updating the clone --bare to make sure it's a shared repo
Adding merge steps, including fixing R4_HEAD then merging into 4.2
diff --git a/scripts/cvs2git_prep.txt b/scripts/cvs2git_prep.txt
index 0bdd421..febe6a6 100644
--- a/scripts/cvs2git_prep.txt
+++ b/scripts/cvs2git_prep.txt
@@ -217,14 +217,18 @@
 Cherrypick tag: R3_4_1 commit: 6df1509a2002dea97b89c12b67ac2a24dbe0f726
 Cherrypick tag: R3_5 commit: 5d4327c6204d8892eea7dae079391d93bd44c82c
-# copy it as pwebster to my home dir
-  mkdir eclipse.platform.ui
-  cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.ui/.git eclipse.platform.ui
+  cd ..
+  git clone --bare eclipse.platform.ui eclipse.platform.ui.git
+  cd eclipse.platform.ui.git
+  git remote rm origin
+  # check that it is shared
+  git config -l
+  # the fix if it is not
+  git config --add core.sharedrepository 1
-# try and create the bare repo mirror on dev.eclipse.org
-  git clone -l --mirror $HOME/eclipse.platform.ui /gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.ui.git
-  # this did not create the permissions that I wanted.
+# copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster
+  ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.ui.git /home/data/users/pwebster
+  ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/eclipse.platform.ui.git/* /gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.ui.git
 # now it should be a public test repo:
diff --git a/scripts/e4_ui_prep.txt b/scripts/e4_ui_prep.txt
index 25b25e4..8504baa 100644
--- a/scripts/e4_ui_prep.txt
+++ b/scripts/e4_ui_prep.txt
@@ -87,27 +87,24 @@
   /bin/bash ../mv_tags_compat.sh
   # copy reports into the correct org.eclipse.migration/.../pass directory for later.
-# create one for copying to gitroot
-  git init --bare --shared eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git
-  cd eclipse.platform.ui.compat
-  git remote add compat ../eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git
-  git push --all compat
-  git push --tags compat
-# ssh as me to build.eclipse.org
-  newgrp eclipse.e4
-  cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git .
-# ssh as me to dev.eclipse.org
-# newgrp doesn't work, oh well
-  cd /gitroot/e4
-  cp -r  ~/eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git/ .
+  cd ..
+  git clone --bare  eclipse.platform.ui.compat eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git
+  cd eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git
+  git remote rm origin
+# check that it is shared
+  git config -l
+  git config --add core.sharedrepository 1
+# copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster
+  ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git /home/data/users/pwebster
+  ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git /gitroot/e4
 # now it should be a public test repo:
 # Finish the other repos:
   rm -rf cvs2svn-tmp symbol-info.txt
@@ -129,15 +126,16 @@
   scp e4Build@build.eclipse.org:/shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/*.sh eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1
   cd ..
-  git init --bare --shared org.eclipse.e4.ui.git
-  cd org.eclipse.ui.e4
-  git remote add compat ../org.eclipse.e4.ui.git
-  git push --all compat
-  git push --tags compat
+  git clone --bare  org.eclipse.ui.e4 org.eclipse.ui.e4.git
+  cd org.eclipse.ui.e4.git
+  git remote rm origin
+# check that it is shared
+  git config -l
+  git config --add core.sharedrepository 1
 # copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster
-  ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/org.eclipse.e4.ui.git /home/data/users/pwebster
-  ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/org.eclipse.e4.ui.git /gitroot/e4
+  ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/org.eclipse.ui.e4.git /home/data/users/pwebster
+  ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/org.eclipse.ui.e4.git /gitroot/e4
   rm -rf cvs2svn-tmp symbol-info.txt
@@ -159,10 +157,13 @@
   scp e4Build@build.eclipse.org:/shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/*.sh eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1
   cd ..
-  git clone --bare eclipse.platform.runtime.e4 eclipse.platform.runtime.e4.git
+  git clone --bare  eclipse.platform.runtime.e4 eclipse.platform.runtime.e4.git
   cd eclipse.platform.runtime.e4.git
   git remote rm origin
+# check that it is shared
+  git config -l
+  git config --add core.sharedrepository 1
 # copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster
   ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.runtime.e4.git /home/data/users/pwebster
   ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/eclipse.platform.runtime.e4.git /gitroot/e4
@@ -187,10 +188,13 @@
   scp e4Build@build.eclipse.org:/shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/*.sh eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1
   cd ..
-  git clone --bare eclipse.platform.ui.e4 eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git
+  git clone --bare  eclipse.platform.ui.e4 eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git
   cd eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git
   git remote rm origin
+# check that it is shared
+  git config -l
+  git config --add core.sharedrepository 1
 # copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster
   ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git /home/data/users/pwebster
   ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git /gitroot/e4
@@ -215,10 +219,13 @@
   scp e4Build@build.eclipse.org:/shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/*.sh eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1
   cd ..
-  git clone --bare org.eclipse.e4.tools org.eclipse.e4.tools.git
+  git clone --bare  org.eclipse.e4.tools org.eclipse.e4.tools.git
   cd org.eclipse.e4.tools.git
   git remote rm origin
+# check that it is shared
+  git config -l
+  git config --add core.sharedrepository 1
 # copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster
   ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/org.eclipse.e4.tools.git /home/data/users/pwebster
   ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/org.eclipse.e4.tools.git /gitroot/e4
diff --git a/scripts/merge_e4_into_ui.txt b/scripts/merge_e4_into_ui.txt
index 0365004..8127a41 100644
--- a/scripts/merge_e4_into_ui.txt
+++ b/scripts/merge_e4_into_ui.txt
@@ -5,29 +5,61 @@
 cd eclipse.platform.ui
 git tag | sort -u >../tags_ui.txt
-cd ../eclipse.platform.ui.e4/
-git tag | sort -u >../tags_e4.txt
-cd ..
-comm -12 tags_ui.txt  tags_e4.txt >common_tags.txt
-cd eclipse.platform.ui
 git branch -r | sort -u >../branch_ui.txt
 cd ../eclipse.platform.ui.e4/
+git tag | sort -u >../tags_e4.txt
 git branch -r | sort -u >../branch_e4.txt
 cd ..
+comm -12 tags_ui.txt  tags_e4.txt >common_tags.txt
 comm -12 branch_ui.txt branch_e4.txt >common_branches.txt
 #Clean up the tags out of the eclipse.platform.ui repo
 #Probably branches as well.
+# Fix R4_HEAD
+# use git log -10 to find the commit, then:
+#cvs2svn 8d34cecb6b804430ea35d8fe84ecc864feb810f0 # delete commit
+#bbokowski 01abec9233ebf30c5a57f16a91d2b6edc3435dbb # parent commit
+rebase --onto 01abec9233ebf30c5a57f16a91d2b6edc3435dbb 8d34cecb6b804430ea35d8fe84ecc864feb810f0
+# if you are creating the main repo, you're OK
+# if you haven't then you have a lot of pushing to do:
+git push --force
 cd eclipse.platform.ui
-for f in $( cat ../common_tags.txt ) ; do git tag ${f}_37 ${f}; git tag -d $f ; done
-git remote add e4 ../eclipse.platform.ui.e4
+for f in $( cat ../common_tags.txt ) ; do git tag ${f}_R3 ${f}; git tag -d $f ; git push origin :$f ; done
+# pull in the e4 ui stuff and add the merge node.
+git remote add e4 ssh://pwebster@git.eclipse.org/gitroot/e4/eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git
 git fetch e4
 git merge e4/master
+# Replicate all of the branches so that you can create a useful repo
+git branch -r >../br.txt
+# remove e4/master and origin/master from the file, then
+for f in $( cat ../br.txt ); do BR=$( echo $f | sed 's/^.*\///g' ); git branch -t $BR $f ; done
 # Then since master now points to the last commit in e4, 
 # the push will push everything back to the main repo
-git push --all origin
-git push --tags origin
+# except we can't push any of our franken-repos, because of the commit hooks
+#git push --all origin
+#git push --tags origin
+# so we'll do it the bad way
+  cd ..
+  git clone --bare eclipse.platform.ui eclipse.platform.ui.git
+  cd eclipse.platform.ui.git
+  git remote rm origin
+# check that it is shared
+  git config -l
+  git config --add core.sharedrepository 1
+# copy it to git root, from my local machine
+scp -r * pwebster@dev.eclipse.org:/gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.ui.git
\ No newline at end of file