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<title>2008 Roadmap Freezer</title>
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$footertext = ob_get_contents();
echo "index.html..."; flush();
$contents = file_get_contents( '' );
$pos1 = strpos( $contents, "<!-- start content -->" );
$pos2 = strpos( $contents, "<!-- end content -->" );
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$pos = strpos( $contents, '<div class="printfooter">' );
$contents = substr($contents, 0, $pos);
$contents = str_replace(
array( '<a href="/RequirementsCouncilThemesAndPriorities"', 'Platform Release Plan' ),
array( '<a href="themesandpriorities.html"', '<a href="platformplan.html">Platform Release Plan</a>' ),
$contents );
$contents = $headertext . '<h1>2008 Roadmap</h1>' . $contents . $footertext;
file_put_contents( $destdir . 'index.html', $contents );
echo "<br>"; flush();
echo "themesandpriorities.html..."; flush();
$contents = file_get_contents( '' );
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$pos = strpos( $contents, '<div class="printfooter">' );
$contents = substr($contents, 0, $pos);
$contents = $headertext . '<h1>Themes and Priorities</h1>' . $contents . $footertext;
file_put_contents( $destdir . 'themesandpriorities.html', $contents );
echo "<br>"; flush();
$contents = file( '' );
$projects = array();
foreach( $contents as $line ) {
$words = explode( "\t", $line );
$projects[$words[0]] = 1;
$projects = array_keys($projects);
sort( $projects );
$count = 0;
foreach( $projects as $project ) {
echo $project . '_plan.html...'; flush();
$contents = file_get_contents( '' . $project );
$contents = str_replace(
array( 'src="/',
'<div style="float: right; text-align: right"><a href="?projectid=' ),
array( 'src="',
'<div style="visibility: hidden; float: right; text-align: right"><a href="?projectid=' ),
$contents );
file_put_contents( $destdir . $project . '_plan.html', $contents );
echo "<br>"; flush();
echo "platformplan.html..."; flush();
$contents = '<ul>';
foreach( $projects as $project ) {
$contents .= "<li><a href='${project}_plan.html'>$project</a></li>\n";
$contents .= '</ul>';
$contents = $headertext . '<h1>Project Plans</h1>' . $contents . $footertext;
file_put_contents( $destdir . 'platformplan.html', $contents );
echo "<br>"; flush();
2008 roadmap frozen and written to <a href=""></a><br>
<?= date('r') ?>