[562161] Use soft test to avoid failing test on connection errors

Some connection error sometimes occur which are automatically recovered
by forte, but the logging is already there making the test fail.

Bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=562161
Change-Id: Id83b51f248e7040cfd2da72d030823a1ad516c04
Signed-off-by: Jose Cabral <cabral@fortiss.org>
1 file changed
tree: b9f840bdeb231075a720e102e639bf1b61908276
  1. .settings/
  2. .tito/
  3. buildsupport/
  4. doc/
  5. docker/
  6. src/
  7. systemd/
  8. systemtests/
  9. tests/
  10. .cproject
  11. .gitignore
  12. .gitreview
  13. .project
  14. 4diac-forte.spec
  15. about.html
  16. CMakeLists.txt
  17. Doxyfile
  18. epl-2.0.html
  19. forte_config.h.in
  20. fortestyle.xml
  21. notice.html
  22. README.md
  23. setup_digime74.sh
  24. setup_lmsEv3.sh
  25. setup_phycoreat91.sh
  26. setup_plcnext.sh
  27. setup_posix-ppc.sh
  28. setup_posix.sh

Building 4DIAC Forte

Standard POSIX build

cd bin/posix

Resetting CMake files

In case you ran CMake with invalid options it might help to reset the CMake state by deleting CMake intermediate files:

rm -Rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles/

Building a local RPM

For building local RPMs you can use (tito)[https://github.com/dgoodwin/tito]

tito build --test --rpm