blob: 3a2c65aef81d4d1a90744b2978798eac9ddb359b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007-2019 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Paul Colton (Aptana)- initial API and implementation
* Eclipse Foundation
$pageTitle = "Babel Project - Eclipse translation";
$pageKeywords = "translation,language,nlpack,pack,eclipse,babel,english,french,german,chinese,japanese,spanish,arabic,hebrew,hungarian,polish,italian,russian,dutch,finnish,greek,norwegian,sweedish,turkish";
global $addon;
<h1 id="page-message">Welcome to the Babel Project</h1>
<?php include("fragments/motd.php");?>
<div id="index-page" style='width: 610px; padding-right: 190px;'>
<div style='float: right;height: 290px; border: 0px solid red;'>
<?php include("fragments/language_progress.php");?>
<?php include("fragments/top_translators.php");?>
<div style='float: left;border: 0px solid red;'>
<a href=""><img src="<?php echo imageRoot() ?>/large_icons/apps/internet-web-browser.png"><h2>Eclipse Speaks your Language</h2></a>
<br style='clear: both;'>
<p><a href="">Download a language pack</a> in one of many different languages.</p>
<p><a href="languages.php">Languages</a> supported by Babel</p>.
<a href="translate.php"><img src="<?php echo imageRoot() ?>/large_icons/apps/accessories-text-editor.png"><h2>Help Translate Eclipse</h2></a>
<br style='clear: both;'>
<p>Eclipse needs help from everyone in the community to <a href="translate.php">speak in many tongues</a>.</p>
<a href="help_babel.php"><img src="<?php echo imageRoot() ?>/large_icons/categories/preferences-desktop-peripherals.png"><h2>Become a Babel Team Player</h2></a>
<br style='clear: both;'>
<p>The Babel project has lots of ideas and we need your help to take this project to the <a href="help_babel.php">next level</a>.</p>
<br class='clearing'>
global $addon;