blob: ef7a4e068ab2a41316023c37f560c4cfee639170 [file] [log] [blame]
# remember to leave no slashes on filename in source command,
# so that users path is used to find it (first)
source commonVariations.shsource
source commonComputedVariables.shsource
# allow to terminate themselves, if they will
echo "Attempting normal terminate of all java processes"
killall ${JAVA_5_HOME}/bin/java
killall ${JAVA_5_HOME}/jre/bin/java
# pause briefly to allow shutdown to finish
sleep 10s
# but if the do not terminate themselves, we can safely force them down
echo "forcing termination of any remaing java processes"
killall -9 ${JAVA_5_HOME}/bin/java
killall -9 ${JAVA_5_HOME}/jre/bin/java
# pause briefly to allow ports to free up, etc.
sleep 10s