Bug 432892: Application does not work after renaming the project

Renaming a project and renaming a referenced project is now supported.
"platform:/plugin" and "bundleclass://" uris are processed in plugin.xml

I have refactored the code to be more clear.

the product file is not touched yet.

Change-Id: Ib407ab705134ff6f7a51f6843138fda55ebc3e96
Task-Url: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=432892
6 files changed
tree: dd270c95378b2a9aaf25c3ffc800e0c05437efff
  1. build/
  2. bundles/
  3. features/
  4. tests/
  5. .gitignore
  6. pom.xml