blob: 0a836ee3af688dacf35d5130021db1373f1eeb47 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 25.07.2011 Aaron Digulla.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Aaron Digulla - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package m4e;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;
class PathUtilsTest {
public void testNormalizeString() throws Exception {
assert 'a' == PathUtils.normalize( 'a' )
assert 'a/b' == PathUtils.normalize( 'a/b' )
assert 'a/b' == PathUtils.normalize( 'a\\b' )
public void testNormalizeFile() throws Exception {
assert 'a' == PathUtils.normalize( new File( 'a' ) )
assert 'a/b' == PathUtils.normalize( new File( 'a/b' ) )
assert 'a/b' == PathUtils.normalize( new File( 'a\\b' ) )
public void testBasename() throws Exception {
assert 'a' == PathUtils.basename( 'a' )
assert 'a' == PathUtils.basename( new File( 'a' ) )
assert 'b' == PathUtils.basename( 'a/b' )
assert 'b' == PathUtils.basename( 'a\\b' )
assert 'b' == PathUtils.basename( new File( 'a/b' ) )
assert 'b' == PathUtils.basename( new File( 'a\\b' ) )
public void testDirnameString() throws Exception {
assert 'a' == PathUtils.dirname( 'a' )
assert 'x' == PathUtils.dirname( 'x/b' )
assert 'y' == PathUtils.dirname( 'y\\b' )
public void testDirname() throws Exception {
assert 'a' == PathUtils.dirname( new File( 'a' ) )
assert 'y' == PathUtils.dirname( new File( 'y/b' ) )
assert 'x' == PathUtils.dirname( new File( 'x\\b' ) )