx1="1740.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SServer_1_1.INIT" Source="START.WARM" dx1="1740.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_1.INIT" Source="SServer_1_1.INITO" dx1="715.0"/>
+        </EventConnections>
+        <DataConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim_1.OUT" Source="E_SR_1.Q" dx1="85.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH_1.G" Source="QX_sim_1.QO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="55.0"/>
+        </DataConnections>
+        <AdapterConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_1.IAS_Skill" Source="SServer_1_1.IAS_Skill" dx1="470.0"/>
+        </AdapterConnections>
+      </FBNetwork>
+    </Resource>
+  </Device>
+  <Device Comment="" Name="skillProvider3" Type="FORTE_PC" x="5900.0" y="1400.0">
+    <Parameter Name="MGR_ID" Value="&quot;localhost:61502&quot;"/>
+    <Attribute Comment="device profile" Name="Profile" Type="STRING" Value="HOLOBLOC"/>
+    <Attribute Comment="color" Name="Color" Type="STRING" Value="93,218,229"/>
+    <Resource Comment="" Name="EMB_RES" Type="EMB_RES" x="0.0" y="0.0">
+      <FBNetwork>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="E_SWITCH_2" Type="E_SWITCH" x="5800.0" y="3500.0"/>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="E_SR_2" Type="E_SR" x="8000.0" y="3600.0"/>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="QX_sim_2" Type="QX_sim" x="8470.0" y="3390.0">
+          <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <FB Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill_Full_2" Type="IAS_Skill_Full" x="6500.0" y="3200.0"/>
+        <SubApp Comment="" Name="SServer_2_1" Type="SServer" x="3900.0" y="3500.0">
+          <Parameter Name="skillName" Value="Lamp3"/>
+        </SubApp>
+        <EventConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim_2.REQ" Source="E_SR_2.EO" dx1="85.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH_2.EI" Source="QX_sim_2.CNF" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="5.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_2.StopEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH_2.EO0" dx1="110.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_2.StartEventInternal" Source="E_SWITCH_2.EO1" dx1="110.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR_2.S" Source="IAS_Skill_Full_2.start"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SR_2.R" Source="IAS_Skill_Full_2.stop"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SServer_2_1.INIT" Source="START.COLD" dx1="1640.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="SServer_2_1.INIT" Source="START.WARM" dx1="1640.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_2.INIT" Source="SServer_2_1.INITO" dx1="815.0"/>
+        </EventConnections>
+        <DataConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="QX_sim_2.OUT" Source="E_SR_2.Q" dx1="85.0"/>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH_2.G" Source="QX_sim_2.QO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="55.0"/>
+        </DataConnections>
+        <AdapterConnections>
+          <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_Full_2.IAS_Skill" Source="SServer_2_1.IAS_Skill" dx1="815.0"/>
+        </AdapterConnections>
+      </FBNetwork>
+    </Resource>
+  </Device>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.IAS_Skill_Full" To="skillProvider1.EMB_RES.IAS_Skill_Full"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.QX_sim" To="skillProvider1.EMB_RES.QX_sim"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.E_SWITCH" To="skillProvider1.EMB_RES.E_SWITCH"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.E_SR" To="skillProvider1.EMB_RES.E_SR"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.IAS_Skill_Full_1" To="skillProvider2.EMB_RES.IAS_Skill_Full_1"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.E_SR_1" To="skillProvider2.EMB_RES.E_SR_1"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.QX_sim_1" To="skillProvider2.EMB_RES.QX_sim_1"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.E_SWITCH_1" To="skillProvider2.EMB_RES.E_SWITCH_1"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.E_SWITCH_2" To="skillProvider3.EMB_RES.E_SWITCH_2"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.E_SR_2" To="skillProvider3.EMB_RES.E_SR_2"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.QX_sim_2" To="skillProvider3.EMB_RES.QX_sim_2"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.IAS_Skill_Full_2" To="skillProvider3.EMB_RES.IAS_Skill_Full_2"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.E_TimeOut" To="skillConsumer.EMB_RES.E_TimeOut"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.OrchestratorExample" To="skillConsumer.EMB_RES.OrchestratorExample"/>
+  <Mapping From="SkillsApp.SServer_3" To="skillConsumer.EMB_RES.SServer_3"/>
+  <Segment Comment="" Name="Ethernet" Type="Ethernet" dx1="1500.0" x="2645.0" y="585.0">
+    <Attribute Comment="color" Name="Color" Type="STRING" Value="192,175,111"/>
+  </Segment>
+  <Link CommResource="skillConsumer" Comment="" SegmentName="Ethernet"/>
+  <Link CommResource="skillProvider1" Comment="" SegmentName="Ethernet"/>
+  <Link CommResource="skillProvider2" Comment="" SegmentName="Ethernet"/>
+  <Link CommResource="skillProvider3" Comment="" SegmentName="Ethernet"/>
diff --git a/skills/convert/BOOL2BOOL.fbt b/skills/convert/BOOL2BOOL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..919cd54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/BOOL2BOOL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="BOOL2BOOL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input event qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output event qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/BYTE2BYTE.fbt b/skills/convert/BYTE2BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8998b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/BYTE2BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="BYTE2BYTE" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="BYTE" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="BYTE" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/DINT2DINT.fbt b/skills/convert/DINT2DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae76e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/DINT2DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="DINT2DINT" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="DINT" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="DINT" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/DWORD2DWORD.fbt b/skills/convert/DWORD2DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..200df09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/DWORD2DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="DWORD2DWORD" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="DWORD" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="DWORD" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/INT2INT.fbt b/skills/convert/INT2INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6a5388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/INT2INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="INT2INT" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="INT" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="INT" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/LREAL2LREAL.fbt b/skills/convert/LREAL2LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acc20de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/LREAL2LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="LREAL2LREAL" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+    <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="LREAL" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="LREAL" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/REAL2REAL.fbt b/skills/convert/REAL2REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f5b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/REAL2REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="REAL2REAL" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="REAL" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="REAL" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/SINT2SINT.fbt b/skills/convert/SINT2SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380326b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/SINT2SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="SINT2SINT" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="SINT" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="SINT" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/STRING2STRING.fbt b/skills/convert/STRING2STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..136cb22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/STRING2STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="STRING2STRING" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="STRING" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="STRING" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/TIME2TIME.fbt b/skills/convert/TIME2TIME.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce02b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/TIME2TIME.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="TIME2TIME" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="TIME" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="TIME" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/UDINT2UDINT.fbt b/skills/convert/UDINT2UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b024f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/UDINT2UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="UDINT2UDINT" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="UDINT" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="UDINT" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/UINT2UINT.fbt b/skills/convert/UINT2UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f5c527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/UINT2UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="UINT2UINT" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="UINT" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="UINT" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/USINT2USINT.fbt b/skills/convert/USINT2USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7e6488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/USINT2USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="USINT2USINT" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="USINT" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="USINT" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/WORD2WORD.fbt b/skills/convert/WORD2WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b321195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/WORD2WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="WORD2WORD" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="WORD" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="WORD" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/convert/WSTRING2WSTRING.fbt b/skills/convert/WSTRING2WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec07b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/convert/WSTRING2WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="WSTRING2WSTRING" Comment="Basic Function Block Type" >
+   <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2006 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2006-11-14" Organization="PROFACTOR GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="WSTRING" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/devices/ b/skills/devices/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1208a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/devices/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE DeviceType SYSTEM "" >
+<DeviceType Name="BeagleBoneBlack" Comment="BeagleBoneBlack controller" >
+  <Identification Standard="61499 ITA" Description="Copyright (c) 2015 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"  />
+  <VersionInfo Organization="fortiss GmbH" Version="1.0" Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2015-10-31" Remarks="Initial version" />
+  <VarDeclaration Name="MGR_ID" Type="WSTRING" InitialValue="&#34;localhost:61499&#34;" Comment="Device manager socket ID" />  
diff --git a/skills/devices/ b/skills/devices/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9871e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/devices/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE DeviceType SYSTEM "" >
+<DeviceType Name="FBRT_WINDOW" Comment="An FBRT device showing a window for HMI" >
+  <Identification Standard="61499 ITA" Description="Copyright (c) 2015 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" />
+  <VersionInfo Organization="fortiss GmbH" Version="1.0" Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2015-11-02" Remarks="Initial version" />
+  <VarDeclaration Name="BOUNDS" Type="DINT" ArraySize="4" Comment="Initial[x,y,width,height]" />
+  <VarDeclaration Name="GRID" Type="DINT" ArraySize="2" Comment="Grid layout[rows,cols]" />
+  <VarDeclaration Name="MGR_ID" Type="WSTRING" InitialValue="&#34;localhost:61499&#34;" Comment="Device manager socket ID" />
diff --git a/skills/devices/ b/skills/devices/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c07a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/devices/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE DeviceType SYSTEM "" >
+<DeviceType Name="FORTE_PC" Comment="FORTE running on a PC (Windows or Linux)" >
+  <Identification Standard="61499 ITA" Description="Copyright (c) 2015 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" />
+  <VersionInfo Organization="fortiss GmbH" Version="1.0" Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2015-10-31" Remarks="Initial version" />
+  <VarDeclaration Name="MGR_ID" Type="WSTRING" InitialValue="&#34;localhost:61499&#34;" Comment="Device manager socket ID" />  
diff --git a/skills/devices/ b/skills/devices/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c55b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/devices/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE DeviceType SYSTEM "" >
+<DeviceType Name="PFC200" Comment="Wago PFC200 controller" >
+  <Identification Standard="61499 ITA" Description="Copyright (c) 2015 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" />
+  <VersionInfo Organization="fortiss GmbH" Version="1.0" Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2015-10-31" Remarks="Initial version" />
+  <VarDeclaration Name="MGR_ID" Type="WSTRING" InitialValue="&#34;localhost:61499&#34;" Comment="Device manager socket ID" />  
diff --git a/skills/devices/ b/skills/devices/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee71826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/devices/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE DeviceType SYSTEM "" >
+<DeviceType Name="RaspberryPI" Comment="RaspberryPI controller" >
+  <Identification Standard="61499 ITA" Description="Copyright (c) 2015 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" />
+  <VersionInfo Organization="fortiss GmbH" Version="1.0" Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2015-10-31" Remarks="Initial version" />
+  <VarDeclaration Name="MGR_ID" Type="WSTRING" InitialValue="&#34;localhost:61499&#34;" Comment="Device manager socket ID" />  
diff --git a/skills/events/ARTimeOut.adp b/skills/events/ARTimeOut.adp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1db20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/ARTimeOut.adp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE AdapterType SYSTEM "">
+<AdapterType Comment="Interface for a resetable time out service" Name="ARTimeOut">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Request from Socket" Name="TimeOut" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="start/reset timeout notifcation" Name="START" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="stop timeout notification" Name="STOP" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="timeout duration" InitialValue="" Name="DT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Interface for a resetable time out service" LeftInterface="SOCKET" RightInterface="PLUG">
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="Timeout">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="START" Interface="PLUG" Parameters="TD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="START" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters="TD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="TimeOut" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters=""/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="TimeOut" Interface="PLUG"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="normal operation">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="Start" Interface="PLUG" Parameters="TD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="Start" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters="TD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="STOP" Interface="PLUG" Parameters=""/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="STOP" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters=""/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/events/ATimeOut.adp b/skills/events/ATimeOut.adp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f1e31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/ATimeOut.adp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE AdapterType SYSTEM "">
+<AdapterType Comment="Interface for a time out service roughly based on the definitions of ROOM" Name="ATimeOut">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Request from Socket" Name="TimeOut" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="start timeout notifcation" Name="START" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="stop timeout notification" Name="STOP" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="timeout duration" InitialValue="" Name="DT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Interface for a time out service roughly based on the definitions of ROOM" LeftInterface="SOCKET" RightInterface="PLUG">
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="Timeout">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="START" Interface="PLUG" Parameters="TD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="START" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters="TD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="TimeOut" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters=""/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="TimeOut" Interface="PLUG"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="normal operation">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="Start" Interface="PLUG" Parameters="TD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="Start" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters="TD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="STOP" Interface="PLUG" Parameters=""/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="STOP" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters=""/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_CTD.fbt b/skills/events/E_CTD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7ba0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_CTD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Event-Driven Down Counter" Name="E_CTD">
+  <Identification Classification="Event-driven blocks" Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#10;&#9;&#9;&#9;     2019 Johannes Keppler University Linz&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Function="Down-counter" Standard="61499-1-A.x"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2019-07-09" Organization="JKU" Remarks="fixed bug in down counting" Version="1.1"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Count Down" Name="CD" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Load counter value" Name="LD" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Count Down Output Event" Name="CDO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Reset Output Event" Name="LDO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset Value" Name="PV" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="CV &lt;= 0" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="CV" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="START" x="240.0" y="90.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="CD" x="865.0" y="90.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="CD" Output="CDO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="LD" x="450.0" y="610.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LD" Output="LDO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="CD[(CV &gt; 0)]" Destination="CD" Source="START" x="1035.0" y="460.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="CD" x="630.0" y="90.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="LD" Destination="LD" Source="START" x="395.0" y="510.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="LD" x="240.0" y="610.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="Count Down" Name="CD">
+      <ST Text="CV := CV - 1;&#10;Q := (CV = 0);&#10;&#10;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="Load" Name="LD">
+      <ST Text="CV := PV;&#10;Q:= (CV = 0);&#10;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_CTU.fbt b/skills/events/E_CTU.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b25d186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_CTU.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Event driven up counter" Name="E_CTU">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex 2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-21" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Count up" Name="CU" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Reset" Name="R" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Count up output" Name="CUO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Reset output" Name="RO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Process Value" Name="PV" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="True if CV &gt;= PV" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Counter Value" Name="CV" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="CU" x="1570.0" y="165.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="CU" Output="CUO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="R" x="900.0" y="1000.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="R" Output="RO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="CU[CV &lt; 65535]" Destination="CU" Source="START" x="970.0" y="210.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="CU" x="1285.0" y="510.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="R" Destination="R" Source="START" x="845.0" y="770.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="R" x="545.0" y="1050.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="reset counter" Name="R">
+      <ST Text="CV := 0;&#13;&#10;Q := FALSE;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="count up" Name="CU">
+      <ST Text="CV := CV + 1;&#13;&#10;Q  := (CV &gt;= PV);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_CTUD.fbt b/skills/events/E_CTUD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd862d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_CTUD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Event-Driven Up-Down Counter" Name="E_CTUD">
+  <Identification Classification="Event-driven blocks" Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#10;&#9;&#9;&#9;     2019 Johannes Keppler University Linz&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Function="Up-Down-counter" Standard="61499-1-A.x"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2019-07-09" Organization="JKU" Remarks="fixed bug in down counting" Version="1.1"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Count Up" Name="CU" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Count Down" Name="CD" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Reset" Name="R" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Load" Name="LD" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Count Output Event" Name="CO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QU"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+        <With Var="QD"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Reset Output Event" Name="RO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QU"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+        <With Var="QD"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="LDO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QU"/>
+        <With Var="QD"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset Value" Name="PV" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="CV &gt;=PV" Name="QU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="CV &lt;= 0" Name="QD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="CV" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="START" x="1330.0" y="950.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="CU" x="190.0" y="570.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="CountUp"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="UpdateQUQD" Output="CO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="R" x="190.0" y="1330.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="Reset"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="UpdateQUQD" Output="RO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="CD" x="1710.0" y="570.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="CountDown"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="UpdateQUQD" Output="CO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="LD" x="1805.0" y="1330.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="Load"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="UpdateQUQD" Output="LDO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="CU[(CV&lt;65535)]" Destination="CU" Source="START" x="145.0" y="1100.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="CU" x="495.0" y="935.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="R" Destination="R" Source="START" x="710.0" y="1125.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="R" x="745.0" y="1240.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="CD[(CV &gt; 0)]" Destination="CD" Source="START" x="1460.0" y="705.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="CD" x="1780.0" y="925.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="LD" Destination="LD" Source="START" x="1825.0" y="1145.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="LD" x="1515.0" y="1275.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="Count Up" Name="CountUp">
+      <ST Text="CV := CV + 1;&#10;&#10;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="Reset" Name="Reset">
+      <ST Text="CV := 0;&#10;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="ALG" Name="Load">
+      <ST Text="CV := PV;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="ALG" Name="UpdateQUQD">
+      <ST Text="QU := (CV &gt;= PV);&#13;&#10;QD := (CV = 0);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="ALG" Name="CountDown">
+      <ST Text="CV := CV - 1;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_CYCLE.fbt b/skills/events/E_CYCLE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9cf7d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_CYCLE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Peroidic event generator" Name="E_CYCLE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-21" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Start the perodic generation of events" Name="START" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Stop the generation of events" Name="STOP" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Periodically triggered output event" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="cycle time" Name="DT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="E_DELAY" Type="E_DELAY" x="1200.0" y="-100.0"/>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_DELAY.DT" Source="DT" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_DELAY.START" Source="START" dx1="270.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_DELAY.STOP" Source="STOP" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_DELAY.START" Source="E_DELAY.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="-170.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="EO" Source="E_DELAY.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_DELAY.fbt b/skills/events/E_DELAY.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c94629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_DELAY.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Delayed event propagation" Name="E_DELAY">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-21" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Start delayed event propagation" Name="START" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Stop the delayed event propagation" Name="STOP" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Delayed event" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Delay time, &gt;0" Name="DT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Delayed event propagation" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_DEMUX.fbt b/skills/events/E_DEMUX.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b71de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_DEMUX.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Event demultiplexor" Name="E_DEMUX">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="K"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO0" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO1" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO2" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO3" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="K" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="1100.0" y="200.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="1200.0" y="1000.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_1" x="-55.0" y="600.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO0"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_2" x="600.0" y="600.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO1"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_3" x="1565.0" y="600.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO2"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_4" x="2200.0" y="600.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO3"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_1" x="705.0" y="495.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_2" x="1065.0" y="500.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_3" x="1470.0" y="510.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_4" x="1755.0" y="485.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI" Destination="State" Source="START" x="1440.0" y="690.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="[K = 0]" Destination="State_1" Source="State" x="565.0" y="1070.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="[K = 1]" Destination="State_2" Source="State" x="1020.0" y="870.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="[K = 2]" Destination="State_3" Source="State" x="1450.0" y="865.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="[K = 3]" Destination="State_4" Source="State" x="1785.0" y="870.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="[K &gt; 3]" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1210.0" y="645.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_D_FF.fbt b/skills/events/E_D_FF.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17088f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_D_FF.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Data latch (d) flip flop" Name="E_D_FF">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Clock" Name="CLK" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="D"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Triggered if clock results in a change of Q" Name="EO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Value to latch" Name="D" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Latched value" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="400.0" y="700.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="Initialization" Name="SET" x="1235.0" y="665.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LATCH" Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="RESET" x="800.0" y="1400.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LATCH" Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="CLK[D]" Destination="SET" Source="START" x="855.0" y="775.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="CLK[NOT D]" Destination="RESET" Source="SET" x="1510.0" y="1215.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="CLK[D]" Destination="SET" Source="RESET" x="890.0" y="1055.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="LATCH">
+      <ST Text="Q := D;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_F_TRIG.fbt b/skills/events/E_F_TRIG.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb8d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_F_TRIG.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Boolean falling edge detection" Name="E_F_TRIG">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="check for falling edge" Name="EI" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="confirmation that an falling edge was detected" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value to check for a falling edge" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="E_D_FF" Type="E_D_FF" x="780.0" y="100.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="E_SWITCH" Type="E_SWITCH" x="1400.0" y="100.0"/>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_D_FF.D" Source="QI" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH.G" Source="E_D_FF.Q" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_D_FF.CLK" Source="EI" dx1="560.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH.EI" Source="E_D_FF.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="EO" Source="E_SWITCH.EO0" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_MERGE.fbt b/skills/events/E_MERGE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d301c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_MERGE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Merge (OR) of two input events" Name="E_MERGE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Function="Output EO is triggered when either EI1 or EI2 is received" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI1" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI2" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="EO" x="610.0" y="1025.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="EO" x="690.0" y="805.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI1" Destination="EO" Source="START" x="405.0" y="765.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI2" Destination="EO" Source="START" x="910.0" y="785.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_N_TABLE.fbt b/skills/events/E_N_TABLE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d53478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_N_TABLE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Generation of a finite train of sperate events" Name="E_N_TABLE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="START" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+        <With Var="N"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="STOP" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO0" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO1" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO2" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO3" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DT" Type="TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="N" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="E_TABLE" Type="E_TABLE" x="600.0" y="100.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="E_DEMUX" Type="E_DEMUX" x="1840.0" y="100.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_SUB" Type="F_SUB" x="1300.0" y="100.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN2" Value="UINT#1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TABLE.DT" Source="DT" dx1="145.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TABLE.N" Source="N" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_SUB.IN1" Source="E_TABLE.CV" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_DEMUX.K" Source="F_SUB.OUT" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TABLE.START" Source="START" dx1="275.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TABLE.STOP" Source="STOP" dx1="210.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_SUB.REQ" Source="E_TABLE.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_DEMUX.EI" Source="F_SUB.CNF" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="EO0" Source="E_DEMUX.EO0" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="EO1" Source="E_DEMUX.EO1" dx1="150.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="EO2" Source="E_DEMUX.EO2" dx1="215.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="EO3" Source="E_DEMUX.EO3" dx1="275.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_PERMIT.fbt b/skills/events/E_PERMIT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25cf44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_PERMIT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="permissive propagation of an event" Name="E_PERMIT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-20" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="PERMIT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="PERMIT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="500.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="Event propagration permited" Name="EO" x="1500.0" y="500.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI[PERMIT]" Destination="EO" Source="START" x="1100.0" y="515.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="EO" x="1200.0" y="885.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_RDELAY.fbt b/skills/events/E_RDELAY.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a9a6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_RDELAY.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Reloadable delayed propagation of an event-Cancellable" Name="E_RDELAY">
+  <Identification Classification="Event processing" Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Begin/Reset Delay" Name="START" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Cancel Delay" Name="STOP" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Delayed Event" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Delay Time" Name="DT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Reloadable delayed propagation of an event-Cancellable" LeftInterface="E_DELAY" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="event_delay">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="START" Interface="E_DELAY" Parameters="DT"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="EO" Interface="E_DELAY"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="delay_canceled">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="START" Interface="E_DELAY" Parameters="DT"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="STOP" Interface="E_DELAY"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="no_multiple_delay">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="START" Interface="E_DELAY" Parameters="DT"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="START" Interface="E_DELAY" Parameters="DT"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="EO" Interface="E_DELAY"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_REND.fbt b/skills/events/E_REND.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee243fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_REND.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Rendezvous (AND) of two events" Name="E_REND">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-20" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="first event to wait for" Name="EI1" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="second event to wait for" Name="EI2" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="reset the FB to inital state (i.e., wait again for both events)" Name="R" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="triggered when both EI1 and EI2 occured at least once" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="400.0" y="1000.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="EI1 occured at least once" Name="EI1" x="1155.0" y="340.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="Both input events occured at least once send output event" Name="EO" x="1685.0" y="1010.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="EI2 occured at least once" Name="EI2" x="1145.0" y="1585.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI2" Destination="EI2" Source="START" x="1020.0" y="1180.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI1" Destination="EI1" Source="START" x="1040.0" y="865.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="R" Destination="START" Source="EI2" x="655.0" y="1485.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="R" Destination="START" Source="EI1" x="800.0" y="695.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI2" Destination="EO" Source="EI1" x="1465.0" y="705.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI1" Destination="EO" Source="EI2" x="1440.0" y="1325.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="EO" x="1165.0" y="1065.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_RESTART.fbt b/skills/events/E_RESTART.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa02c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_RESTART.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="E_RESTART">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-21" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs/>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Information on cold restart" Name="COLD" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Information on warm restart" Name="WARM" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="information that the resource is to be stopped" Name="STOP" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" LeftInterface="E_RESTART" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="cold_restart">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="start" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="START" Interface="E_RESTART"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="warm_restart">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="restart" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="WARM" Interface="E_RESTART"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="stopping">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="stop" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="STOP" Interface="E_RESTART"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_RS.fbt b/skills/events/E_RS.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93e7f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_RS.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Event-driven bistable" Name="E_RS">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Reset output Q" Name="R" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Set output Q" Name="S" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Output Q has changed" Name="EO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="500.0" y="385.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="SET" x="1200.0" y="400.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="SET" Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="RESET" x="1165.0" y="845.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="RESET" Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="S" Destination="SET" Source="START" x="995.0" y="455.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="R" Destination="RESET" Source="SET" x="1205.0" y="685.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="S" Destination="SET" Source="RESET" x="1460.0" y="675.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="SET">
+      <ST Text="Q := TRUE;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="RESET">
+      <ST Text="Q := FALSE;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_RTimeOut.fbt b/skills/events/E_RTimeOut.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4dabc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_RTimeOut.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Simple implementation of the timeout services" Name="E_RTimeOut">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs/>
+    <EventOutputs/>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars/>
+    <Sockets>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="TimeOutSocket" Type="ARTimeOut" x="190.0" y="380.0"/>
+    </Sockets>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="DLY" Type="E_RDELAY" x="1045.0" y="380.0"/>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="DLY.DT" Source="TimeOutSocket.DT" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="DLY.START" Source="TimeOutSocket.START" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="DLY.STOP" Source="TimeOutSocket.STOP" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="TimeOutSocket.TimeOut" Source="DLY.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="-355.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_R_TRIG.fbt b/skills/events/E_R_TRIG.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef5bf7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_R_TRIG.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Boolean rising edge detection" Name="E_R_TRIG">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="check for rising edge" Name="EI" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="confirmation that an rising edge was detected" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value to check for a rising edge" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="E_D_FF" Type="E_D_FF" x="780.0" y="100.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="E_SWITCH" Type="E_SWITCH" x="1400.0" y="100.0"/>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_D_FF.D" Source="QI" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH.G" Source="E_D_FF.Q" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_D_FF.CLK" Source="EI" dx1="560.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_SWITCH.EI" Source="E_D_FF.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="EO" Source="E_SWITCH.EO1" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_SELECT.fbt b/skills/events/E_SELECT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..952f0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_SELECT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="selection between two events based on boolean input G" Name="E_SELECT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-21" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI0" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="G"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI1" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="G"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="G" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="EO" x="580.0" y="965.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="EO" x="685.0" y="750.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI0[NOT G]" Destination="EO" Source="START" x="365.0" y="750.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI1[G]" Destination="EO" Source="START" x="1060.0" y="740.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_SPLIT.fbt b/skills/events/E_SPLIT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe05f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_SPLIT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="E_SPLIT">
+  <Identification Classification="event function block" Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Function="Split one event into two events" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO1" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO2" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="&quot;&quot;" Name="State" x="1755.0" y="280.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO1"/>
+        <ECAction Output="EO2"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI" Destination="State" Source="START" x="1270.0" y="395.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1265.0" y="605.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_SR.fbt b/skills/events/E_SR.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7abea8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_SR.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Event-driven bistable" Name="E_SR">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Set output Q" Name="S" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Reset output Q" Name="R" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Output Q has changed" Name="EO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="500.0" y="385.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="SET" x="1200.0" y="400.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="SET" Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="RESET" x="1165.0" y="845.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="RESET" Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="S" Destination="SET" Source="START" x="995.0" y="455.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="R" Destination="RESET" Source="SET" x="1205.0" y="685.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="S" Destination="SET" Source="RESET" x="1460.0" y="675.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="SET">
+      <ST Text="Q := TRUE;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="RESET">
+      <ST Text="Q := FALSE;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_SWITCH.fbt b/skills/events/E_SWITCH.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0baa676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_SWITCH.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Switching (demultiplexing) an event based on boolean input G" Name="E_SWITCH">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-21" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="G"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO0" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO1" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="G" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="G0" x="1700.0" y="730.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO0"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="G1" x="320.0" y="1020.0">
+        <ECAction Output="EO1"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="G0" x="1255.0" y="660.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="G1" x="535.0" y="795.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI[NOT G]" Destination="G0" Source="START" x="1435.0" y="440.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI[G]" Destination="G1" Source="START" x="350.0" y="550.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_TABLE.fbt b/skills/events/E_TABLE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71165d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_TABLE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Composite Function Block Type" Name="E_TABLE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Start table driven event generation" Name="START" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+        <With Var="N"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Stop table driven event generation" Name="STOP" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Generated events" Name="EO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration ArraySize="4" Comment="" Name="DT" Type="TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="N" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="CV" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="E_TABLE_CTRL" Type="E_TABLE_CTRL" x="600.0" y="300.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="E_DELAY" Type="E_DELAY" x="1400.0" y="200.0"/>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_DELAY.DT" Source="E_TABLE_CTRL.DTO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CV" Source="E_TABLE_CTRL.CV" dx1="1430.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TABLE_CTRL.DT" Source="DT" dx1="175.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TABLE_CTRL.N" Source="N" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_DELAY.START" Source="E_TABLE_CTRL.CLKO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="EO" Source="E_DELAY.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TABLE_CTRL.INIT" Source="START" dx1="525.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_TABLE_CTRL.CLK" Source="E_DELAY.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="465.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="E_DELAY.STOP" Source="STOP" dx1="1470.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_TABLE_CTRL.fbt b/skills/events/E_TABLE_CTRL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d6f7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_TABLE_CTRL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Support function block for E_TABLE" Name="E_TABLE_CTRL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+        <With Var="N"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CLK" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CLKO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DTO"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration ArraySize="4" Comment="" Name="DT" Type="TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="N" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DTO" Type="TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="CV" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="400.0" y="700.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="INIT" x="740.0" y="85.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="INIT"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="INIT1" x="1285.0" y="460.0">
+        <ECAction Output="CLKO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="STEP" x="1000.0" y="1275.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="STEP" Output="CLKO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="INIT" Destination="INIT" Source="START" x="685.0" y="435.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="[N = 0]" Destination="START" Source="INIT" x="405.0" y="345.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="[N &gt; 0]" Destination="INIT1" Source="INIT" x="1080.0" y="315.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="INIT1" x="955.0" y="650.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="CLK[CV &lt; MIN(3, N-1)]" Destination="STEP" Source="START" x="1080.0" y="940.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="STEP" x="475.0" y="1315.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="INIT">
+      <ST Text="CV := 0;&#13;&#10;DTO := DT[0];"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="STEP">
+      <ST Text="CV := CV +1;&#13;&#10;DTO := DT[CV];&#13;&#10;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_TRAIN.fbt b/skills/events/E_TRAIN.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3275bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_TRAIN.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Generate of a finite train of events seperated by the time DT" Name="E_TRAIN">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Start event generation" Name="START" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Stop event generation" Name="STOP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="DT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Generated events" Name="EO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Time by which the events should be seperated" Name="DT" Type="TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Number of events to generate" Name="N" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="count of the current event" Name="CV" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="CTR" Type="E_CTU" x="500.0" y="200.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="GATE" Type="E_SWITCH" x="1200.0" y="200.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="DLY" Type="E_DELAY" x="1900.0" y="200.0"/>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CTR.PV" Source="N" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CV" Source="CTR.CV" dx1="1790.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="DLY.DT" Source="DT" dx1="1490.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="GATE.G" Source="CTR.Q" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="GATE.EI" Source="CTR.CUO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="GATE.EI" Source="CTR.RO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CTR.R" Source="START" dx1="465.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="DLY.START" Source="GATE.EO0" dx1="185.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="DLY.STOP" Source="STOP" dx1="1940.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="EO" Source="DLY.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_T_FF.fbt b/skills/events/E_T_FF.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a707553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_T_FF.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Toggle flip flop" Name="E_T_FF">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1 Annex A"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Clock for triggering a output toggle" Name="CLK" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="inform of toggled output" Name="EO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value of flip flop" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="400.0" y="700.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="Initialization" Name="SET" x="1235.0" y="665.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="TOGGLE" Output="EO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="CLK" Destination="SET" Source="START" x="860.0" y="590.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="SET" x="940.0" y="985.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="TOGGLE">
+      <ST Text="Q := NOT Q;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/events/E_TimeOut.fbt b/skills/events/E_TimeOut.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03d09d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/events/E_TimeOut.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Simple implementation of the timeout services" Name="E_TimeOut">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-09-22" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs/>
+    <EventOutputs/>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars/>
+    <Sockets>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="TimeOutSocket" Type="ATimeOut" x="190.0" y="380.0"/>
+    </Sockets>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="DLY" Type="E_DELAY" x="950.0" y="380.0"/>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="DLY.DT" Source="TimeOutSocket.DT" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="DLY.START" Source="TimeOutSocket.START" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="DLY.STOP" Source="TimeOutSocket.STOP" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="0.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="TimeOutSocket.TimeOut" Source="DLY.EO" dx1="0.0" dx2="0.0" dy="-160.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83fb518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Adds two number values" Name="F_ADD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-09-22" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="IN1 plus IN2" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD_3.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD_3.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e9b7f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD_3.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Calculate arithmetical sum of magnitude inputs (generic FB)" Name="F_ADD_3">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-10-11" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+        <With Var="IN3"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="ADD input 1" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="ADD input 2" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="ADD input 3" Name="IN3" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="ADD result" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD_DT_TIME.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD_DT_TIME.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dce6ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD_DT_TIME.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Adds two number values" Name="F_ADD_DT_TIME">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-12" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Function output" Name="OUT" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD_TOD_TIME.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD_TOD_TIME.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..417d060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_ADD_TOD_TIME.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Adds two number values" Name="F_ADD_TOD_TIME">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-12" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Function output" Name="OUT" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_DIV.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_DIV.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62d0397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_DIV.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Divides two values" Name="F_DIV">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-09-22" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Function output" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_DIVTIME.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_DIVTIME.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4426e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_DIVTIME.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Divides a time value by a number value" Name="F_DIVTIME">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-12" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="time input to be devided" Name="IN1" Type="TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="divisosr" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Function output" Name="OUT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_EXPT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_EXPT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f0ec89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_EXPT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="exponentiation" Name="F_EXPT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-17" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="base input" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="exponent input" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Function output" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MOD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MOD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9359cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MOD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="modulo" Name="F_MOD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-17" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="divident input" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="divisor input" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="rest of IN1 devided by IN2" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MOVE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MOVE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc544ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MOVE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="moves input to output" Name="F_MOVE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-17" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input" Name="IN" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input = output" Name="OUT" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MUL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MUL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c1721c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MUL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Multiplies two values" Name="F_MUL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-09-22" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="IN1 multiplie with IN2" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MULTIME.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MULTIME.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71c2fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_MULTIME.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Multiplies time value with numerical values" Name="F_MULTIME">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-12" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="IN1 multiplied by IN2" Name="OUT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88f6af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Subtracts two number values" Name="F_SUB">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-09-22" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="IN2 substracted from IN1" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_MAGNITUDE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_DATE_DATE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_DATE_DATE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b2413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_DATE_DATE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Subtracts two time data types" Name="F_SUB_DATE_DATE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-13" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="DATE"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="DATE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="IN2 substracted from IN1" Name="OUT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_DT_DT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_DT_DT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4f1d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_DT_DT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Subtracts two time data types" Name="F_SUB_DT_DT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-13" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="IN2 substracted from IN1" Name="OUT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_DT_TIME.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_DT_TIME.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c55653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_DT_TIME.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Subtracts two number values" Name="F_SUB_DT_TIME">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-12" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="IN2 substracted from IN1" Name="OUT" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_TOD_TIME.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_TOD_TIME.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e28a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_TOD_TIME.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Subtracts two number values" Name="F_SUB_TOD_TIME">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-12" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Function output" Name="OUT" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_TOD_TOD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_TOD_TOD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c416bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_SUB_TOD_TOD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Subtracts two time data types" Name="F_SUB_TOD_TOD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-13" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="First funtion input" Name="IN1" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Second function input" Name="IN2" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="IN2 substracted from IN1" Name="OUT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_TRUNC.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_TRUNC.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b29b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/arithmetic/F_TRUNC.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="truncation toward zero" Name="F_TRUNC">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard arithmetic function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-15" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="truncation toward zero" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bistableElements/FB_RS.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bistableElements/FB_RS.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa4cec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bistableElements/FB_RS.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="reset dominant" Name="FB_RS">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="bistable function block" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="S"/>
+        <With Var="R1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Set" InitialValue="" Name="S" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R1" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q1" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Bistable Function Block (reset dominant)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bistableElements/FB_SR.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bistableElements/FB_SR.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22cfb93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bistableElements/FB_SR.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="set dominant" Name="FB_SR">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="bistable function block" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="S1"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Set" InitialValue="" Name="S1" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q1" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Bistable Function Block (set dominant)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_AND.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_AND.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d1377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_AND.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="standard bitwise boolean AND function" Name="F_AND">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard bitwise boolean function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="standard bitwise boolean function (and)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_AND_3.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_AND_3.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a396f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_AND_3.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="FB to calculate bitwise boolean AND (generic FB)" Name="F_AND_3">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard bitwise boolean function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-10-11" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+        <With Var="IN3"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="AND input 1" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="AND input 2" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="AND input 3" Name="IN3" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="AND result" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_NOT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_NOT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..272b786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_NOT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="standard bitwise boolean NOT function" Name="F_NOT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard bitwise boolean function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="standard bitwise boolean function (not)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_OR.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_OR.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91541eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_OR.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="standard bitwise boolean OR function" Name="F_OR">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard bitwise boolean function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="bitwise or" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_OR_3.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_OR_3.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dce2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_OR_3.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="FB to calculate bitwise boolean OR (generic FB)" Name="F_OR_3">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard bitwise boolean function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-10-11" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+        <With Var="IN3"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="OR input 1" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="OR input 2" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="OR input 3" Name="IN3" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="OR result" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_ROL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_ROL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4259a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_ROL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="bitwise rotate left function" Name="F_ROL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard bit shift function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-22" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="N"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="left-rotated" Name="IN" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="left-rotated by N bits" Name="N" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="left-rotated by N zero-filled on right" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_ROR.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_ROR.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..535fc49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_ROR.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="bitwise rotate right function" Name="F_ROR">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard bit shift function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-22" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="N"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="right-rotated" Name="IN" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="right-rotated by N bits" Name="N" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="right-rotated by N zero-filled on right" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_SHL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_SHL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f8ee2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_SHL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="shift left" Name="F_SHL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard bit shift function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="N"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="left-shifted" Name="IN" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="left-shifted by N bits" Name="N" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="left-shifted by N zero-filled on right" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_SHR.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_SHR.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bb7ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_SHR.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="bitwise shift right function" Name="F_SHR">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard bit shift function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-22" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="N"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="right-shifted" Name="IN" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="right-shifted by N bits" Name="N" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="right-shifted by N zero-filled on left" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_XOR.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_XOR.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a25f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_XOR.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="bitwise XOR function" Name="F_XOR">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard bitwise boolean function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="standard bitwise boolean function (xor)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_XOR_3.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_XOR_3.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1ed65c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/bitwiseOperators/F_XOR_3.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="FB to calculate bitwise boolean XOR (generic FB)" Name="F_XOR_3">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard bitwise boolean function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-10-11" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+        <With Var="IN3"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="XOR input 1" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="XOR input 2" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="XOR input 3" Name="IN3" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="XOR result" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_BIT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_CONCAT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_CONCAT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae66818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_CONCAT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="concatenation" Name="F_CONCAT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-27" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string 1" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string 2" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="string 1 + string 2" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_CONCAT_DATE_TOD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_CONCAT_DATE_TOD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a363a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_CONCAT_DATE_TOD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="concatenation" Name="F_CONCAT_DATE_TOD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-15" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="date input" Name="IN1" Type="DATE"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="time of day input" Name="IN2" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="date + time of day" Name="OUT" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_DELETE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_DELETE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51ea3cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_DELETE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="delete L characters of IN beginning at the P-th character position" Name="F_DELETE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-28" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="L"/>
+        <With Var="P"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string" Name="IN" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="length to delete" Name="L" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="delete start position" Name="P" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="substring" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_FIND.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_FIND.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cee7822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_FIND.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="find the character position of the beginning of the first occurrence of IN2 in IN1, no occurrence returns 0" Name="F_FIND">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-30" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string 1" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string 2" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="number of occurrence" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_INSERT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_INSERT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a6085d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_INSERT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="insert IN2 into IN1 after the P-th character position" Name="F_INSERT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-27" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+        <With Var="P"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string 1" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string 2" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="insert position" Name="P" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="string 2 inserted into string 1 at P" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_LEFT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_LEFT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05e5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_LEFT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="leftmost L characters of IN" Name="F_LEFT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-27" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="L"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string" Name="IN" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="sub-string end position" Name="L" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="sub-string from 1 to L" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_LEN.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_LEN.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..994ca01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_LEN.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="string length function" Name="F_LEN">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-27" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string" Name="IN" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="length" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_MID.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_MID.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abcb89d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_MID.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="L characters of IN" Name="F_MID">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-27" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="L"/>
+	<With Var="P"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="characters" Name="IN" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="length" Name="L" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="start position" Name="P" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="substring from P to P+L" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_REPLACE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_REPLACE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..418a6f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_REPLACE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="replace L characters of IN1 by IN2 starting at the P-th character position" Name="F_REPLACE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-28" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+        <With Var="L"/>
+        <With Var="P"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string 1" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string 2" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="length to replace" Name="L" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="start position" Name="P" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="substring" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_RIGHT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_RIGHT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..640dda3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/charString/F_RIGHT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="rightmost L characters of IN" Name="F_RIGHT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard character and string function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-27" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="L"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input string" Name="IN" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="sub-string start position" Name="L" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="sub-string from L to string length" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_EQ.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_EQ.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f186cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_EQ.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="equal" Name="F_EQ">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard comparison function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-09-29" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 1" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 2" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value 1 = value2 = true" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_GE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_GE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1025066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_GE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="greater or equal" Name="F_GE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard comparison function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-03-13" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 1" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 2" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value 1 &gt;= value2 = true" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_GT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_GT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3577ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_GT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="greater than" Name="F_GT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard comparison function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-09-28" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 1" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 2" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value 1 &gt; value2 = true" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_LE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_LE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44c96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_LE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="less or equal" Name="F_LE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard comparison function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-03-13" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 1" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 2" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value 1 &lt;= value2 = true" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_LT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_LT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8995f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_LT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="lower than" Name="F_LT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard comparison function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-03-13" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 1" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 2" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value 1 &lt; value2 = true" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_NE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_NE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..375746d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/comparison/F_NE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="not equal" Name="F_NE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard comparison function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-03-13" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 1" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 2" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value 1 &lt;&gt; value2 = true" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_BYTE_BCD_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_BYTE_BCD_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bab43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_BYTE_BCD_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE  Binary Coded Decimal to USINT" Name="F_BYTE_BCD_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert BYTE  Binary Coded Decimal to USINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_DWORD_BCD_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_DWORD_BCD_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10d6f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_DWORD_BCD_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD Binary Coded Decimal to UDINT" Name="F_DWORD_BCD_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert DWORD Binary Coded Decimal to UDINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_LWORD_BCD_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_LWORD_BCD_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b311e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_LWORD_BCD_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD Binary Coded Decimal to ULINT" Name="F_LWORD_BCD_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LWORD Binary Coded Decimal to ULINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_UDINT_TO_BCD_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_UDINT_TO_BCD_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..604fc9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_UDINT_TO_BCD_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT Binary Coded Decimal to DWORD" Name="F_UDINT_TO_BCD_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert UDINT Binary Coded Decimal to DWORD" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_UINT_TO_BCD_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_UINT_TO_BCD_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..525585a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_UINT_TO_BCD_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT Binary Coded Decimal to WORD" Name="F_UINT_TO_BCD_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert UINT Binary Coded Decimal to WORD" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_ULINT_TO_BCD_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_ULINT_TO_BCD_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b405453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_ULINT_TO_BCD_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT Binary Coded Decimal to LWORD" Name="F_ULINT_TO_BCD_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert ULINT Binary Coded Decimal to LWORD" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_USINT_TO_BCD_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_USINT_TO_BCD_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a42154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_USINT_TO_BCD_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT Binary Coded Decimal to BYTE" Name="F_USINT_TO_BCD_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert USINT Binary Coded Decimal to BYTE" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_WORD_BCD_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_WORD_BCD_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a76301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BCD/F_WORD_BCD_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD Binary Coded Decimal to UINT" Name="F_WORD_BCD_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert WORD Binary Coded Decimal to UINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc62dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to BYTE" Name="F_BOOL_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f88f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to DINT" Name="F_BOOL_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b84c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to DWORD" Name="F_BOOL_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e34d633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to INT" Name="F_BOOL_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23233d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to LINT" Name="F_BOOL_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d4295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to LWORD" Name="F_BOOL_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f96751a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to SINT" Name="F_BOOL_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c5bfbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to STRING" Name="F_BOOL_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97a7824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to UDINT" Name="F_BOOL_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d87e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to UINT" Name="F_BOOL_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755b287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to ULINT" Name="F_BOOL_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c66875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to USINT" Name="F_BOOL_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4870da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to WORD" Name="F_BOOL_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44b059a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BOOL/F_BOOL_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BOOL to WSTRING" Name="F_BOOL_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34818b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to DINT" Name="F_BYTE_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e62700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to DWORD" Name="F_BYTE_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05633e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to INT" Name="F_BYTE_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db4982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to LINT" Name="F_BYTE_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77baa57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to LWORD" Name="F_BYTE_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a3edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to SINT" Name="F_BYTE_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52172ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to STRING" Name="F_BYTE_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c540f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to UDINT" Name="F_BYTE_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d13a66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to UINT" Name="F_BYTE_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72b6373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to ULINT" Name="F_BYTE_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8656226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to USINT" Name="F_BYTE_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5915faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to WORD" Name="F_BYTE_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f964b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/BYTE/F_BYTE_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert BYTE to WSTRING" Name="F_BYTE_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert BYTE to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad98e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to BYTE" Name="F_DINT_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a49e3e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to DWORD" Name="F_DINT_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9bafe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to INT" Name="F_DINT_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04c4d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to LINT" Name="F_DINT_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb353f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to LREAL" Name="F_DINT_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f802ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to LWORD" Name="F_DINT_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c313f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to REAL" Name="F_DINT_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fa2060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to SINT" Name="F_DINT_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e457e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to STRING" Name="F_DINT_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5d1ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to UDINT" Name="F_DINT_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74b2cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to UINT" Name="F_DINT_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert DINT to UINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0fd72f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to ULINT" Name="F_DINT_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Classification="type conversion function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="4DIAC-IDE" Date="2011-12-25" Organization="4DIAC-Consortium" Version="0.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36aa26e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to USINT" Name="F_DINT_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11111d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to WORD" Name="F_DINT_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c0f77b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DINT/F_DINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DINT to WSTRING" Name="F_DINT_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert DINT to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DT/F_DT_TO_DATE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DT/F_DT_TO_DATE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3b4403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DT/F_DT_TO_DATE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert TIME to BOOL" Name="F_DT_TO_DATE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DATE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DT/F_DT_TO_TOD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DT/F_DT_TO_TOD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a895146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DT/F_DT_TO_TOD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert TIME to BOOL" Name="F_DT_TO_TOD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-07" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb9648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to BYTE" Name="F_DWORD_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cc56e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to DINT" Name="F_DWORD_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49ab11a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to INT" Name="F_DWORD_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..894f19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to LINT" Name="F_DWORD_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdf06b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to LWORD" Name="F_DWORD_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b36f0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to REAL" Name="F_DWORD_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..601c20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to SINT" Name="F_DWORD_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f2e1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to STRING" Name="F_DWORD_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2af5129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to UDINT" Name="F_DWORD_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e8a217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to UINT" Name="F_DWORD_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52e897f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to ULINT" Name="F_DWORD_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bf03c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to USINT" Name="F_DWORD_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..146323b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to WORD" Name="F_DWORD_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..388a164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/DWORD/F_DWORD_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert DWORD to WSTRING" Name="F_DWORD_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert DWORD to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e19cf32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to BYTE" Name="F_INT_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to BYTE" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d39d70a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to DINT" Name="F_INT_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to DINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dc8510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to DWORD" Name="F_INT_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to DWORD" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c67d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to LINT" Name="F_INT_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to LINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b5ec51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to LREAL" Name="F_INT_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to LREAL" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b576f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to LWORD" Name="F_INT_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to LWORD" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9acd7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to REAL" Name="F_INT_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to REAL" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98051ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to SINT" Name="F_INT_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to SINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e3307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to STRING" Name="F_INT_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbaee8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to UDINT" Name="F_INT_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to UDINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5071e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to UINT" Name="F_INT_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to UINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8d8fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to ULINT" Name="F_INT_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to ULINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f6a62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to USINT" Name="F_INT_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to USINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6078a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to WORD" Name="F_INT_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input Value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output Value" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to WORD" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e76a739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/INT/F_INT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert INT to WSTRING" Name="F_INT_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert INT to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37de448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to BYTE" Name="F_LINT_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd3c956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to DINT" Name="F_LINT_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e14b1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to DWORD" Name="F_LINT_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10c1230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to INT" Name="F_LINT_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a39c8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to LREAL" Name="F_LINT_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2210d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to LWORD" Name="F_LINT_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aad76b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to REAL" Name="F_LINT_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..885b937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to SINT" Name="F_LINT_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c307eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to STRING" Name="F_LINT_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e71fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to UDINT" Name="F_LINT_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70e606b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to UINT" Name="F_LINT_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb2da47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to ULINT" Name="F_LINT_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ff840d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to USINT" Name="F_LINT_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a02994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to WORD" Name="F_LINT_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee00687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LINT/F_LINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LINT to WSTRING" Name="F_LINT_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LINT to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec72ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to DINT" Name="F_LREAL_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to DINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50e76a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to INT" Name="F_LREAL_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to INT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0370c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to INT" Name="F_LREAL_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to INT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6432a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to LWORD" Name="F_LREAL_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to LWORD" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8836863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to REAL" Name="F_LREAL_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to REAL" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e18e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to SINT" Name="F_LREAL_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to SINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a81229a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to STRING" Name="F_LREAL_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0526c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to UDINT" Name="F_LREAL_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to UDINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79c5e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to UINT" Name="F_LREAL_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600f8db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to ULINT" Name="F_LREAL_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to ULINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dacefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to USINT" Name="F_LREAL_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to USINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a119b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LREAL/F_LREAL_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LREAL to WSTRING" Name="F_LREAL_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LREAL to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b12daed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to BYTE" Name="F_LWORD_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f47b5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to DINT" Name="F_LWORD_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba6fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to DWORD" Name="F_LWORD_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c46917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to INT" Name="F_LWORD_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97cb9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to LINT" Name="F_LWORD_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d6d604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to LREAL" Name="F_LWORD_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a01c866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to SINT" Name="F_LWORD_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..651e40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to STRING" Name="F_LWORD_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf1f146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to UDINT" Name="F_LWORD_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82838a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to UINT" Name="F_LWORD_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e31175c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to ULINT" Name="F_LWORD_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8772e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to USINT" Name="F_LWORD_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc9555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to WORD" Name="F_LWORD_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db842a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/LWORD/F_LWORD_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert LWORD to WSTRING" Name="F_LWORD_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert LWORD to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c671cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to DINT" Name="F_REAL_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b64074e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to DWORD" Name="F_REAL_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert REAL to DWORD" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..868268e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to INT" Name="F_REAL_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26671a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to LINT" Name="F_REAL_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert REAL to LINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78e65f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to LREAL" Name="F_REAL_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert REAL to LREAL" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..085309c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to SINT" Name="F_REAL_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert REAL to SINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..289f47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to STRING" Name="F_REAL_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f029aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to UDINT" Name="F_REAL_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2ab63d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to UINT" Name="F_REAL_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7baa3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to ULINT" Name="F_REAL_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert REAL to ULINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d0b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to USINT" Name="F_REAL_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert REAL to USINT" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae57e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/REAL/F_REAL_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert REAL to WSTRING" Name="F_REAL_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-08" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert REAL to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b65188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to BYTE" Name="F_SINT_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6720fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to DINT" Name="F_SINT_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aee0f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to DWORD" Name="F_SINT_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c97f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to INT" Name="F_SINT_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da41fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to LINT" Name="F_SINT_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbf29ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to LREAL" Name="F_SINT_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f67984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to LWORD" Name="F_SINT_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c263cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to REAL" Name="F_SINT_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269a14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to STRING" Name="F_SINT_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec9e1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to UDINT" Name="F_SINT_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a883a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to UINT" Name="F_SINT_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..726a9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to ULINT" Name="F_SINT_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a88497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to USINT" Name="F_SINT_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e88869a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to WORD" Name="F_SINT_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32819d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/SINT/F_SINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert SINT to WSTRING" Name="F_SINT_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="SINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert SINT to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_BOOL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_BOOL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8877b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_BOOL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to BOOL" Name="F_STRING_TO_BOOL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7779a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to BYTE" Name="F_STRING_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fc27d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to DINT" Name="F_STRING_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40126c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to DWORD" Name="F_STRING_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eddfdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to INT" Name="F_STRING_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-02-14" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fa1a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to LINT" Name="F_STRING_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d4856c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to LREAL" Name="F_STRING_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f63926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to LWORD" Name="F_STRING_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642ff04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to REAL" Name="F_STRING_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10447e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to SINT" Name="F_STRING_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_TIME.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_TIME.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd4e054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_TIME.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to TIME" Name="F_STRING_TO_TIME">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2946566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to UDINT" Name="F_STRING_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04d4862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to UINT" Name="F_STRING_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-02-14" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09c55cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to ULINT" Name="F_STRING_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf67696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to USINT" Name="F_STRING_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de0c8f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to WORD" Name="F_STRING_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aa4e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/STRING/F_STRING_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert STRING to WSTRING" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-02" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf814e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to LINT in milliseconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_MS_TO_LINT(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a94cda4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to LREAL in milliseconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_MS_TO_LREAL(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ef36b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to ULINT in milliseconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_MS_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_MS_TO_ULINT(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..762bbf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to LINT in nanoseconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_NS_TO_LINT(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f0fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to LREAL in nanoseconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_NS_TO_LREAL(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..285c2d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to ULINT in nanoseconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_NS_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_NS_TO_ULINT(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_S_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_S_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78a6185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_S_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to LINT in seconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_S_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_S_TO_LINT(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_S_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_S_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd9258c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_S_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to LREAL in seconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_S_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_S_TO_LREAL(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_S_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_S_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5353155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_S_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to ULINT in seconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_S_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_S_TO_ULINT(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_US_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_US_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26fefd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_US_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to LINT in microseconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_US_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_US_TO_LINT(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_US_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_US_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddc9b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_US_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to LREAL in microseconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_US_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_US_TO_LREAL(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_US_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_US_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..039e5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_IN_US_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Convert TIME to ULINT in microseconds" Name="F_TIME_IN_US_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 TU Wien/ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Martin Melik Merkumians" Date="2019-07-08" Organization="TU Wien/ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <SimpleFB>
+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="REQ">
+      <ST Text="OUT := TIME_IN_US_TO_ULINT(IN);"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </SimpleFB>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26cf404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert TIME to STRING" Name="F_TIME_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce0853d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/TIME/F_TIME_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert TIME to WSTRING" Name="F_TIME_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e189fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to BYTE" Name="F_UDINT_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..479c713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to DINT" Name="F_UDINT_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d1248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to DWORD" Name="F_UDINT_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbe5668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to INT" Name="F_UDINT_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3391d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to LINT" Name="F_UDINT_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71a6a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to LREAL" Name="F_UDINT_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..900da33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to LWORD" Name="F_UDINT_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c81cf32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to REAL" Name="F_UDINT_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..487d8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to SINT" Name="F_UDINT_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9d5357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to STRING" Name="F_UDINT_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53f2e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to UINT" Name="F_UDINT_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b302e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to ULINT" Name="F_UDINT_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd2583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to USINT" Name="F_UDINT_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..210dd1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to WORD" Name="F_UDINT_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97deecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UDINT/F_UDINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UDINT to WSTRING" Name="F_UDINT_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert UDINT to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31c275c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to BYTE" Name="F_UINT_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f25de3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to DINT" Name="F_UINT_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb9eb2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to DWORD" Name="F_UINT_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8de493b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to INT" Name="F_UINT_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccb8eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to LINT" Name="F_UINT_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c31cb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to LREAL" Name="F_UINT_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c51f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to LWORD" Name="F_UINT_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1a503f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to REAL" Name="F_UINT_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de3b630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to SINT" Name="F_UINT_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8bd0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to STRING" Name="F_UINT_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a7e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to UDINT" Name="F_UINT_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..122074d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to ULINT" Name="F_UINT_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf023e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to USINT" Name="F_UINT_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ba76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to WORD" Name="F_UINT_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f974ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/UINT/F_UINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert UINT to WSTRING" Name="F_UINT_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert UINT to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d5b767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to BYTE" Name="F_ULINT_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..340a0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to DINT" Name="F_ULINT_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff44edc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to DWORD" Name="F_ULINT_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b84ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to INT" Name="F_ULINT_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd94dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to LINT" Name="F_ULINT_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f35d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to LREAL" Name="F_ULINT_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efbf16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to LWORD" Name="F_ULINT_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..085fc8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to REAL" Name="F_ULINT_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e483fea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to SINT" Name="F_ULINT_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..028d3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to STRING" Name="F_ULINT_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d799d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to UDINT" Name="F_ULINT_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f7da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to UINT" Name="F_ULINT_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeb9ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to USINT" Name="F_ULINT_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65912ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to WORD" Name="F_ULINT_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb2cbc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/ULINT/F_ULINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert ULINT to WSTRING" Name="F_ULINT_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert ULINT to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8c9a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to BYTE" Name="F_USINT_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd77945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to DINT" Name="F_USINT_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaf898d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to DWORD" Name="F_USINT_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2944c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to INT" Name="F_USINT_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7f04b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to LINT" Name="F_USINT_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..646ece4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to LREAL" Name="F_USINT_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e64c3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to LWORD" Name="F_USINT_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8c6de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to REAL" Name="F_USINT_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f98a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to SINT" Name="F_USINT_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fe9662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to STRING" Name="F_USINT_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56effc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to UDINT" Name="F_USINT_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab85cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to UINT" Name="F_USINT_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1b4881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to ULINT" Name="F_USINT_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b4320d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to WORD" Name="F_USINT_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77dad51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/USINT/F_USINT_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to WSTRING" Name="F_USINT_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="USINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert USINT to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c28c347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to BYTE" Name="F_WORD_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8a2805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to DINT" Name="F_WORD_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcc93a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to DWORD" Name="F_WORD_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b864d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to INT" Name="F_WORD_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1029862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to LINT" Name="F_WORD_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d3fc48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to LWORD" Name="F_WORD_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfd6c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to SINT" Name="F_WORD_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ac5cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert USINT to STRING" Name="F_WORD_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..725f0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to UDINT" Name="F_WORD_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..989f7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to UINT" Name="F_WORD_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6527bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to ULINT" Name="F_WORD_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efecfcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to USINT" Name="F_WORD_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-01-19" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_WSTRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_WSTRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df4cdda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WORD/F_WORD_TO_WSTRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WORD to WSTRING" Name="F_WORD_TO_WSTRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-10" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input value" Name="IN" Type="WORD"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output value" Name="OUT" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="convert WORD to WSTRING" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_BOOL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_BOOL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..899685a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_BOOL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to BOOL" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_BOOL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_BYTE.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_BYTE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cb09fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_BYTE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to BYTE" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_BYTE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2cab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to DINT" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_DWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_DWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3f7c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_DWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to DWORD" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_DWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="DWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_INT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_INT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd92c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_INT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to INT" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_INT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4633650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to LINT" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_LREAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cee46f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to LREAL" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_LWORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_LWORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ba605a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_LWORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to LWORD" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_LWORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="LWORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_REAL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_REAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8fc021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_REAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to REAL" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_REAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_SINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_SINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a32078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_SINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to SINT" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_SINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="SINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_STRING.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_STRING.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5712783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_STRING.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to STRING" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_STRING">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_TIME.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_TIME.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2c48a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_TIME.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to TIME" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_TIME">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b911e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to UDINT" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_UINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_UINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..769263f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_UINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to UINT" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_UINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-02-14" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="UINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d47a700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to ULINT" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_USINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_USINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdfc07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_USINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to USINT" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_USINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="USINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_WORD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_WORD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb2f5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/conversion/WSTRING/F_WSTRING_TO_WORD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="convert WSTRING to WORD" Name="F_WSTRING_TO_WORD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard type conversion function"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-09-03" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="WORD"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea6c56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (down-counter)" Name="FB_CTD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CD"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="LD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count down (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Load" InitialValue="" Name="LD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (down-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ef00c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (down-counter)" Name="FB_CTD_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CD"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="LD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count down (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Load" InitialValue="" Name="LD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (down-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41b4281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (down-counter)" Name="FB_CTD_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CD"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="LD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count down (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Load" InitialValue="" Name="LD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (down-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef1ecb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (down-counter)" Name="FB_CTD_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CD"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="LD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count down (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Load" InitialValue="" Name="LD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (down-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59de94f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTD_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (down-counter)" Name="FB_CTD_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CD"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="LD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count down (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Load" InitialValue="" Name="LD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (down-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3507d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (up-counter)" Name="FB_CTU">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CU"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count up (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (up-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68c6577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (up-down-counter)" Name="FB_CTUD">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CD"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="LD"/>
+        <With Var="CU"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QU"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+        <With Var="QD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count up (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count down (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Load" InitialValue="" Name="LD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="INT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output up count" InitialValue="" Name="QU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output down count" InitialValue="" Name="QD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="INT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (up-down-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c5901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (up-down-counter)" Name="FB_CTUD_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CD"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="LD"/>
+        <With Var="CU"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QU"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+        <With Var="QD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count up (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count down (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Load" InitialValue="" Name="LD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output up count" InitialValue="" Name="QU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output down count" InitialValue="" Name="QD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (up-down-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b803d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (up-down-counter)" Name="FB_CTUD_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CD"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="LD"/>
+        <With Var="CU"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QU"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+        <With Var="QD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count up (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count down (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Load" InitialValue="" Name="LD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output up count" InitialValue="" Name="QU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output down count" InitialValue="" Name="QD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (up-down-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda1880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTUD_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (up-down-counter)" Name="FB_CTUD_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CD"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="LD"/>
+        <With Var="CU"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QU"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+        <With Var="QD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count up (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count down (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Load" InitialValue="" Name="LD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output up count" InitialValue="" Name="QU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output down count" InitialValue="" Name="QD" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (up-down-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_DINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_DINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acfaf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_DINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (up-counter)" Name="FB_CTU_DINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CU"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count up (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="DINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="DINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (up-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_LINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_LINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1657ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_LINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (up-counter)" Name="FB_CTU_LINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CU"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count up (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="LINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="LINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (up-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_UDINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_UDINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00e965f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_UDINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (up-counter)" Name="FB_CTU_UDINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CU"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count up (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="UDINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (up-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_ULINT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_ULINT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee2b7da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/counters/FB_CTU_ULINT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="counters (up-counter)" Name="FB_CTU_ULINT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61131-3" Classification="standard counters"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CU"/>
+        <With Var="PV"/>
+        <With Var="R"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="CV"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count up (Rising Edge Detection)" InitialValue="" Name="CU" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Reset" InitialValue="" Name="R" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Preset value" InitialValue="" Name="PV" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Count value" InitialValue="" Name="CV" Type="ULINT"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="counters (up-counter)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/edgeDetection/FB_F_TRIG.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/edgeDetection/FB_F_TRIG.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d1dd50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/edgeDetection/FB_F_TRIG.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="falling edge detector" Name="FB_F_TRIG">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="falling edge detector" Function="in contrast to the standard a initialization value of false does not detect a falling edge" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-03-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CLK"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Clock" InitialValue="" Name="CLK" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/edgeDetection/FB_R_TRIG.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/edgeDetection/FB_R_TRIG.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..114b3c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/edgeDetection/FB_R_TRIG.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="rising edge detector" Name="FB_R_TRIG">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="rising edge detector" Function="in contrast to the standard a initialization value of true does not detect a rising edge" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-03-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CLK"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Clock" InitialValue="" Name="CLK" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ABS.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ABS.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f4ebfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ABS.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="absolute value" Name="F_ABS">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_NUM"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ACOS.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ACOS.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d15396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ACOS.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="principal arc cosine" Name="F_ACOS">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ASIN.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ASIN.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8f5eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ASIN.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="principal arc sin" Name="F_ASIN">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ATAN.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ATAN.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ee53fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_ATAN.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="principal arc tan" Name="F_ATAN">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_COS.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_COS.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a5cdec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_COS.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="cosine in radians" Name="F_COS">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_EXP.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_EXP.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9861973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_EXP.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="natural exponential" Name="F_EXP">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_LN.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_LN.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3900fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_LN.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="natural logarithm" Name="F_LN">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_LOG.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_LOG.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28cbc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_LOG.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="logarithm base 10" Name="F_LOG">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_SIN.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_SIN.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2b360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_SIN.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="sine of input in radians" Name="F_SIN">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_SQRT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_SQRT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2da6630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_SQRT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="square root" Name="F_SQRT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_TAN.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_TAN.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eccb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/numerical/F_TAN.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="tangent in radians" Name="F_TAN">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard function of one numeric variable" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-04-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="IN" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_REAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_LIMIT.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_LIMIT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a0f884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_LIMIT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="limiter" Name="F_LIMIT">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard selection function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="MN"/>
+        <With Var="MX"/>
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Minimum" InitialValue="" Name="MN" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Maximum" InitialValue="" Name="MX" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Limited input" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_MAX.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_MAX.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..659cbfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_MAX.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="maximum" Name="F_MAX">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard selection function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-03-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 1" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 2" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="maximum value" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_MIN.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_MIN.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77f3872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_MIN.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="minimum" Name="F_MIN">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard selection function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-03-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 1" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 2" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Minimum value" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="ANY_ELEMENTARY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_MUX_2.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_MUX_2.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d6f762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_MUX_2.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="multiplexer" Name="F_MUX_2">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2013 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard selection function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2013-08-30" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN2"/>
+        <With Var="K"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Select one of n inputs" Name="K" Type="ANY_INT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 1" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input value 2" InitialValue="" Name="IN2" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="IN1 for K = 0, IN2 for K = 1" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_SEL.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_SEL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef5204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/selection/F_SEL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="binary selection" Name="F_SEL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard selection function" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2012-03-25" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="G"/>
+        <With Var="IN1"/>
+        <With Var="IN0"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Selelctor" InitialValue="" Name="G" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Selectable input variable" InitialValue="" Name="IN0" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Selectable input variable" InitialValue="" Name="IN1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Selected input" InitialValue="" Name="OUT" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="selection (binary selection)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/timers/FB_TOF.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/timers/FB_TOF.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11548bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/timers/FB_TOF.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Comment="standard timer function block (off-delay timing)" Name="FB_TOF">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard timer function block" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="PT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="ET"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Process time" InitialValue="" Name="PT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Elapsed time" InitialValue="" Name="ET" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/timers/FB_TON.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/timers/FB_TON.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab80f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/timers/FB_TON.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="standard timer function block (on-delay timing)" Name="FB_TON">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard timer function block" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="PT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="ET"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Process time" InitialValue="" Name="PT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Elapsed time" InitialValue="" Name="ET" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/iec61131-3/timers/FB_TP.fbt b/skills/iec61131-3/timers/FB_TP.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ac26ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/iec61131-3/timers/FB_TP.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="standard timer function block (pulse)" Name="FB_TP">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 TU Wien ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Classification="standard timer function block" Standard="61131-3"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Monika Wenger" Date="2011-06-21" Organization="TU Wien ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="PT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="Q"/>
+        <With Var="ET"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input" InitialValue="" Name="IN" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Pulse time" InitialValue="" Name="PT" Type="TIME"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output" InitialValue="" Name="Q" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="elapse time" InitialValue="" Name="ET" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="standard timer function block (pulse)" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/net/CLIENT_0.fbt b/skills/net/CLIENT_0.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb2e8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/CLIENT_0.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="CLIENT_0">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/CLIENT_1.fbt b/skills/net/CLIENT_1.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d8ffdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/CLIENT_1.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="CLIENT_1">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/CLIENT_2_1.fbt b/skills/net/CLIENT_2_1.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..babd5aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/CLIENT_2_1.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="CLIENT_2_1">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/PUBLISH_0.fbt b/skills/net/PUBLISH_0.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d4bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/PUBLISH_0.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="PUBLISH_0">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/PUBLISH_1.fbt b/skills/net/PUBLISH_1.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..278a672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/PUBLISH_1.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="PUBLISH_1">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/PUBLISH_10.fbt b/skills/net/PUBLISH_10.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..536bece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/PUBLISH_10.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="PUBLISH_10">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_7"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+        <With Var="SD_8"/>
+        <With Var="SD_9"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_8" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_9" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/PUBLISH_2.fbt b/skills/net/PUBLISH_2.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a842da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/PUBLISH_2.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="PUBLISH_2">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/PUBLISH_3.fbt b/skills/net/PUBLISH_3.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fbcb5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/PUBLISH_3.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="PUBLISH_3">
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
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+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
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index 0000000..a70260c
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
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index 0000000..13478dc
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_7"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
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diff --git a/skills/net/PUBLISH_8.fbt b/skills/net/PUBLISH_8.fbt
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index 0000000..64e1d47
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_7"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+        <With Var="SD_8"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_8" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
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diff --git a/skills/net/PUBLISH_9.fbt b/skills/net/PUBLISH_9.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a96b68
--- /dev/null
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_7"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+        <With Var="SD_8"/>
+        <With Var="SD_9"/>
+        <With Var="SD_10"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_8" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_9" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_10" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SERVER_0.fbt b/skills/net/SERVER_0.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..979d482
--- /dev/null
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
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index 0000000..f14ea0b
--- /dev/null
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
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index 0000000..f8dd0fb
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
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+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
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index 0000000..ebe1f45
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_1.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_1.fbt
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index 0000000..6788a4a
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+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
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+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_10.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_10.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfebc7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_10.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_10">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_3"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+        <With Var="RD_4"/>
+        <With Var="RD_5"/>
+        <With Var="RD_6"/>
+        <With Var="RD_7"/>
+        <With Var="RD_8"/>
+        <With Var="RD_9"/>
+        <With Var="RD_10"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_8" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_9" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_10" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_2.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_2.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea1363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_2.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_2">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_3.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_3.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8450323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_3.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_3">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_3"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_4.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_4.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8919d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_4.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_4">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_3"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+        <With Var="RD_4"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_5.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_5.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..748c510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_5.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_5">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_3"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+        <With Var="RD_4"/>
+        <With Var="RD_5"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_6.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_6.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30ca78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_6.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_6">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_3"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+        <With Var="RD_4"/>
+        <With Var="RD_5"/>
+        <With Var="RD_6"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_7.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_7.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ff26cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_7.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_7">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_3"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+        <With Var="RD_4"/>
+        <With Var="RD_5"/>
+        <With Var="RD_6"/>
+        <With Var="RD_7"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_8.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_8.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2702e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_8.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_8">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_3"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+        <With Var="RD_4"/>
+        <With Var="RD_5"/>
+        <With Var="RD_6"/>
+        <With Var="RD_7"/>
+        <With Var="RD_8"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_8" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_9.fbt b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_9.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cfc720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/net/SUBSCRIBE_9.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_9">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-10-25" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="ID"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="IND" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="RD_1"/>
+        <With Var="RD_3"/>
+        <With Var="RD_2"/>
+        <With Var="RD_4"/>
+        <With Var="RD_5"/>
+        <With Var="RD_6"/>
+        <With Var="RD_7"/>
+        <With Var="RD_8"/>
+        <With Var="RD_9"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ID" Type="WSTRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_8" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="RD_9" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/resources/EMB_RES.res b/skills/resources/EMB_RES.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01014bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/resources/EMB_RES.res
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<ResourceType Comment="Most basic resource for executing FB networks" Name="EMB_RES">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"
+    Function="This resource provides the most basic functionality of an IEC 61499 resource, namely executing FB networks. For convenience it already contains an instance of the E_RESTART FB providing events for starting up and shutting down an application.&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;This resource is based on examples found in the different parts of IEC 61499 and the documentation at"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2017-12-02" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="START" Type="E_RESTART" x="100.0" y="0.0"/>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/segments/Ethernet.seg b/skills/segments/Ethernet.seg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e6a3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/segments/Ethernet.seg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE DeviceType SYSTEM "" >
+<SegmentType Name="Ethernet" Comment="Ethernet Segment" >
+  <Identification Standard="61499 ITA" Description="Copyright (c) 2008 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"  />
+  <VersionInfo Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="0.1" Author="Gerhard Ebenhofer" Date="2008-06-02" Remarks="Initial version"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/skills/skills/IAS_Skill.adp b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill.adp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0a77bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill.adp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE AdapterType SYSTEM "">
+<AdapterType Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-1"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="GE" Date="2008-04-22" Organization="4DIAC-Consortium" Version="0.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+        <With Var="lastTransition"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="cleanUp" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="lock" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="reset" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="start" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="stop" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="suspend" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="unsuspend" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="currentState" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="lastTransition" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="" LeftInterface="SOCKET" RightInterface="PLUG">
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters="REQD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="REQ" Interface="PLUG" Parameters="REQD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="CNF" Interface="PLUG" Parameters="CNFD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters="CNFD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="IND" Interface="PLUG" Parameters="INDD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters="INDD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="SOCKET" Parameters="RSPD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="PLUG" Parameters="RSPD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_DEMUX.fbt b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_DEMUX.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc020f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_DEMUX.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Composite Function Block Type" Name="IAS_Skill_DEMUX">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="dorofeev" Date="2019-07-03" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+        <With Var="lastTransition"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="cleanUp" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="lock" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="reset" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="start" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="stop" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="suspend" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="unsuspend" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="currentState" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="lastTransition" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <Sockets>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill" Type="IAS_Skill" x="1800.0" y="800.0"/>
+    </Sockets>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="cleanUp" Source="IAS_Skill.cleanUp" dx1="3140.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="lock" Source="IAS_Skill.lock" dx1="3140.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="reset" Source="IAS_Skill.reset" dx1="3140.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="start" Source="IAS_Skill.start" dx1="3140.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="stop" Source="IAS_Skill.stop" dx1="3140.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="suspend" Source="IAS_Skill.suspend" dx1="3140.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="unsuspend" Source="IAS_Skill.unsuspend" dx1="3140.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.RSP" Source="RSP" dx1="930.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.currentState" Source="currentState" dx1="830.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.lastTransition" Source="lastTransition" dx1="660.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_Full.fbt b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_Full.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6b016f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_Full.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Composite Function Block Type" Name="IAS_Skill_Full">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="4DIAC-IDE" Date="2018-04-30" Organization="4DIAC-Consortium" Version="0.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Request" Name="INIT" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="ErrorEventInternal" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="StopEventInternal" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="StartEventInternal" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="cleanUp" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="lock" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="reset" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="start" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="stop" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="suspend" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="unsuspend" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="currentState" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+    <Sockets>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill" Type="IAS_Skill" x="1400.0" y="100.0"/>
+    </Sockets>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill_StateModel" Type="IAS_Skill_StateModel" x="4000.0" y="0.0"/>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.INIT" Source="INIT" dx1="1680.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.cleanUp" Source="IAS_Skill.cleanUp"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.lock" Source="IAS_Skill.lock"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.reset" Source="IAS_Skill.reset"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.start" Source="IAS_Skill.start"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.stop" Source="IAS_Skill.stop"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.suspend" Source="IAS_Skill.suspend"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.unsuspend" Source="IAS_Skill.unsuspend"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.ErrorEvent" Source="ErrorEventInternal" dx1="1680.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.StopEvent" Source="StopEventInternal" dx1="1680.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_StateModel.StartEvent" Source="StartEventInternal" dx1="1680.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="INITO" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.INITO" dx1="1890.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="cleanUp" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.cleanUpO" dx1="1890.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="lock" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.lockO" dx1="1890.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="reset" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.resetO" dx1="1890.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="start" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.startO" dx1="1890.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="stop" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.stopO" dx1="1890.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="suspend" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.suspendO" dx1="1890.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="unsuspend" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.unsupendO" dx1="1890.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.RSP" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.cleanUpO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-50.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.RSP" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.lockO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-100.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.RSP" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.resetO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-150.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.RSP" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.startO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-200.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.RSP" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.stopO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-250.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.RSP" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.suspendO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-300.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.RSP" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.unsupendO" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-350.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.currentState" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.CurrentStatus" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-150.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.lastTransition" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.LastTransition" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-150.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="currentState" Source="IAS_Skill_StateModel.CurrentStatus" dx1="1890.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_MUX.fbt b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_MUX.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5070c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_MUX.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Composite Function Block Type" Name="IAS_Skill_MUX">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="dorofeev" Date="2019-07-03" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Request" Name="cleanUp" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="lock" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="reset" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="start" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="stop" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="suspend" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="unsuspend" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="RSP" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="currentState"/>
+        <With Var="lastTransition"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="currentState" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="lastTransition" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+    <Plugs>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill" Type="IAS_Skill" x="1900.0" y="300.0"/>
+    </Plugs>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <FBNetwork>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.cleanUp" Source="cleanUp" dx1="750.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.lock" Source="lock" dx1="750.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.reset" Source="reset" dx1="750.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.start" Source="start" dx1="750.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.stop" Source="stop" dx1="750.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.suspend" Source="suspend" dx1="750.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill.unsuspend" Source="unsuspend" dx1="750.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="RSP" Source="IAS_Skill.RSP" dx1="3045.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="currentState" Source="IAS_Skill.currentState" dx1="3045.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="lastTransition" Source="IAS_Skill.lastTransition" dx1="3045.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+  </FBNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_StateModel.fbt b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_StateModel.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df2c81d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/IAS_Skill_StateModel.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Tamplate for a simple Basic Function Block Type" Name="IAS_Skill_StateModel">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="4DIAC-IDE" Date="2018-05-17" Organization="4DIAC-Consortium" Version="0.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="AZ" Date="2016-05-26" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INIT" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Request" Name="cleanUp" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="lock" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="reset" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="start" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="stop" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="suspend" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="unsuspend" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="ErrorEvent" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="StopEvent" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="StartEvent" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CurrentStatus"/>
+        <With Var="LastTransition"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="CurrentStatus"/>
+        <With Var="LastTransition"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="cleanUpO" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="lockO" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="resetO" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="startO" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="stopO" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="suspendO" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="" Name="unsupendO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output event qualifier" Name="CurrentStatus" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="LastTransition" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="Start" x="-690.0" y="-250.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="IdleFromExecuting" x="800.0" y="-200.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="IdleState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="ExecutingToIdle" Output="CNF"/>
+        <ECAction Output="stopO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="ExecutingFromIdle" x="2500.0" y="200.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="ExecutingState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="IdleToExecuting" Output="CNF"/>
+        <ECAction Output="startO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="Suspended" x="2000.0" y="1800.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="SuspendedState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="ExecutingToSuspend" Output="CNF"/>
+        <ECAction Output="suspendO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="IdleFromSuspended" x="1200.0" y="700.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="IdleState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="SuspendedToIdle" Output="CNF"/>
+        <ECAction Output="cleanUpO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="LockedFromExecuting" x="4300.0" y="500.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LockedState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="ExecutingToLocked" Output="CNF"/>
+        <ECAction Output="lockO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="LockedFromSuspended" x="4600.0" y="1700.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LockedState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="SuspendedToLocked" Output="CNF"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="LockedFromIdle" x="-500.0" y="600.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LockedState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="IdleToLocked" Output="CNF"/>
+        <ECAction Output="lockO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="ExecutingFromSuspended" x="2500.0" y="1200.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="ExecutingState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="SuspendedToExecuting" Output="CNF"/>
+        <ECAction Output="unsupendO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="IdleFromLocked" x="600.0" y="1300.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="IdleState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LockedToIdle" Output="CNF"/>
+        <ECAction Output="resetO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="LockedInitial" x="100.0" y="-900.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LockedState" Output="INITO"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="NoLastTransition" Output="CNF"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="LockedFromLocked" x="1500.0" y="2900.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LockedState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="LockedToLocked" Output="CNF"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="ExecutingFromExecuting" x="4085.0" y="-595.0">
+        <ECAction Algorithm="ExecutingState"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="ExecutingToExecuting" Output="CNF"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="-1460.0" y="415.0">
+        <ECAction Output="INITO"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="stop" Destination="IdleFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromIdle" x="2205.0" y="290.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="stop" Destination="IdleFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromSuspended" x="1805.0" y="205.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ErrorEvent" Destination="LockedFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromIdle" x="3815.0" y="-125.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ErrorEvent" Destination="LockedFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromSuspended" x="4020.0" y="795.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="suspend" Destination="Suspended" Source="ExecutingFromSuspended" x="2400.0" y="1405.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="suspend" Destination="Suspended" Source="ExecutingFromIdle" x="2465.0" y="785.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="start" Destination="ExecutingFromIdle" Source="IdleFromExecuting" x="2785.0" y="-625.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="lock" Destination="LockedFromIdle" Source="IdleFromSuspended" x="985.0" y="140.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="lock" Destination="LockedFromIdle" Source="IdleFromExecuting" x="-225.0" y="80.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="start" Destination="ExecutingFromIdle" Source="IdleFromLocked" x="1385.0" y="1285.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="lock" Destination="LockedFromIdle" Source="IdleFromLocked" x="-165.0" y="1840.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="reset" Destination="IdleFromLocked" Source="LockedFromSuspended" x="815.0" y="2960.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="reset" Destination="IdleFromLocked" Source="LockedFromExecuting" x="2015.0" y="3205.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="unsuspend" Destination="ExecutingFromSuspended" Source="Suspended" x="2700.0" y="1605.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="cleanUp" Destination="IdleFromSuspended" Source="Suspended" x="1890.0" y="1455.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ErrorEvent" Destination="LockedFromSuspended" Source="Suspended" x="3250.0" y="1500.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="start" Destination="ExecutingFromIdle" Source="IdleFromSuspended" x="1925.0" y="625.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="start" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedFromIdle" x="-730.0" y="3075.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="start" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedFromSuspended" x="4320.0" y="3070.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="start" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedFromExecuting" x="3155.0" y="2530.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="start" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedFromLocked" x="1875.0" y="3605.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="reset" Destination="IdleFromLocked" Source="LockedFromLocked" x="295.0" y="2580.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="lock" Destination="ExecutingFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromIdle" x="3610.0" y="-140.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="lock" Destination="ExecutingFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromSuspended" x="4960.0" y="60.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="stop" Destination="IdleFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromExecuting" x="1735.0" y="-645.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ErrorEvent" Destination="LockedFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromExecuting" x="5915.0" y="185.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="suspend" Destination="Suspended" Source="ExecutingFromExecuting" x="3335.0" y="645.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="lock" Destination="ExecutingFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromExecuting" x="4475.0" y="-940.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="reset" Destination="IdleFromLocked" Source="LockedInitial" x="-1375.0" y="455.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="start" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedInitial" x="-2140.0" y="4240.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="reset" Destination="IdleFromLocked" Source="LockedFromIdle" x="-985.0" y="2375.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ErrorEvent" Destination="LockedFromIdle" Source="IdleFromSuspended" x="900.0" y="385.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ErrorEvent" Destination="LockedFromIdle" Source="IdleFromExecuting" x="350.0" y="170.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ErrorEvent" Destination="LockedFromIdle" Source="IdleFromLocked" x="415.0" y="1090.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StopEvent" Destination="IdleFromSuspended" Source="Suspended" x="1395.0" y="1980.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StopEvent" Destination="IdleFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromSuspended" x="1860.0" y="565.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StopEvent" Destination="IdleFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromIdle" x="1895.0" y="60.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StopEvent" Destination="IdleFromExecuting" Source="ExecutingFromExecuting" x="3135.0" y="-305.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="INIT" Destination="State" Source="Start" x="-1030.0" y="190.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="IdleFromLocked" Source="State" x="-1235.0" y="1115.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StartEvent" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedFromLocked" x="2070.0" y="3305.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StartEvent" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedInitial" x="-2740.0" y="3975.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StartEvent" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedFromIdle" x="-865.0" y="2835.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StartEvent" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedFromSuspended" x="4680.0" y="3395.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StartEvent" Destination="LockedFromLocked" Source="LockedFromExecuting" x="4935.0" y="2765.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StartEvent" Destination="ExecutingFromIdle" Source="IdleFromLocked" x="945.0" y="1125.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StartEvent" Destination="ExecutingFromIdle" Source="IdleFromExecuting" x="2595.0" y="-150.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="StartEvent" Destination="ExecutingFromIdle" Source="IdleFromSuspended" x="2660.0" y="475.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="Initialization algorithm" Name="IdleState">
+      <ST Text="CurrentStatus := &quot;Idle&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="Normally executed algorithm" Name="SuspendedState">
+      <ST Text="CurrentStatus := &quot;Suspended&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="LockedState">
+      <ST Text="CurrentStatus := &quot;Locked&quot;;&#10;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="ExecutingState">
+      <ST Text="CurrentStatus := &quot;Executing&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="ExecutingToIdle">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;ExecutingToIdle&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="ExecutingToLocked">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;ExecutingToLocked&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="ExecutingToSuspend">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;ExecutingToSuspend&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="IdleToExecuting">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;IdleToExecuting&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="IdleToLocked">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;IdleToLocked&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="LockedToIdle">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;LockedToIdle&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="SuspendedToExecuting">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;SuspendedToExecuting&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="SuspendedToIdle">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;SuspendedToIdle&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="SuspendedToLocked">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;SuspendedToLocked&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="LockedToLocked">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;LockedToLocked&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="ExecutingToExecuting">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;ExecutingToExecuting&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="NoLastTransition">
+      <ST Text="LastTransition := &quot;&quot;;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/skills/OrchestratorExample.fbt b/skills/skills/OrchestratorExample.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8a0834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/OrchestratorExample.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Template for a simple Basic Function Block Type" Name="OrchestratorExample">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="dorofeev" Date="2019-11-08" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Request" Name="INIT" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <Plugs>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="Lamp1" Type="IAS_Skill"/>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="Lamp2" Type="IAS_Skill"/>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="Lamp3" Type="IAS_Skill"/>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="ATimeOut" Type="ATimeOut"/>
+    </Plugs>
+    <Sockets>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="blinkingLight" Type="IAS_Skill"/>
+    </Sockets>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <BasicFB>
+    <ECC>
+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="3700.0" y="300.0"/>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="BlinkOn" x="4525.0" y="1430.0">
+        <ECAction Output="Lamp1.start"/>
+        <ECAction Output="Lamp2.start"/>
+        <ECAction Output="Lamp3.start"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="setTime" Output="ATimeOut.START"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="BlinkOff" x="4220.0" y="2110.0">
+        <ECAction Output="Lamp1.stop"/>
+        <ECAction Output="Lamp2.stop"/>
+        <ECAction Output="Lamp3.stop"/>
+        <ECAction Algorithm="setTime" Output="ATimeOut.START"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECState Comment="" Name="INIT" x="3825.0" y="785.0">
+        <ECAction Output="INITO"/>
+        <ECAction Output="Lamp1.stop"/>
+        <ECAction Output="Lamp2.stop"/>
+        <ECAction Output="Lamp3.stop"/>
+      </ECState>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ATimeOut.TimeOut" Destination="BlinkOff" Source="BlinkOn" x="3445.0" y="1760.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ATimeOut.TimeOut" Destination="BlinkOn" Source="BlinkOff" x="4495.0" y="1810.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="blinkingLight.start" Destination="BlinkOn" Source="INIT" x="4270.0" y="1155.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="blinkingLight.stop" Destination="INIT" Source="BlinkOff" x="3735.0" y="1390.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="INIT" Source="START" x="3935.0" y="635.0"/>
+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="blinkingLight.stop" Destination="INIT" Source="BlinkOn" x="5280.0" y="1160.0"/>
+    </ECC>
+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="setTime">
+      <ST Text="ATimeOut.DT := T#5s;&#10;"/>
+    </Algorithm>
+  </BasicFB>
diff --git a/skills/skills/QX_sim.sub b/skills/skills/QX_sim.sub
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06e5683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/QX_sim.sub
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE SubAppType SYSTEM "">
+<SubAppType Comment="Subapplication Type" Name="QX_sim">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="dorofeev" Date="2019-11-08" Version="1.0"/>
+  <SubAppInterfaceList>
+    <SubAppEventInputs>
+      <SubAppEvent Comment="Initialization Request" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="PARAMS"/>
+      </SubAppEvent>
+      <SubAppEvent Comment="Normal Execution Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </SubAppEvent>
+    </SubAppEventInputs>
+    <SubAppEventOutputs>
+      <SubAppEvent Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </SubAppEvent>
+      <SubAppEvent Comment="Execution Confirmation" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </SubAppEvent>
+    </SubAppEventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input event qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="PARAMS" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output event qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </SubAppInterfaceList>
+  <SubAppNetwork>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="INITO" Source="INIT"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CNF" Source="REQ"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="QO" Source="OUT" dx1="4215.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+  </SubAppNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/skills/SClient.sub b/skills/skills/SClient.sub
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e9e865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/SClient.sub
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE SubAppType SYSTEM "">
+<SubAppType Comment="Subapplication Type" Name="SClient">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="dorofeev" Date="2019-07-03" Version="1.0"/>
+  <SubAppInterfaceList>
+    <SubAppEventInputs>
+      <SubAppEvent Comment="Initialization Request" Name="INIT" Type="Event"/>
+    </SubAppEventInputs>
+    <SubAppEventOutputs>
+      <SubAppEvent Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event"/>
+    </SubAppEventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input event qualifier" Name="remoteIPandPort" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="IAS_Namespace" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="skillStateMachineNodeBrowsePath" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <Sockets>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill" Type="IAS_Skill"/>
+    </Sockets>
+  </SubAppInterfaceList>
+  <SubAppNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="2600.0" y="0.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[CALL_METHOD;opc.tcp://"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING##;/Objects/"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="3800.0" y="100.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_2" Type="APPEND_STRING_2" x="5400.0" y="300.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_2" Value="STRING#:lock]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_2_1" Type="APPEND_STRING_2" x="5400.0" y="900.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_2" Value="STRING#:reset]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_2_2" Type="APPEND_STRING_2" x="5400.0" y="1600.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_2" Value="STRING#:start]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_2_3" Type="APPEND_STRING_2" x="5400.0" y="2300.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_2" Value="STRING#:stop]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_2_4" Type="APPEND_STRING_2" x="5400.0" y="2900.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_2" Value="STRING#:suspend]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_2_5" Type="APPEND_STRING_2" x="5400.0" y="3500.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_2" Value="STRING#:unsuspend]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_2_6" Type="APPEND_STRING_2" x="5400.0" y="-300.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_2" Value="STRING#:cleanUp]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="CLIENT_0" Type="CLIENT_0" x="8400.0" y="-400.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="CLIENT_0_1" Type="CLIENT_0" x="8400.0" y="300.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="CLIENT_0_2" Type="CLIENT_0" x="8400.0" y="1000.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="CLIENT_0_3" Type="CLIENT_0" x="8400.0" y="1700.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="CLIENT_0_4" Type="CLIENT_0" x="8400.0" y="2400.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="CLIENT_0_5" Type="CLIENT_0" x="8400.0" y="3100.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="CLIENT_0_6" Type="CLIENT_0" x="8400.0" y="3800.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="6800.0" y="-300.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="6800.0" y="300.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_2" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="6800.0" y="900.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_3" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="6800.0" y="1700.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_4" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="6800.0" y="2300.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_5" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="6800.0" y="3000.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_6" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="6800.0" y="3600.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_1" Type="SUBSCRIBE_1" x="4100.0" y="800.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="SUBSCRIBE_1_1" Type="SUBSCRIBE_1" x="4100.0" y="1600.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_3" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="200.0" y="900.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[SUBSCRIBE;opc.tcp://"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING##;/Objects/"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1_1" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="1400.0" y="1000.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#0:CurrentState]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_4" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="100.0" y="1600.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[SUBSCRIBE;opc.tcp://"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING##;/Objects/"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1_2" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="1300.0" y="1700.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#0:LastTransition]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="2900.0" y="1100.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7_1" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="2900.0" y="1800.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="STRING2STRING" Type="STRING2STRING" x="1400.0" y="500.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill_DEMUX" Type="IAS_Skill_DEMUX" x="2600.0" y="2500.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="GET_STRUCT_VALUE" Type="GET_STRUCT_VALUE" x="730.0" y="2600.0">
+      <Parameter Name="member" Value="text"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="GET_STRUCT_VALUE_1" Type="GET_STRUCT_VALUE" x="865.0" y="3400.0">
+      <Parameter Name="member" Value="text"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="LocalizedText2LocalizedText_1" Type="LocalizedText2LocalizedText" x="-865.0" y="3400.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="LocalizedText2LocalizedText" Type="LocalizedText2LocalizedText" x="-1000.0" y="2600.0"/>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3.CNF" dx1="230.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_6.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.CNF" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.CNF" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_1.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.CNF" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_2.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.CNF" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_3.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.CNF" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_4.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.CNF" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_5.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.CNF" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_6.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING.CNF" dx1="350.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_1.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_2.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_1.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_2.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_2.CNF" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_3.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_2.CNF" dx1="285.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_3.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_3.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_4.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_3.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_4.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_4.CNF" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_5.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_4.CNF" dx1="285.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_5.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_5.CNF" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_6.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_5.CNF" dx1="285.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_6.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_6.CNF" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="INITO" Source="CLIENT_0_6.INITO" dx1="375.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1_1.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_3.CNF" dx1="230.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1_2.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_4.CNF" dx1="230.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SUBSCRIBE_1.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7.CNF" dx1="140.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_1.CNF" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7_1.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_2.CNF" dx1="390.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SUBSCRIBE_1_1.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7_1.CNF" dx1="105.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="STRING2STRING.REQ" Source="INIT" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="305.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3.REQ" Source="STRING2STRING.CNF" dx1="335.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_3.REQ" Source="STRING2STRING.CNF" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="200.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_4.REQ" Source="STRING2STRING.CNF" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="550.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0.REQ" Source="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.cleanUp" dx1="2515.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_1.REQ" Source="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.lock" dx1="2515.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_2.REQ" Source="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.reset" dx1="2515.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_3.REQ" Source="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.start" dx1="2515.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_4.REQ" Source="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.stop" dx1="2515.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_5.REQ" Source="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.suspend" dx1="2515.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_6.REQ" Source="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.unsuspend" dx1="2515.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="GET_STRUCT_VALUE_1.REQ" Source="LocalizedText2LocalizedText_1.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="GET_STRUCT_VALUE.REQ" Source="LocalizedText2LocalizedText.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="LocalizedText2LocalizedText_1.REQ" Source="SUBSCRIBE_1_1.IND" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="850.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="LocalizedText2LocalizedText.REQ" Source="SUBSCRIBE_1.IND" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="850.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.RSP" Source="GET_STRUCT_VALUE.CNF" dx1="515.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.RSP" Source="GET_STRUCT_VALUE_1.CNF" dx1="450.0"/>
+    </EventConnections>
+    <DataConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3.OUT" dx1="230.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1.IN_2" Source="skillStateMachineNodeBrowsePath" dx1="1525.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1.IN_3" Source="IAS_Namespace" dx1="1305.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_6.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.OUT" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.OUT" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_1.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.OUT" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_2.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.OUT" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_3.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.OUT" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_4.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.OUT" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2_5.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1.OUT" dx1="425.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_6.OUT"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0.ID" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING.OUT" dx1="350.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2.OUT"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_1.ID" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1.OUT" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_2.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_1.OUT"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_2.ID" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_2.OUT" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_3.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_2.OUT" dx1="285.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_3.ID" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_3.OUT" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_4.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_3.OUT"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_4.ID" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_4.OUT" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_5.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_4.OUT" dx1="285.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_5.ID" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_5.OUT" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_6.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2_5.OUT" dx1="285.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="CLIENT_0_6.ID" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_6.OUT" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1_1.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_3.OUT" dx1="230.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1_2.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_4.OUT" dx1="230.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SUBSCRIBE_1.ID" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7.OUT" dx1="140.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_1.OUT" dx1="340.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7_1.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_2.OUT" dx1="390.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SUBSCRIBE_1_1.ID" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_7_1.OUT"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="STRING2STRING.IN" Source="remoteIPandPort" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="380.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3.IN_2" Source="STRING2STRING.OUT" dx1="335.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_3.IN_2" Source="STRING2STRING.OUT" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="235.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_4.IN_2" Source="STRING2STRING.OUT" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="585.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1_1.IN_2" Source="skillStateMachineNodeBrowsePath" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="580.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1_2.IN_2" Source="skillStateMachineNodeBrowsePath" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="930.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="GET_STRUCT_VALUE.in_struct" Source="LocalizedText2LocalizedText.OUT"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="GET_STRUCT_VALUE_1.in_struct" Source="LocalizedText2LocalizedText_1.OUT"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="LocalizedText2LocalizedText_1.IN" Source="SUBSCRIBE_1_1.RD_1" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="750.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="LocalizedText2LocalizedText.IN" Source="SUBSCRIBE_1.RD_1" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="750.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.currentState" Source="GET_STRUCT_VALUE.output" dx1="515.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.lastTransition" Source="GET_STRUCT_VALUE_1.output" dx1="450.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <AdapterConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_DEMUX.IAS_Skill" Source="IAS_Skill" dx1="655.0"/>
+    </AdapterConnections>
+  </SubAppNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/skills/SServer.sub b/skills/skills/SServer.sub
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3280c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/SServer.sub
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE SubAppType SYSTEM "">
+<SubAppType Comment="Subapplication Type" Name="SServer">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="dorofeev" Date="2019-07-02" Version="1.0"/>
+  <SubAppInterfaceList>
+    <SubAppEventInputs>
+      <SubAppEvent Comment="Initialization Request" Name="INIT" Type="Event"/>
+    </SubAppEventInputs>
+    <SubAppEventOutputs>
+      <SubAppEvent Comment="" Name="INITO" Type="Event"/>
+    </SubAppEventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input event qualifier" Name="skillName" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <Plugs>
+      <AdapterDeclaration Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill" Type="IAS_Skill"/>
+    </Plugs>
+  </SubAppInterfaceList>
+  <SubAppNetwork>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="STRING2STRING" Type="STRING2STRING" x="1400.0" y="0.0"/>
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+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[CREATE_METHOD;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#/4:StateMachine/4:reset]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_3" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="5500.0" y="3900.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_6" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="5500.0" y="6100.0"/>
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+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[CREATE_METHOD;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#/4:StateMachine/4:lock]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="3200.0" y="500.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[CREATE_OBJECT;,4:i=1002;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#,4:s="/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1_6" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="3300.0" y="6000.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[CREATE_METHOD;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#/4:StateMachine/4:unsuspend]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1_5" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="3300.0" y="5300.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[CREATE_METHOD;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#/4:StateMachine/4:suspend]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="3100.0" y="1400.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[CREATE_METHOD;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#/4:StateMachine/4:cleanUp]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1_4" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="3300.0" y="4600.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[CREATE_METHOD;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#/4:StateMachine/4:stop]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_4" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="5500.0" y="4700.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_1" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="5400.0" y="2300.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_5" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="5500.0" y="5400.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="PUBLISH_0" Type="PUBLISH_0" x="6200.0" y="-300.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="5470.0" y="1405.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="SERVER_0" Type="SERVER_0" x="7000.0" y="1300.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="SERVER_0_1" Type="SERVER_0" x="7100.0" y="2200.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="SERVER_0_1_1" Type="SERVER_0" x="7000.0" y="3100.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="SERVER_0_1_1_1" Type="SERVER_0" x="7000.0" y="3800.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="SERVER_0_1_1_2" Type="SERVER_0" x="7000.0" y="4700.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="SERVER_0_1_1_2_1" Type="SERVER_0" x="7000.0" y="5400.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="SERVER_0_1_1_2_2" Type="SERVER_0" x="7000.0" y="6100.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="String2LocalizedText" Type="String2LocalizedText" x="9785.0" y="1385.0">
+      <Parameter Name="locale" Value="STRING#en-us"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="String2LocalizedText_1" Type="String2LocalizedText" x="9800.0" y="2200.0">
+      <Parameter Name="locale" Value="STRING#en-us"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="IAS_Skill_MUX" Type="IAS_Skill_MUX" x="8000.0" y="700.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1_3" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="3300.0" y="3800.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[CREATE_METHOD;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#/4:StateMachine/4:start]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1_3_1" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="8300.0" y="-900.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[WRITE;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#/4:StateMachine/0:CurrentState]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_1_3_3" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="8200.0" y="0.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_1" Value="STRING#opc_ua[WRITE;/Objects/4:skills/4:"/>
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#/4:StateMachine/0:LastTransition]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1" Type="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING" x="9600.0" y="0.0"/>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="PUBLISH_2" Type="PUBLISH_1" x="11280.0" y="1415.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
+    <FB Comment="" Name="PUBLISH_2_1" Type="PUBLISH_1" x="11400.0" y="600.0">
+      <Parameter Name="QI" Value="1"/>
+    </FB>
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+    <FB Comment="" Name="APPEND_STRING_3_2" Type="APPEND_STRING_3" x="4100.0" y="800.0">
+      <Parameter Name="IN_3" Value="STRING#]"/>
+    </FB>
+    <EventConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="STRING2STRING.REQ" Source="INIT" dx1="605.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3.REQ" Source="STRING2STRING.CNF" dx1="615.0"/>
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+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1_2.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_1.CNF" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="400.0"/>
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+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_1_6.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_5.CNF" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="350.0"/>
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+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_1.CNF" dx1="320.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1_1.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_2.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1_1_1.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_3.CNF" dx1="220.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1_1_2.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_4.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1_1_2_1.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_5.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1_1_2_2.INIT" Source="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_6.CNF"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" dx1="480.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" dx1="430.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" dx1="450.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" dx1="415.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" dx1="415.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" dx1="375.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" dx1="375.0"/>
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+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1_1.RSP" Source="SERVER_0_1_1.IND" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-300.0"/>
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+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1_1_2.RSP" Source="SERVER_0_1_1_2.IND" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-305.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1_1_2_1.RSP" Source="SERVER_0_1_1_2_1.IND" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-285.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="SERVER_0_1_1_2_2.RSP" Source="SERVER_0_1_1_2_2.IND" dx1="60.0" dx2="60.0" dy="-305.0"/>
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+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_MUX.lock" Source="SERVER_0_1.IND" dx1="215.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_MUX.reset" Source="SERVER_0_1_1.IND" dx1="235.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill_MUX.start" Source="SERVER_0_1_1_1.IND" dx1="195.0"/>
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+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_1.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_1.CNF" dx1="690.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_2.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_2.CNF" dx1="690.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_3.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_3.CNF" dx1="690.0"/>
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+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_5.REQ" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_5.CNF" dx1="690.0"/>
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+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_5.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_5.OUT" dx1="690.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING_1_5_6.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_1_6.OUT" dx1="690.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2.IN_1" Source="APPEND_STRING_3.OUT" dx1="105.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="APPEND_STRING_3_2.IN_2" Source="STRING2STRING.OUT" dx1="1030.0"/>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="F_STRING_TO_WSTRING.IN" Source="APPEND_STRING_3_2.OUT" dx1="90.0"/>
+    </DataConnections>
+    <AdapterConnections>
+      <Connection Comment="" Destination="IAS_Skill" Source="IAS_Skill_MUX.IAS_Skill" dx1="2040.0"/>
+    </AdapterConnections>
+  </SubAppNetwork>
diff --git a/skills/skills/String2LocalizedText.cpp b/skills/skills/String2LocalizedText.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60f2f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/String2LocalizedText.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ *** FORTE Library Element
+ ***
+ *** This file was generated using the 4DIAC FORTE Export Filter V1.0.x!
+ ***
+ *** Name: String2LocalizedText
+ *** Description: Service Interface Function Block Type
+ *** Version: 
+ ***     1.0: 2019-08-20/dorofeev - null - null
+ *************************************************************************/
+#include "String2LocalizedText.h"
+#include "String2LocalizedText_gen.cpp"
+#include "open62541.h"
+DEFINE_FIRMWARE_FB(FORTE_String2LocalizedText, g_nStringIdString2LocalizedText)
+const CStringDictionary::TStringId FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anDataInputNames[] = {g_nStringIdlocale, g_nStringIdtext};
+const CStringDictionary::TStringId FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anDataInputTypeIds[] = {g_nStringIdSTRING, g_nStringIdSTRING};
+const CStringDictionary::TStringId FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anDataOutputNames[] = {g_nStringIdRD};
+const CStringDictionary::TStringId FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anDataOutputTypeIds[] = {g_nStringIdLocalizedText};
+const TForteInt16 FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anEIWithIndexes[] = {0};
+const TDataIOID FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anEIWith[] = {0, 1, 255};
+const CStringDictionary::TStringId FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anEventInputNames[] = {g_nStringIdREQ};
+const TDataIOID FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anEOWith[] = {0, 255};
+const TForteInt16 FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anEOWithIndexes[] = {0, -1};
+const CStringDictionary::TStringId FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_anEventOutputNames[] = {g_nStringIdCNF};
+const SFBInterfaceSpec FORTE_String2LocalizedText::scm_stFBInterfaceSpec = {
+  1,  scm_anEventInputNames,  scm_anEIWith,  scm_anEIWithIndexes,
+  1,  scm_anEventOutputNames,  scm_anEOWith, scm_anEOWithIndexes,  2,  scm_anDataInputNames, scm_anDataInputTypeIds,
+  1,  scm_anDataOutputNames, scm_anDataOutputTypeIds,
+  0, 0
+void FORTE_String2LocalizedText::executeEvent(int pa_nEIID){
+  switch(pa_nEIID){
+    case scm_nEventREQID:
+      UA_LocalizedText out;
+      UA_LocalizedText_init(&out);
+      RD().text() = text().getValue();
+	  RD().locale() = locale().getValue();
+      sendOutputEvent(scm_nEventCNFID);
+      break;
+  }
diff --git a/skills/skills/String2LocalizedText.fbt b/skills/skills/String2LocalizedText.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07e48d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/String2LocalizedText.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="String2LocalizedText">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="dorofeev" Date="2019-08-20" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="locale"/>
+        <With Var="text"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="RD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="locale" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="text" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Input data from resource" Name="RD" Type="LocalizedText"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="initialize" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="initialize" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="request" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="request" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="terminate" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/skills/String2LocalizedText.h b/skills/skills/String2LocalizedText.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14ff3a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/skills/String2LocalizedText.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ *** FORTE Library Element
+ ***
+ *** This file was generated using the 4DIAC FORTE Export Filter V1.0.x!
+ ***
+ *** Name: String2LocalizedText
+ *** Description: Service Interface Function Block Type
+ *** Version: 
+ ***     1.0: 2019-08-20/dorofeev - null - null
+ *************************************************************************/
+#include <funcbloc.h>
+#include <forte_string.h>
+#include <forte_localizedtext.h>
+class FORTE_String2LocalizedText: public CFunctionBlock{
+  DECLARE_FIRMWARE_FB(FORTE_String2LocalizedText)
+  static const CStringDictionary::TStringId scm_anDataInputNames[];
+  static const CStringDictionary::TStringId scm_anDataInputTypeIds[];
+  CIEC_STRING &locale() {
+    return *static_cast<CIEC_STRING*>(getDI(0));
+  };
+  CIEC_STRING &text() {
+    return *static_cast<CIEC_STRING*>(getDI(1));
+  };
+  static const CStringDictionary::TStringId scm_anDataOutputNames[];
+  static const CStringDictionary::TStringId scm_anDataOutputTypeIds[];
+  CIEC_LocalizedText &RD() {
+    return *static_cast<CIEC_LocalizedText*>(getDO(0));
+  };
+  static const TEventID scm_nEventREQID = 0;
+  static const TForteInt16 scm_anEIWithIndexes[];
+  static const TDataIOID scm_anEIWith[];
+  static const CStringDictionary::TStringId scm_anEventInputNames[];
+  static const TEventID scm_nEventCNFID = 0;
+  static const TForteInt16 scm_anEOWithIndexes[];
+  static const TDataIOID scm_anEOWith[];
+  static const CStringDictionary::TStringId scm_anEventOutputNames[];
+  static const SFBInterfaceSpec scm_stFBInterfaceSpec;
+   FORTE_FB_DATA_ARRAY(1, 2, 1, 0);
+  void executeEvent(int pa_nEIID);
+  FUNCTION_BLOCK_CTOR(FORTE_String2LocalizedText){
+  };
+  virtual ~FORTE_String2LocalizedText(){};
+#endif //close the ifdef sequence from the beginning of the file
diff --git a/skills/utils/APPEND_STRING_2.fbt b/skills/utils/APPEND_STRING_2.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90391f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/APPEND_STRING_2.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="APPEND_STRING_2">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2012-09-05" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN_1"/>
+        <With Var="IN_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Data Input 1 (value is converted to String)" Name="IN_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Data Input 2 (value is converted to String)" Name="IN_2" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Concatenated output string" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/APPEND_STRING_3.fbt b/skills/utils/APPEND_STRING_3.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ae5f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/APPEND_STRING_3.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="APPEND_STRING_3">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2012-09-02" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN_1"/>
+        <With Var="IN_2"/>
+        <With Var="IN_3"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Data Input 1 (value is converted to String)" Name="IN_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Data Input 2 (value is converted to String)" Name="IN_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Data Input 3 (value is converted to String)" Name="IN_3" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Concatenated output string" Name="OUT" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/ARRAY2ARRAY_2_LREAL.fbt b/skills/utils/ARRAY2ARRAY_2_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c00f707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/ARRAY2ARRAY_2_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="ARRAY2ARRAY_2_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-08-05" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration ArraySize="2" Comment="array input" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration ArraySize="2" Comment="array output" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/utils/ARRAY2VALUES_2_LREAL.fbt b/skills/utils/ARRAY2VALUES_2_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa17fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/ARRAY2VALUES_2_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="ARRAY2VALUES_2_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-07-09" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT_1"/>
+        <With Var="OUT_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration ArraySize="2" Comment="Array input" Name="IN" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output number 1" Name="OUT_1" Type="LREAL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="output number 2" Name="OUT_2" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_1.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_1.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..974084c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_1.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_1">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_10.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_10.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78056b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_10.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_10">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+        <With Var="SD_7"/>
+        <With Var="SD_8"/>
+        <With Var="SD_9"/>
+        <With Var="SD_10"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_8" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_9" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_10" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="FILE_NAME"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="FILE_NAME"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD_1,SD_2,SD_3,SD_4,SD_5,SD_6,SD_7,SD_8,SD_9,SD_10"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD_1,SD_2,SD_3,SD_4,SD_5,SD_6,SD_7,SD_8,SD_9,SD_10"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD_1,SD_2,SD_3,SD_4,SD_5,SD_6,SD_7,SD_8,SD_9,SD_10"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_2.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_2.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d30d4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_2.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_2">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_3.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_3.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd08dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_3.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_3">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_4.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_4.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bd3fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_4.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_4">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_5.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_5.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..218ff74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_5.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_5">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_6.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_6.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06ecf77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_6.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_6">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_7.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_7.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..942a5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_7.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_7">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+        <With Var="SD_7"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_8.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_8.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..155c99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_8.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_8">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+        <With Var="SD_7"/>
+        <With Var="SD_8"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_8" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_9.fbt b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_9.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f78804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/CSV_WRITER_9.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="CSV_WRITER_9">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 ACIN&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Alois Zoitl" Date="2012-06-16" Organization="ACIN" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Initialization" Name="INIT" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="FILE_NAME"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="SD_1"/>
+        <With Var="SD_2"/>
+        <With Var="SD_3"/>
+        <With Var="SD_4"/>
+        <With Var="SD_5"/>
+        <With Var="SD_6"/>
+        <With Var="SD_7"/>
+        <With Var="SD_8"/>
+        <With Var="SD_9"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Initialization Confirm" Name="INITO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Parameters" Name="FILE_NAME" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output data to resource" Name="SD_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_3" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_4" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_5" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_6" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_7" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_8" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="SD_9" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="File access status" Name="STATUS" Type="STRING"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="FILE_NAME"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="FILE_NAME"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD_1,SD_2,SD_3,SD_4,SD_5,SD_6,SD_7,SD_8,SD_9"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD_1,SD_2,SD_3,SD_4,SD_5,SD_6,SD_7,SD_8,SD_9"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD_1,SD_2,SD_3,SD_4,SD_5,SD_6,SD_7,SD_8,SD_9"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/utils/E_STOPWATCH.fbt b/skills/utils/E_STOPWATCH.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf62c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/E_STOPWATCH.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="FB for stopping time between events" Name="E_STOPWATCH">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2018 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Ben Schneider" Date="2018-08-29" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Remarks="initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Start the stopwatch" Name="START" Type="Event"/>
+      <Event Comment="Stop the stopwatch" Name="STOP" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Event Output" Name="EO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="TD"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="The measured time difference in milliseconds" Name="TD" Type="TIME"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/F_MUX_2_1.fbt b/skills/utils/F_MUX_2_1.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e43b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/F_MUX_2_1.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="F_MUX_2_1">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2012-05-09" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="event input 1" Name="EI1" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN_1_1"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="event input 2" Name="EI2" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN_2_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="merge event output" Name="EO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="OUT_1"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN_1_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN_2_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Status" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="meged data output" Name="OUT_1" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/utils/F_MUX_2_2.fbt b/skills/utils/F_MUX_2_2.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..726bb75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/F_MUX_2_2.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="F_MUX_2_2">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2012 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2012-05-09" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="event input 1" Name="EI1" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN_1_1"/>
+        <With Var="IN_1_2"/>
+      </Event>
+      <Event Comment="event input 2" Name="EI2" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN_2_1"/>
+        <With Var="IN_2_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="merge event output" Name="EO" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="STATUS"/>
+        <With Var="OUT_1"/>
+        <With Var="OUT_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN_1_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN_1_2" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN_2_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN_2_2" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Service Status" Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="meged data output" Name="OUT_1" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT_2" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/GET_AT_INDEX.fbt b/skills/utils/GET_AT_INDEX.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e447d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/GET_AT_INDEX.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Fetch value from array at given index. Array data type has to match with output data type." Name="GET_AT_INDEX">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-07-11" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN_ARRAY"/>
+        <With Var="INDEX"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input array" Name="IN_ARRAY" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="index to fetch value from" Name="INDEX" Type="UINT"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" InitialValue="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="fetched output value" Name="OUT" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/GET_STRUCT_VALUE.fbt b/skills/utils/GET_STRUCT_VALUE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a1af45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/GET_STRUCT_VALUE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="GET_STRUCT_VALUE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2018 fortiss GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Jose Cabral" Date="2018-10-16" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Get Value out of structure" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="member"/>
+        <With Var="in_struct"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="REQ event finished" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="output"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Structure to look into" Name="in_struct" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Member of the strucuture to retrieve. Inner members are access using the dot (.) operator" Name="member" Type="STRING"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="TRUE if no errors ocurred, FALSE otherwise" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Selected member if QO = TRUE, remains unchanged otherwise" Name="output" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE">
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="normal_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="initialize" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO+" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="unsuccessful_establishment">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="initialize" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="PARAMS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="request_confirm">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="request" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="request_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="request_error">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="REQ+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="request" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="CNF-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="indication_response">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND+" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="RD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="RSP" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="response" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="QI,SD"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="indication_inhibited">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="indicate" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="RD,QI=FALSE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="inhibited" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="error_indication">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="error" Interface="RESOURCE" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="IND-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="application_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <InputPrimitive Event="INIT-" Interface="APPLICATION"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="terminate" Interface="RESOURCE"/>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+    <ServiceSequence Comment="" Name="resource_initiated_termination">
+      <ServiceTransaction>
+        <OutputPrimitive Event="INITO-" Interface="APPLICATION" Parameters="STATUS"/>
+      </ServiceTransaction>
+    </ServiceSequence>
+  </Service>
diff --git a/skills/utils/LocalizedText2LocalizedText.fbt b/skills/utils/LocalizedText2LocalizedText.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a224ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/LocalizedText2LocalizedText.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<FBType Name="LocalizedText2LocalizedText" Comment="Function Block to set a connection to the LocalizedText type" >
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2" />
+  <VersionInfo Organization="fortiss GmbH" Version="1.0" Author="TS" Date="2019-07-08" />
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Name="REQ" Comment="Normal Execution Request" >
+        <With Var="IN" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Name="CNF" Comment="Execution Confirmation" >
+        <With Var="OUT" />
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="IN" Type="LocalizedText" Comment="Input event qualifier" />
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Name="OUT" Type="LocalizedText" Comment="Output event qualifier" />
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Helper FB to set the connection to the LocalizedText type" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/utils/OUT_ANY_CONSOLE.fbt b/skills/utils/OUT_ANY_CONSOLE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dba4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/OUT_ANY_CONSOLE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type for debugging, tracing, etc." Name="OUT_ANY_CONSOLE">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2011 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Thomas Strasser" Date="2011-08-29" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo>
+    <Compiler Language="Cpp" Product="Unknown" Vendor="Unknown" Version="1.0"/>
+  </CompilerInfo>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QI"/>
+        <With Var="IN"/>
+        <With Var="LABEL"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Input Qualifier" Name="QI" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Label for the output value" Name="LABEL" Type="STRING"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Output value to console" Name="IN" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/SET_AT_INDEX.fbt b/skills/utils/SET_AT_INDEX.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b53a8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/SET_AT_INDEX.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Set value of array at given index. Data types of value to be set must correspond to the array data type. Data type of resulting output array must correspond to input array data type." Name="SET_AT_INDEX">
+    <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-08-05" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN_ARRAY"/>
+        <With Var="INDEX"/>
+        <With Var="VALUE"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="QO"/>
+        <With Var="OUT_ARRAY"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input array" Name="IN_ARRAY" Type="ANY"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="index to fetch value from" Name="INDEX" Type="UINT"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="value to be copied to given index" Name="VALUE" Type="ANY"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" InitialValue="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="resulting array after set" Name="OUT_ARRAY" Type="ANY"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/STEST_END.fbt b/skills/utils/STEST_END.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd2785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/STEST_END.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="STEST_END">
+  <Identification Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2015 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Michael Hofmann" Date="2015-01-11" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <CompilerInfo/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs/>
+    <InputVars/>
+    <OutputVars/>
+  </InterfaceList>
+  <Service Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" LeftInterface="APPLICATION" RightInterface="RESOURCE"/>
diff --git a/skills/utils/TEST_CONDITION.fbt b/skills/utils/TEST_CONDITION.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51cbcf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/TEST_CONDITION.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="TEST_CONDITION">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 fortiss GmbH This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: PL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Jose Cabral" Date="2019-01-16" Organization="fortiss GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Request Test" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="check"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Test finished" Name="CNF" Type="Event"/>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Test fails if check == 0, passes otherwise" Name="check" Type="BOOL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/utils/VALUES2ARRAY_2_LREAL.fbt b/skills/utils/VALUES2ARRAY_2_LREAL.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..078afd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/utils/VALUES2ARRAY_2_LREAL.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<FBType Comment="Service Interface Function Block Type" Name="VALUES2ARRAY_2_LREAL">
+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
+  <VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-07-09" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
+  <InterfaceList>
+    <EventInputs>
+      <Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="IN_1"/>
+        <With Var="IN_2"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventInputs>
+    <EventOutputs>
+      <Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
+        <With Var="OUT"/>
+      </Event>
+    </EventOutputs>
+    <InputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input number 1" Name="IN_1" Type="LREAL"/>
+      <VarDeclaration Comment="input number 2" Name="IN_2" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </InputVars>
+    <OutputVars>
+      <VarDeclaration ArraySize="2" Comment="Array output" Name="OUT" Type="LREAL"/>
+    </OutputVars>
+  </InterfaceList>
diff --git a/skills/virtualDNS.dns b/skills/virtualDNS.dns
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6945e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/virtualDNS.dns
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<virtualDNS:VirtualDNSManagement xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:virtualDNS="org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.virtualDNS"/>