blob: 59ff1ab3ee2acced6c703c04565941071c5b6fd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Paul Colton (Aptana)- initial API and implementation
* Eclipse Foundation
class users_iu extends users_ix {
public $errStrs;
function PostDATA($post=NULL) {
$dat = cXSQL::formBuildData($post);
for ($i=0;$i<max(6,count($this->errStrs));$i++)
$dat["errStr$i"] = (isset($this->errStrs[$i])?$this->errStrs[$i]:"&nbsp");
return $dat;
function formRegValidate($_POST,$pass1,$pass2) {
// username
if (!strlen($this->_username))
$this->errStrs[0] = "required";
else if (strlen($this->_username) < 6)
$this->errStrs[0] = "must be at least 6 chars long";
else if (strlen($this->_username) > 16)
$this->errStrs[0] = "must be less than 16 chars long";
else if (eregi('[^a-z0-9]',$this->_username,$regs))
$this->errStrs[0] = "invalid character(s) - [" . (($regs[0]==' ')?"space":$regs[0]) . "]";
else if ($rec = $this->sqlRec("SELECT * FROM {SELF} WHERE username='$this->_username'"))
$this->errStrs[0] = "&lsquo;$this->_username&rsquo; is unavailable";
// email
$regexp = "^([_a-z0-9-]+)(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+)(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$";
if (!strlen($this->_email))
$this->errStrs[1] = "required";
else if (!eregi($regexp,$this->_email))
$this->errStrs[1] = "invalid email address";
// password
if (!strlen($pass1))
$this->errStrs[2] = "required";
else if (strlen($pass1) < 6)
$this->errStrs[2] = "must be at least 6 chars long";
else if ($pass2 != $pass2)
$this->errStrs[2] = "passwords do not match";
if (!strlen($this->_first_name))
$this->errStrs[3] = "required";
if (!strlen($this->_last_name))
$this->errStrs[4] = "required";
if ($this->_primary_language_id <= 0)
$this->errStrs[5] = "required";
if (count($this->errStrs))
return false;
return true;
function findUser($str,$password) {
$name = $this->addSET("","username",$str);
$mail = $this->addSET("","email",$str);
//$pass = (!empty($password)?"AND (PASSWORD('$password')=password OR password='$password')":"");
// using a different DB that hashes the password differently
$this->sqlLoad("($name OR $mail)");
if ($this->sql_Cnt != 1) {
$this->_id = 0;
# we don't use the username, so replace it with the email address
# same algorithm here as the wiki
$this->_username = str_replace("@", ".", $this->_email);
# Typical Bugzilla algorithm
if ($this->_password_hash != $password) {
if (!(crypt($password, $this->_password_hash) == $this->_password_hash)) {
$this->_id = 0;
debugLog("Found user: " . $this->_username . ":" . "********");
return $this->_id;