| * text=auto |
| |
| # Generic files |
| AUTHORS text |
| ChangeLog text |
| COPYING text |
| NEWS text |
| README text |
| *.txt text |
| *.md text |
| *.zip binary |
| |
| # C-like Sources |
| *.asm text |
| *.c text |
| *.cc text |
| *.cpp text |
| *.h text |
| *.s text |
| *.S text |
| *.elf binary |
| |
| # C-like configuration/scripts |
| *.ac text |
| *.am text |
| # file permission +x |
| *.bat text |
| *.build text |
| *.incl text |
| makefile text |
| Makefile text |
| *.mk text |
| # file permission +x |
| *.sh text |
| |
| # Qt |
| *.pro text |
| *.qml text |
| *.qrc text |
| |
| # Visual Studio |
| *.dsp text eol=crlf |
| *.dsw text eol=crlf |
| *.filters text eol=crlf |
| *.sln text eol=crlf |
| *.vcxproj text eol=crlf |
| |
| # C output files |
| # (These should not normally be checked in, exceptions for pre-compiled libraries and tests) |
| *.o binary |
| *.d text |
| # file permission +x |
| *.dll binary diff=dll |
| *.a binary |
| # file permission +x |
| *.exe binary |
| *.out binary |
| *.app binary |
| # file permission +x |
| *.jnilib binary diff=hex |
| # file permission +x |
| *.so binary |
| |
| # Web/Javascript/Node |
| *.css text |
| *.htm text |
| *.html text |
| *.js text |
| *.json text |
| .npmignore text |
| package-list text |
| *.xml text |
| *.xsd text |
| *.xsl text |
| yarn.lock text |
| *.lock text |
| |
| # Images |
| *.gif binary |
| *.icns binary |
| *.ico binary |
| *.jpg binary |
| *.jpeg binary |
| *.png binary |
| *.PNG binary |
| *.xpm binary |
| |
| # Java/Eclipse |
| # remove trailing whitespace |
| *.java text |
| # remove trailing whitespace |
| *.properties text |
| .api_filters text |
| .classpath text |
| *.exsd text |
| *.g text |
| *.inf text |
| *.ini text |
| *.launch text |
| *.mappings text |
| # remove trailing whitespace |
| *.MF text |
| .options text |
| *.options text |
| *.prefs text |
| *.product text |
| .project text |
| *.setup text |
| *.target text |
| |
| # Java output files |
| # (These should not normally be checked in, exceptions for pre-compiled libraries and tests) |
| *.class binary |
| *.jar binary |
| |
| # Files used in tests |
| *.awts text |
| be32 binary |
| be32lib binary |
| be64 binary |
| be64lib binary |
| *.bin binary |
| exe binary |
| exebig_g binary |
| exe_g binary |
| *.expected text |
| *.F90 text |
| *.init text |
| launchConfigTestGdbinit text |
| le32 binary |
| le32lib binary |
| le64 binary |
| le64lib binary |
| *.main text |
| output-1 text |
| *.pda text |
| *.rts text |
| *.srec text eol=lf |
| test_commands text |
| |
| # Other special files |
| cdtOptions text |
| .clang-format text |
| .contentsettings text |
| *.csv text |
| *.dia binary |
| *.dictionary text |
| .eclipseproduct text |
| .euml2 text |
| .gitattributes text |
| .gitignore text |
| .gitkeep text |
| *.patch text |
| *.src text |
| *.tmLanguage text |
| *.top text |
| *.ucd text |
| .umlproject text |
| # remove trailing whitespace |
| # file permission +x |
| *.py text |
| *.xhtml text |