| ####################################################################################### |
| # A dependency is identied by: |
| # groupId: a simple component name that adheres to java |
| # variable naming conventions. e.g. wtp |
| # url: Url to a remote repository that can be used by a |
| # http GET request to download the library |
| # to a local cache repository. URL should not include the file. |
| # See the next description for the file |
| # file: Name of the library that is used. If the library is platform dependent |
| # it must have suffixes such as: file.linux.gtk.x86 |
| # These suffixes are the same as those used by releng baseos,basews,basearch |
| # baseos= linux or win32 |
| # basews= gtk or win32 |
| # basearch=x86 |
| # name: A short user readable name for the library. |
| # description: One line description for the library. |
| # autodownload: [optional] default true. Set this to false if the file cannot be |
| # downloaded automatically (i.e. requires license accept click through). |
| # If autodownload is false, and the library is not avaialbe in the local |
| # repository (cache). User must download the library and copy it into |
| # the local repository. |
| # releng.url: [optional] Copies the original to a releng repository. Useful for libraries |
| # that can get deleted from their original URLs. Releng will use |
| # the local cache, original url, releng.url in that order to get the |
| # the dependency. If a releng.url is not provided, the library will |
| # always be requested from its original site. |
| # |
| # Example: |
| # wtp.url = http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/downloads/drops/R-0.7-200507290654 |
| # wtp.file = wtp-sdk-0.7.zip |
| # wtp.name = WTP 0.7 SDK |
| # wtp.description = WTP 0.7 SDK distribution |
| ####################################################################################### |
| |
| dltk.eclipse.build.id=3.5M6 |
| dltk.eclipse.build.dir=S-3.5M6-200903130100 |
| |
| ####################################################################################### |
| # Eclipse Platfrom Dependency |
| # Eclipse Platfrom will be used for building the distribution |
| # groupID : eclipse |
| eclipse.url = http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/${dltk.eclipse.build.dir} |
| eclipse.file.linux-gtk-x86=eclipse-SDK-${dltk.eclipse.build.id}-linux-gtk.tar.gz |
| eclipse.file.linux-gtk-ppc=eclipse-platform-${dltk.eclipse.build.id}-linux-gtk-ppc.tar.gz |
| eclipse.file.win32-win32-x86=eclipse-platform-${dltk.eclipse.build.id}-win32.zip |
| eclipse.file.macosx-carbon-ppc=eclipse-platform-${dltk.eclipse.build.id}-macosx-carbon.tar.gz |
| eclipse.name = Eclipse Platform 3.4 |
| eclipse.description = ${eclipse.name} |
| |
| ####################################################################################### |
| # Eclipse Test Framework |
| # Eclipse Test Framework support zip to be downloaded |
| # Eclipse Test Framework will be used for testing and building the tests |
| # groupID : eclipseTestFramework |
| |
| eclipseTestFramework.url = http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/${dltk.eclipse.build.dir} |
| eclipseTestFramework.file = eclipse-test-framework-${dltk.eclipse.build.id}.zip |
| |
| eclipseTestFramework.name = Eclipse test framework v3.3 Stream |
| eclipseTestFramework.description = Eclipse test framework v3.3 Stream |
| |
| dltk-xotcl-head.build.id = I-I200801081105 |
| dltk-xotcl-head.build.timestamp = 200801081105 |
| |
| xotcl.url = http://download.xored.com/dltk/staging/drops/R1.0/${dltk-xotcl-head.build.id}-${dltk-xotcl-head.build.timestamp} |
| xotcl.file = dltk-xotcl-tcl-core-${dltk-xotcl-head.build.id}-${dltk-xotcl-head.build.timestamp}-incubation.zip |
| xotcl.name = Xotcl R1.0 |
| xotcl.description = ${xotcl.name} |
| |
| eclipseJDT.url = ${eclipse.url} |
| eclipseJDT.file = eclipse-JDT-${dltk.eclipse.build.id}.zip |
| eclipseJDT.name = Eclipse JDT v${dltk.eclipse.build.id} |
| eclipseJDT.description = Eclipse JDT v${dltk.eclipse.build.id} |
| |
| eclipsePDE.url = ${eclipse.url} |
| eclipsePDE.file = eclipse-PDE-${dltk.eclipse.build.id}.zip |
| eclipsePDE.name = Eclipse PDE v${dltk.eclipse.build.id} |
| eclipsePDE.description = Eclipse PDE v${dltk.eclipse.build.id} |
| |
| eclipse_windows.url = http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/${dltk.eclipse.build.dir} |
| eclipse_windows.file = eclipse-platform-${dltk.eclipse.build.id}-win32.zip |
| eclipse_windows.name = Eclipse Platform v3.3 |
| eclipse_windows.description = ${eclipse_windows.name} |
| |
| epp.build.id=I-I200709050338-200709050338 |
| |
| epp.url = http://nsk.xored.local/cisco/epp/downloads/drops/R1.0/${epp.build.id}/ |
| epp.file.linux-gtk-x86 = cisco-epp-${epp.build.id}-linux-gtk-x86.zip |
| epp.file.win32-win32-x86 = cisco-epp-${epp.build.id}-win32.zip |
| epp.name = EPP installer |
| epp.description = ${epp.name} |
| |
| epp_windows.url = http://nsk.xored.local/cisco/epp/downloads/drops/R1.0/${epp.build.id} |
| epp_windows.file = cisco-epp-${epp.build.id}-win32.zip |
| epp_windows.name = EPP installer |
| epp_windows.description = ${epp_windows.name} |
| |
| epp-tools.build.id = I-I200708280511-200708280511 |
| epp-tools.url = http://nsk.xored.local/cisco/epp/downloads/drops/R1.0/${epp-tools.build.id} |
| epp-tools.file = cisco-epp-tools-${epp-tools.build.id}.zip |
| epp-tools.name = EPP Tools |
| epp-tools.description = ${epp-tools.name} |
| |
| #http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/dsdp/tm/downloads/drops/S-3.1M5-200902081925/RSE-runtime-3.1M5.zip |
| rse.build.id = 3.1M5 |
| rse.build.timestamp = 200902081925 |
| rse.url = http://download.eclipse.org/dsdp/tm/downloads/drops/S-${rse.build.id}-${rse.build.timestamp} |
| rse.file = RSE-runtime-${rse.build.id}.zip |
| rse.name = RSE 3.1 Runtime |
| rse.description = ${rse.name} |
| |
| #http://download.eclipse.org/tools/mylyn/update/ganymede/mylyn-3.0.0.I20080606-0800-e3.4.zip |
| #http://download.eclipse.org/tools/mylyn/update-archive/3.0.5/v20090218-1800/mylyn-3.0.5.v20090218-1800-e3.4.zip |
| mylyn.build.id = 3.0.5.v20090218-1800-e3.4 |
| mylyn.url = http://download.eclipse.org/tools/mylyn/update-archive/3.0.5/v20090218-1800 |
| mylyn.file = mylyn-${mylyn.build.id}.zip |
| mylyn.name = Mylyn 3.0.5 Runtime |
| mylyn.description = ${mylyn.name} |
| |
| # |
| #windowtester.url = http://download.instantiations.com/WindowTesterPro/integration/latest/ |
| #windowtester.file = WindowTesterPro_v3.0.1_for_Eclipse3.4.zip |
| #windowtester.name = Window Tester Pro |
| #windowtester.description = Window Tester Pro |
| |
| #http://download.eclipse.org/technology/swtbot/galileo/dev-build/org.eclipse.swtbot- |
| swtbot.build.id = 204-dev |
| swtbot.version = 2.0.0 |
| swtbot.url = http://download.eclipse.org/technology/swtbot/galileo/dev-build/ |
| swtbot.file = org.eclipse.swtbot-${swtbot.version}.${swtbot.build.id}.zip |
| swtbot.name = SWTBot Runtime |
| swtbot.description = ${swtbot.name} |
| |
| #http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/technology/swtbot/galileo/dev-build/org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse- |
| swtbot-eclipse.build.id = 204-dev |
| swtbot-eclipse.version = 2.0.0 |
| swtbot-eclipse.url = http://download.eclipse.org/technology/swtbot/galileo/dev-build/ |
| swtbot-eclipse.file = org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse-${swtbot-eclipse.version}.${swtbot-eclipse.build.id}.zip |
| swtbot-eclipse.name = SWTBot Runtime |
| swtbot-eclipse.description = ${swtbot-eclipse.name} |
| |
| |
| # EMF |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/download.php?file=/modeling/emf/emf/downloads/drops/2.5.0/S200902031500/emf-runtime-2.5.0M5.zip |
| emf.build.id = 2.5.0 |
| emf.build.id.suffix = M5 |
| emf.build.timestamp = S200902031500 |
| emf.url = http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/emf/downloads/drops/${emf.build.id}/${emf.build.timestamp} |
| emf.file = emf-runtime-${emf.build.id}${emf.build.id.suffix}.zip |
| emf.name = EMF Runtime |
| emf.description = ${emf.name} |
| |
| #emf_xsd.build.id = 2.3.2 |
| #emf_xsd.build.timestamp = R200802051830 |
| #emf_xsd.url = http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/emf/downloads/drops/${emf_xsd.build.id}/${emf_xsd.build.timestamp} |
| #emf_xsd.file = xsd-runtime-${emf_xsd.build.id}.zip |
| #emf_xsd.name = XSD |
| #emf_xsd.description = ${emf_xsd.name} |
| |
| #http://www.apache.org/dist/db/derby/db-derby- |
| |
| derby.url = http://www.apache.org/dist/db/derby/db-derby- |
| derby.file = derby_core_plugin_10.4.2.zip |
| derby.name = Derby |
| derby.description = ${derby.name} |
| |
| #http://download.eclipse.org/tools/orbit/downloads/drops/S20090423184143/bundles/org.antlr.runtime_3.0.0.v200803061811.jar |
| orbit.build.id = S20090423184143 |
| orbit.url = http://download.eclipse.org/tools/orbit/downloads/drops/${orbit.build.id}/bundles |
| |
| antlr.url = ${orbit.url} |
| antlr.file = org.antlr.runtime_3.0.0.v200803061811.jar |
| antlr.name = ANTLR Runtime |
| antlr.description = ${antlr.name} |