blob: af3d73128166c70c536ace5b627e6322f1a40f5d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2006 Eclipse Foundation, made available under EPL v1.0
# Contributors Ward Cunningham, Bjorn Freeman-Benson
use strict;
use Sys::Hostname;
require 'siteconfig';
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
my (%y, %x, %counts);
our $site;
my $prog = "/dash/commits/web-api/commit-project-diversity.php";
my $args;
my $type;
my %data;
my $log;
my %years;
my %companies;
my $var = 'all|top|project|company|type';
($args) = /((($var)=[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+&?)+)/;
($type) = /type=([a-z]+)/;
$type = 'loc' unless $type;
$prog = "/dash/commits/web-api/commit-project-diversity.php" if $type eq 'loc';
$prog = "/dash/commits/web-api/commit-project-diversity-2.php" if $type eq 'active';
$prog = "/dash/commits/web-api/commit-project-diversity-3.cgi" if $type eq 'registered';
print <<;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr style="background-image: url(header_bg.gif);">
<a href=""><img src="header_logo.gif" width="163" height="68" border="0" alt="Eclipse Logo" class="logo" /></a>
<td align="right" style="color: white; font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica; font-size: 1.25em; font-style: italic;"><b>Eclipse dashboard&nbsp;</b></font> </td>
sub query {
my $sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
my $AF_INET = 2;
my $SOCK_STREAM = 1;
chop(my $hostname = hostname());
my ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
my ($name, $aliases, $type2, $len, $thisaddr) = gethostbyname($hostname);
my ($name, $aliases, $type2, $len, $thataddr) = gethostbyname($site);
my $this = pack($sockaddr, $AF_INET, 0, $thisaddr);
my $that = pack($sockaddr, $AF_INET, 80, $thataddr);
socket (S, $AF_INET, $SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
bind(S, $this) || die "bind: $!";
connect(S, $that) || die "connect: $!";
$| = 1;
print S "GET /$prog?$args\r\n";
while (<S>) {
if (/^#/) {
$log .= "$_<br>";
my ($company,$project,$year,$count) = split /\t/;
($project,$year,$count) = ("(all)",$project,$year) if( $args =~ /all=true/ && $type ne 'registered');
$data{$project}{$company}{$year} = $count;
$years{$year} = 1;
while( 1 ) {
my $r = int( rand( 255 ) );
my $g = int( rand( 255 ) );
my $b = int( rand( 255 ) );
$companies{$company}{RED} = $r;
$companies{$company}{GREEN} = $g;
$companies{$company}{BLUE} = $b;
last if( (($r + $g + $b) > 240)
&& (($r + $g + $b) < 600)
sub report {
print "<h2>";
print "percent of lines of change" if $type eq 'loc';
print "percent of active committers" if $type eq 'active';
print "percent of registered committers" if $type eq 'registered';
print " by " . (($args =~ /top=true/) ? "top" : "project") unless ($args =~ /all=true/);
print " by company by year";
my $argsmt = $args;
$argsmt =~ s/&?type=([a-z]+)//;
my $amp = $argsmt ? '&' : '';
print "<br>";
print " <font size=-2><a href=\"project-diversity.cgi?$argsmt${amp}type=loc\">lines of change</a></font>" unless $type eq 'loc';
print " <font size=-2><a href=\"project-diversity.cgi?$argsmt${amp}type=active\">active committers</a></font>" unless $type eq 'active';
print " <font size=-2><a href=\"project-diversity.cgi?$argsmt${amp}type=registered\">registered committers</a></font>" unless $type eq 'registered';
if( !($type eq 'registered') ) {
$argsmt = $args;
$argsmt =~ s/&?top=true//;
$argsmt =~ s/&?all=true//;
$amp = $argsmt ? '&' : '';
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print " <font size=-2><a href=\"project-diversity.cgi?$argsmt\">project</a></font>" if ($args =~ /top=true/ || $args =~ /all=true/);
print " <font size=-2><a href=\"project-diversity.cgi?$argsmt${amp}top=true\">top</a></font>" unless ($args =~ /top=true/);
print " <font size=-2><a href=\"project-diversity.cgi?$argsmt${amp}all=true\">all</a></font>" unless ($args =~ /all=true/);
$_ = $args;
while (/($var)=([A-Za-z0-9_.-]{2,})/g) {
print "<br>for $1 $2" if( $2 ne "true" && $1 ne 'type' );
my $qq = $_;
my $var = $1;
$qq =~ s/$1=$2&?//;
$qq =~ s/&$//;
print "</h2>\n";
my @projects = keys %data;
@projects = sort @projects;
my @years = keys %years;
@years = sort @years;
my $color = "#CCFFCC";
print "<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1>\n";
my $key = "project";
$key = "top" if( $args =~ /top=true/ );
print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align=center>" . $years[scalar(@years)-1] . "</td><td>&nbsp</td>";
foreach my $year ( @years ) {
print "<td align=center>$year</td>";
print "</tr>\n";
foreach my $project ( @projects ) {
my %subdata = %{$data{$project}};
my @companies = keys %subdata;
@companies = sort @companies;
my %sum;
my %percent;
foreach my $year ( @years ) {
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $company ( @companies ) {
$sum += $subdata{$company}{$year};
$sum = 1 if $sum < 1;
$sum{$year} = $sum;
foreach my $company ( @companies ) {
my $percent = $subdata{$company}{$year} / $sum{$year};
$percent = int( $percent * 100 );
$percent = 1 if( !$percent && $subdata{$company}{$year} );
$percent{$company}{$year} = $percent;
my @yearNpercents;
my @finalcolors;
foreach my $company ( @companies ) {
push @yearNpercents, $percent{$company}{$years[scalar(@years)-1]};
push @finalcolors, $companies{$company}{RED};
push @finalcolors, $companies{$company}{GREEN};
push @finalcolors, $companies{$company}{BLUE};
print "<tr><td rowspan=" . scalar( @companies ) . " bgcolor=\"$color\"><a href=\"summary.cgi?company=y&month=x&$key=$project\">$project</a></td>";
print "<td bgcolor=$color rowspan=" . scalar( @companies )
. "><img src=\"pie-chart.cgi?"
. join(",", @yearNpercents) . ";" . join(",", @finalcolors) . "\"/></td>";
foreach my $company ( @companies ) {
print "<tr>" unless $company eq $companies[0];
print "<td bgcolor=$color><a href=\"summary.cgi?login=y&month=x&$key=$project&company=$company\">$company</a></td>";
foreach my $year ( @years ) {
my $percent = $percent{$company}{$year};
print "<td bgcolor=$color align=right>" . $percent . "\%</td>" if $percent;
print "<td bgcolor=$color>&nbsp;</td>" unless $percent;
if( $color eq "#CCFFCC" ) { $color = "#88FF88"; } else { $color = "#CCFFCC"; }
print <<;
<table width=500><tr><td>
<font size=-1 color=gray>
<p/>This automatically collected information may not represent
true activity and should not be used as sole indicator of
individual or project behavior.
See the <a href="">wiki page</a> about known data anamolies.
See <a href="$prog?$args">raw data</a> we use.