blob: 620ce6fc05a96ce55a184527fd7de55ce67d1923 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FBType Name="CLIENT_2_0" Comment="Client Interface with 2 SD, no RD" >
<Identification Standard="61499-2" />
<VersionInfo Organization="Rockwell Automation" Version="0.0" Author="Unknown" Date="2004-09-18" />
<Event Name="INIT" Comment="Service Initialization" >
<With Var="QI" />
<With Var="ID" />
<Event Name="REQ" Comment="Service Request" >
<With Var="QI" />
<With Var="SD_1" />
<With Var="SD_2" />
<Event Name="INITO" Comment="Initialization Confirm" >
<With Var="QO" />
<With Var="STATUS" />
<Event Name="CNF" Comment="Service Confirmation" >
<With Var="QO" />
<With Var="STATUS" />
<VarDeclaration Name="QI" Type="BOOL" Comment="Event Input Qualifier" />
<VarDeclaration Name="ID" Type="WSTRING" Comment="Connection Identifier" />
<VarDeclaration Name="SD_1" Type="ANY" Comment="Data to Send" />
<VarDeclaration Name="SD_2" Type="ANY" Comment="Data to Send" />
<VarDeclaration Name="QO" Type="BOOL" Comment="Event Output Qualifier" />
<VarDeclaration Name="STATUS" Type="WSTRING" Comment="Service Status" />