blob: a097486adac15a92d7c798f249dd8e9548c75e93 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2006 Eclipse Foundation, made available under EPL v1.0
* Contributors Ward Cunningham, Bjorn Freeman-Benson
* The REST web-api for retrieving summaries from the database.
* top=x | y | name
* project=x | y | name
* year=x | y | yyyy
* month=x | y | yyyymm
* day=x | y | yyyymmdd
* login=x | y | name
* file=x | y | name
* type=x | y | name
* change=x | y | nnnn
* message=x | y | nnnn
* company=x | y | name
* Exactly one "x" and one "y" and any number of other values.
* Example:
header("Content-type: text/plain");
require_once "";
list($columnX, $columnY, $where) = getXYWHERE();
if($columnX && $columnY) {
displayQuery("SELECT $columnX AS X, $columnY AS Y, COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM commits" . ($where ? " WHERE " . $where : "") . " GROUP BY $columnX, $columnY");
print "#\n # Error!\n# Must specify =x and =y values, such as\n# \n";