blob: 3d748a1f54d99ac2634cf347aabfb82ad1271d46 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.amp.axf.ide;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.amp.axf.core.EngineStateAdapter;
import org.eclipse.amp.axf.core.EngineStateAdapter.EngineState;
import org.eclipse.amp.axf.core.IEngine;
import org.eclipse.amp.axf.core.IEngineObserver;
import org.eclipse.amp.axf.core.IModel;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.IHandler;
import org.eclipse.ui.AbstractSourceProvider;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISourceProvider;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISources;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart;
* This {@link ISourceProvider} defines states that can be used to enable or
* disable {@link IHandler}s or other GUI elements. The states are related to
* the execution of only the active {@link IModel}. They are a simplification of
* all possible states of an {@link IEngine}.
* @author jonas.ruettimann
public class EngineStateService extends AbstractSourceProvider implements IModelWorkbenchListener, IEngineObserver {
public static final String ID = "org.eclipse.amp.axf.ide.engine.state";
private IModel activeModel = null;
private EngineState lastState = EngineState.IDLE;
public EngineStateService() {
public Map<String, String> getCurrentState() {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(1);
map.put(ID, lastState.toString());
return map;
public String[] getProvidedSourceNames() {
return new String[] { ID };
public void engineStateChanged(IEngine engine, EngineState state) {
private void possibleStateChange(EngineState currentState) {
if (currentState != lastState) {
lastState = currentState;
* This method has been extracted to be able to test notification behavior.
* @param currentState
protected void notifyObservers(EngineState currentState) {
fireSourceChanged(ISources.WORKBENCH, ID, currentState.toString());
private void unregister() {
if (activeModel != null) {
assert activeModel.getEngine() != null : "Engine occurs to be null.";
activeModel = null;
public void modelActivated(IModel newModel) {
IEngine engine = newModel.getEngine();
assert engine != null : "Engine occurs to be null.";
activeModel = newModel;
boolean isStepping = engine.isPaused(); // There is no stepping state. Use pause instead, that has the same effect.
boolean isEnded = activeModel.isEnded(); // The engine does not know whether it's stopped. Lets ask the model.
* Just before executing a model it's being activated. So a state that is generated right here might not be as
* relevant since it will be changed to running in a few instances anyway.
possibleStateChange(new EngineStateAdapter(engine.isRunning(), isStepping, engine.isPaused(), isEnded).getState());
public void modelAdded(IModel model) {
public void modelRemoved(IModel model) {
if (model == activeModel) {
public void viewAdded(IWorkbenchPart part) {
public void viewRemoved(IWorkbenchPart part) {
public void viewActivated(IWorkbenchPart part) {
public void dispose() {