| # e4 only needs to stabilize 4 tags, R0_10, R4_0, R0_11, and R4_1 |
| # we can do that with a much simpler command line |
| |
| cvs rtag -D"07/28/2010 00:00" R4_0 e4/org.eclipse.e4.ui >tag40_log.txt 2>&1 |
| # we use "06/21/2011 00:00" for R4_1 |
| # R0_10 was applied to everything |
| # R4_1 was correctly applied |
| # R0_11 was correctly applied |
| # R4_1_maintenance was never branched in e4/org.eclipse.e4.ui |
| |
| # R4_1_maintenance was branched but I think that needs to be converted by itself |
| # -> e4/org.eclipse.e4.compatibility/bundles/org.eclipse.ui.workbench |
| |
| |
| # create a local cvs root |
| # I did this on build.eclipse.org |
| cd /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs |
| mkdir cvsroot.e4.ui cvsroot.e4.platform.ui cvsroot.e4.platform.runtime cvsroot.e4.compat cvsroot.e4.tools |
| cd cvsroot.e4.ui |
| cvs -d :local:$(pwd) init |
| |
| # copy over from modules |
| copy_e4.sh org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/modules_e4_ui.sh $(pwd)/cvsroot.e4.ui |
| copy_e4.sh org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/modules_platform_ui.sh $(pwd)/cvsroot.e4.platform.ui |
| copy_e4.sh org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/modules_platform_runtime.sh $(pwd)/cvsroot.e4.platform.runtime |
| copy_e4.sh org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/modules_compat.sh $(pwd)/cvsroot.e4.compat |
| cp -r /cvsroot/eclipse/e4/org.eclipse.e4.tools/ cvsroot.e4.tools/e4 |
| |
| # fix up the compat tests that moved into platform ui |
| cd cvsroot.e4.platform.ui/e4 |
| mv org.eclipse.e4.compatibility/tests/* org.eclipse.e4.ui/tests |
| mv org.eclipse.e4.compatibility/features/org.eclipse.e4.rcp/ org.eclipse.e4.ui/features |
| #confirm there's nothing else in there |
| find org.eclipse.e4.compatibility/ -type f |
| |
| # clean the CVS repo of links |
| for f in cvsroot.e4.* ; do find $f -type l|xargs -n 1 rm; done |
| |
| # Make sure the author IDs in the options files are up to date. |
| |
| # for this test, I stayed on build.eclipse.org |
| # can be done on a local machine, if you cp the cvsroot over. |
| |
| |
| # get the cvs2git tool |
| svn co --username=guest --password="" http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/svn/cvs2svn/trunk cvs2svn-trunk |
| |
| # for each repo you need to create: |
| eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_compat.options |
| eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_e4_ui.options |
| eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_platform_runtime.options |
| eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_platform_ui.options |
| eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_tools.options |
| |
| |
| # run the cvs2git tool |
| rm -rf cvs2svn-tmp symbol-info.txt |
| cvs2svn-trunk/cvs2git --options=org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_compat.options |
| |
| # create a git repo |
| git init --shared eclipse.platform.ui.compat |
| |
| # try the fast import |
| cd eclipse.platform.ui.compat |
| cat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-blob.dat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-dump.dat | git fast-import |
| |
| # move the tags into a useful place |
| python ../cvs2svn-trunk/contrib/git-move-refs.py |
| |
| # Prune and pack the repo |
| git prune |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| git gc --aggressive |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| |
| # verify the repo - this can take long, so for your first test skip this step. |
| mkdir compare-tmp |
| python $(pwd)/cvs2svn-trunk/contrib/verify-cvs2svn.py \ |
| --git $(pwd)/cvsroot/eclipse.platform.ui \ |
| $(pwd)/eclipse.platform.ui \ |
| --tmp=$(pwd)/compare-tmp --diff >compare-log.txt 2>&1 & |
| |
| # Fixing the Delete only tags: |
| /bin/bash ../org.eclipse.migration/scripts/fix_tags.sh >../tag_report_compat.sh |
| grep ^git ../tag_report_compat.sh >../mv_tags_compat.sh |
| # examine them |
| /bin/bash ../mv_tags_compat.sh |
| # copy reports into the correct org.eclipse.migration/.../pass directory for later. |
| |
| |
| # create one for copying to gitroot |
| git init --bare --shared eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git |
| cd eclipse.platform.ui.compat |
| git remote add compat ../eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git |
| git push --all compat |
| git push --tags compat |
| |
| # ssh as me to build.eclipse.org |
| newgrp eclipse.e4 |
| cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git . |
| |
| # ssh as me to dev.eclipse.org |
| # newgrp doesn't work, oh well |
| cd /gitroot/e4 |
| cp -r ~/eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git/ . |
| |
| |
| # now it should be a public test repo: |
| ssh://pwebster@git.eclipse.org/gitroot/e4/eclipse.platform.ui.compat.git |
| |
| # Finish the other repos: |
| |
| rm -rf cvs2svn-tmp symbol-info.txt |
| cvs2svn-trunk/cvs2git --options=org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_e4_ui.options |
| git init --shared org.eclipse.ui.e4 |
| cd org.eclipse.ui.e4 |
| cat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-blob.dat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-dump.dat | git fast-import |
| python ../cvs2svn-trunk/contrib/git-move-refs.py |
| git prune |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| git gc --aggressive |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| /bin/bash ../org.eclipse.migration/scripts/fix_tags.sh >../tag_report_e4_ui.sh |
| grep ^git ../tag_report_e4_ui.sh >../mv_tags_e4_ui.sh |
| # examine them |
| /bin/bash ../mv_tags_e4_ui.sh |
| rm t1.txt |
| # scp the results to the correct org.eclipse.migration/../pass directory |
| scp e4Build@build.eclipse.org:/shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/*.sh eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1 |
| |
| cd .. |
| git init --bare --shared org.eclipse.e4.ui.git |
| cd org.eclipse.ui.e4 |
| git remote add compat ../org.eclipse.e4.ui.git |
| git push --all compat |
| git push --tags compat |
| |
| # copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster |
| ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/org.eclipse.e4.ui.git /home/data/users/pwebster |
| ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/org.eclipse.e4.ui.git /gitroot/e4 |
| |
| |
| rm -rf cvs2svn-tmp symbol-info.txt |
| cvs2svn-trunk/cvs2git --options=org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_platform_runtime.options |
| git init --shared eclipse.platform.runtime.e4 |
| cd eclipse.platform.runtime.e4 |
| cat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-blob.dat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-dump.dat | git fast-import |
| python ../cvs2svn-trunk/contrib/git-move-refs.py |
| git prune |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| git gc --aggressive |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| /bin/bash ../org.eclipse.migration/scripts/fix_tags.sh >../tag_report_platform_runtime.sh |
| grep ^git ../tag_report_platform_runtime.sh >../mv_tags_platform_runtime.sh |
| # examine them |
| /bin/bash ../mv_tags_platform_runtime.sh |
| rm t1.txt |
| # scp the results to the correct org.eclipse.migration/../pass directory |
| scp e4Build@build.eclipse.org:/shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/*.sh eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1 |
| |
| cd .. |
| git clone --bare eclipse.platform.runtime.e4 eclipse.platform.runtime.e4.git |
| cd eclipse.platform.runtime.e4.git |
| git remote rm origin |
| |
| # copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster |
| ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.runtime.e4.git /home/data/users/pwebster |
| ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/eclipse.platform.runtime.e4.git /gitroot/e4 |
| |
| |
| rm -rf cvs2svn-tmp symbol-info.txt |
| cvs2svn-trunk/cvs2git --options=org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_platform_ui.options |
| git init --shared eclipse.platform.ui.e4 |
| cd eclipse.platform.ui.e4 |
| cat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-blob.dat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-dump.dat | git fast-import |
| python ../cvs2svn-trunk/contrib/git-move-refs.py |
| git prune |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| git gc --aggressive |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| /bin/bash ../org.eclipse.migration/scripts/fix_tags.sh >../tag_report_platform_ui.sh |
| grep ^git ../tag_report_platform_ui.sh >../mv_tags_platform_ui.sh |
| # examine them |
| /bin/bash ../mv_tags_platform_ui.sh |
| rm t1.txt |
| # scp the results to the correct org.eclipse.migration/../pass directory |
| scp e4Build@build.eclipse.org:/shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/*.sh eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1 |
| |
| cd .. |
| git clone --bare eclipse.platform.ui.e4 eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git |
| cd eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git |
| git remote rm origin |
| |
| # copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster |
| ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git /home/data/users/pwebster |
| ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/eclipse.platform.ui.e4.git /gitroot/e4 |
| |
| |
| rm -rf cvs2svn-tmp symbol-info.txt |
| cvs2svn-trunk/cvs2git --options=org.eclipse.migration/eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1/c2g_tools.options |
| git init --shared org.eclipse.e4.tools |
| cd org.eclipse.e4.tools |
| cat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-blob.dat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-dump.dat | git fast-import |
| python ../cvs2svn-trunk/contrib/git-move-refs.py |
| git prune |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| git gc --aggressive |
| git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 |
| /bin/bash ../org.eclipse.migration/scripts/fix_tags.sh >../tag_report_tools.sh |
| grep ^git ../tag_report_tools.sh >../mv_tags_tools.sh |
| # examine them |
| /bin/bash ../mv_tags_tools.sh |
| rm t1.txt |
| # scp the results to the correct org.eclipse.migration/../pass directory |
| scp e4Build@build.eclipse.org:/shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/*.sh eclipse.platform.ui.e4/pass1 |
| |
| cd .. |
| git clone --bare org.eclipse.e4.tools org.eclipse.e4.tools.git |
| cd org.eclipse.e4.tools.git |
| git remote rm origin |
| |
| # copy it to git root, must be done from pwebster |
| ssh build.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/org.eclipse.e4.tools.git /home/data/users/pwebster |
| ssh dev.eclipse.org /bin/cp -r /home/data/users/pwebster/org.eclipse.e4.tools.git /gitroot/e4 |
| |
| |
| |
| # |
| # |
| # All of the stuff below are extra steps. |
| # |
| |
| |
| |
| # add a .gitignore to branches you care about ... litter git with commits! :-) |
| cd eclipse.platform.ui |
| #contents: |
| bin/ |
| target/ |
| *~ |
| *.rej |
| *.bak |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| # try and generate some author data to include in the options file |
| find org.eclipse.ui.workbench -name "*,v" -exec grep "^date.*author " {} \; >author.raw |
| grep -v "Binary file" author.raw | sed 's/^date.*author //g' | sed 's/;.*$//g' | sort -u >author.ids |
| for ID in $( cat author.ids ); do |
| ENT=$( getent passwd $ID ) |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then NAME=$( echo $ENT | cut -f5 -d: ); else NAME=$ID; fi |
| echo "'$ID' : ('$NAME', '$ID@eclipse.org')," >>author.py |
| done |
| |
| # or using LDAP, better email addresses |
| for ID in $( cat author.ids ); do |
| ldapsearch -x -b "dc=eclipse,dc=org" -s sub "(uid=$ID)" >tmp.txt |
| NAME=$ID |
| if grep "numEntries: 1\$" tmp.txt >/dev/null; then |
| NAME=$( grep ^cn: tmp.txt | sed 's/cn: //g' ) |
| #EMAIL=$( grep ^mail: tmp.txt | sed 's/mail: //g' ) |
| fi |
| echo "'$ID' : ('$NAME', '$EMAIL')," >>author.py |
| done |
| # maybe fix Curtis' name :-) |
| sed "s/D'Entremont/D\\\\'Entremont/g" |
| |
| |
| # add it to a bare repo |
| git remote bareLocal ssh://e4Build@build.eclipse.org/shared/eclipse/e4/git/cvs/eclipse.platform.ui.git |
| git push --all bareLocal |
| git push --tags bareLocal |
| |
| |
| |
| # put it into a test location |
| cd /gitroot/e4 |
| git clone -l --mirror $HOME/eclipse.platform.ui.git eclipse.platform.ui.git |
| |
| |
| # converting a simple map file - this does funky things as it tokenizes the line |
| while read LINE; do |
| if (echo $LINE | grep :pserver >/dev/null); then |
| HDR=$( echo $LINE | cut -f1 -d= ) |
| ID=$( echo $HDR | cut -f2 -d\@ ) |
| TAG=$( echo $LINE | cut -f1 -d, | cut -f2 -d= ) |
| echo "${HDR}=GIT,tag=${TAG},repo=git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/e4/eclipse.platform.ui.git,path=bundles/$ID" >>new.map |
| else |
| echo $LINE >>new.map |
| fi |
| done <ui.map |
| |
| # converting a simple map file with sed |
| sed 's/^\([^@]*\)@\([^=]*\)=\([^,]*\),.*$/\1@\2=GIT,tag=\3,repo=git:\/\/git.eclipse.org\/gitroot\/e4\/eclipse.platform.ui.git,path=bundles\/\2/g' |
| # for tests, we use file:///gitroot |
| # provides default path in bundles, needs to be modified afterwards for tests and examples |
| |
| |