blob: 6cc463439003fca9064349ba92eb7f1aa2df8974 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009 Composent, Inc. and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* Contributors:
* Composent, Inc. - initial API and implementation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.client;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.ecf.core.AbstractContainer;
import org.eclipse.ecf.core.ContainerConnectException;
import org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.ID;
import org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.Namespace;
import org.eclipse.ecf.internal.remoteservice.Activator;
import org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.*;
import org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.client.AbstractClientService.UriRequest;
import org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.util.RemoteFilterImpl;
import org.eclipse.equinox.concurrent.future.*;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
* Remote service client abstract superclass.
* @since 4.0
public abstract class AbstractClientContainer extends AbstractContainer implements IRemoteServiceClientContainerAdapter {
protected ID containerID;
// The ID we've been assigned to connect to
protected ID connectedID;
protected Object connectLock = new Object();
protected IConnectContext connectContext;
protected Object remoteResponseDeserializerLock = new Object();
protected IRemoteResponseDeserializer remoteResponseDeserializer = null;
protected Object parameterSerializerLock = new Object();
protected IRemoteCallParameterSerializer parameterSerializer = null;
protected RemoteServiceClientRegistry registry;
protected List remoteServiceListeners = new ArrayList();
private List referencesInUse = new ArrayList();
* @since 8.12
protected IRemoteServiceFactory remoteServiceFactory;
* @since 8.12
public void setRemoteServiceFactory(IRemoteServiceFactory factory) {
this.remoteServiceFactory = factory;
* @since 4.1
protected boolean alwaysSendDefaultParameters;
public AbstractClientContainer(ID containerID) {
this.containerID = containerID;
this.registry = new RemoteServiceClientRegistry(this);
public void setConnectContextForAuthentication(IConnectContext connectContext) {
this.connectContext = connectContext;
public IConnectContext getConnectContextForAuthentication() {
return connectContext;
public void setResponseDeserializer(IRemoteResponseDeserializer resource) {
synchronized (remoteResponseDeserializerLock) {
this.remoteResponseDeserializer = resource;
public IRemoteResponseDeserializer getResponseDeserializer() {
synchronized (remoteResponseDeserializerLock) {
return this.remoteResponseDeserializer;
public void setParameterSerializer(IRemoteCallParameterSerializer serializer) {
synchronized (parameterSerializerLock) {
this.parameterSerializer = serializer;
protected IRemoteCallParameterSerializer getParameterSerializer() {
synchronized (parameterSerializerLock) {
return this.parameterSerializer;
protected IRemoteResponseDeserializer getResponseDeserializer(IRemoteCall call, IRemoteCallable callable, Map responseHeaders) {
synchronized (remoteResponseDeserializerLock) {
return remoteResponseDeserializer;
protected IRemoteCallParameterSerializer getParameterSerializer(IRemoteCallParameter parameter, Object value) {
synchronized (parameterSerializerLock) {
return parameterSerializer;
* Set the flag to <code>true</code> to include default parameters (which are specified when the callables are created) with
* every request to the remote service.
* <p>
* Setting to <code>false</code> will only send those parameter specified when the call is invoked.
* <p>
* Parameters which are specifed with the call override the defaults. Default parameters with a value of <code>null</code>
* are not included.
* @param alwaysSendDefaultParameters whether to send default parameters with every remote call
* @since 4.1
public void setAlwaysSendDefaultParameters(boolean alwaysSendDefaultParameters) {
this.alwaysSendDefaultParameters = alwaysSendDefaultParameters;
public void addRemoteServiceListener(IRemoteServiceListener listener) {
synchronized (remoteServiceListeners) {
public IFuture asyncGetRemoteServiceReferences(final ID[] idFilter, final String clazz, final String filter) {
IExecutor executor = new JobsExecutor("asyncGetRemoteServiceReferences"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return executor.execute(new IProgressRunnable() {
public Object run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
return getRemoteServiceReferences(idFilter, clazz, filter);
}, null);
public IFuture asyncGetRemoteServiceReferences(final ID target, final String clazz, final String filter) {
IExecutor executor = new JobsExecutor("asyncGetRemoteServiceReferences"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return executor.execute(new IProgressRunnable() {
public Object run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
return getRemoteServiceReferences(target, clazz, filter);
}, null);
* @since 5.0
public IFuture asyncGetRemoteServiceReferences(final ID target, final ID[] idFilter, final String clazz, final String filter) {
IExecutor executor = new JobsExecutor("asyncGetRemoteServiceReferences"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return executor.execute(new IProgressRunnable() {
public Object run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
return getRemoteServiceReferences(target, idFilter, clazz, filter);
}, null);
public IRemoteFilter createRemoteFilter(String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
return new RemoteFilterImpl(filter);
public IRemoteServiceReference[] getAllRemoteServiceReferences(String clazz, String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
return registry.getAllRemoteServiceReferences(clazz, (filter == null) ? null : createRemoteFilter(filter));
public IRemoteService getRemoteService(IRemoteServiceReference reference) {
if (reference == null || !(reference instanceof RemoteServiceClientReference))
return null;
RemoteServiceClientRegistration registration = registry.findServiceRegistration((RemoteServiceClientReference) reference);
if (registration == null)
return null;
IRemoteService result = (registration == null) ? null : createRemoteService(registration);
if (result != null)
return result;
public IRemoteServiceID getRemoteServiceID(ID containerID1, long containerRelativeID) {
return registry.getRemoteServiceID(containerID1, containerRelativeID);
public Namespace getRemoteServiceNamespace() {
return getConnectNamespace();
public IRemoteServiceReference getRemoteServiceReference(IRemoteServiceID serviceID) {
return registry.findServiceReference(serviceID);
public IRemoteServiceReference[] getRemoteServiceReferences(ID[] idFilter, String clazz, String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
return registry.getRemoteServiceReferences(idFilter, clazz, (filter == null) ? null : createRemoteFilter(filter));
public IRemoteServiceReference[] getRemoteServiceReferences(ID target, String clazz, String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException, ContainerConnectException {
return registry.getRemoteServiceReferences(target, clazz, (filter == null) ? null : createRemoteFilter(filter));
* @since 5.0
public IRemoteServiceReference[] getRemoteServiceReferences(ID target, ID[] idFilter, String clazz, String filter) throws InvalidSyntaxException, ContainerConnectException {
return registry.getRemoteServiceReferences(target, idFilter, clazz, (filter == null) ? null : createRemoteFilter(filter));
public IRemoteServiceRegistration registerRemoteService(final String[] clazzes, Object service, Dictionary properties) {
throw new RuntimeException("registerRemoteService cannot be used with client container"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public void removeRemoteServiceListener(IRemoteServiceListener listener) {
synchronized (remoteServiceListeners) {
public boolean ungetRemoteService(final IRemoteServiceReference reference) {
boolean result = referencesInUse.contains(reference);
fireRemoteServiceEvent(new IRemoteServiceUnregisteredEvent() {
public IRemoteServiceReference getReference() {
return reference;
public ID getLocalContainerID() {
return getID();
public ID getContainerID() {
return getID();
public String[] getClazzes() {
return registry.getClazzes(reference);
return result;
// Implementation of IRestClientContainerAdapter
public IRemoteServiceRegistration registerCallables(IRemoteCallable[] callables, Dictionary properties) {
final RemoteServiceClientRegistration registration = createRestServiceRegistration(callables, properties);
// notify
fireRemoteServiceEvent(new IRemoteServiceRegisteredEvent() {
public IRemoteServiceReference getReference() {
return registration.getReference();
public ID getLocalContainerID() {
return registration.getContainerID();
public ID getContainerID() {
return getID();
public String[] getClazzes() {
return registration.getClazzes();
return registration;
* @param serviceType serviceType
* @param callables callables
* @param properties properties
* @return IRemoteServiceRegistration registration created for registration
* @since 8.5
public IRemoteServiceRegistration registerCallables(Class<?> serviceType, IRemoteCallable[] callables, Dictionary properties) {
return registerCallables(new String[] {serviceType.getName()}, new IRemoteCallable[][] {callables}, properties);
public IRemoteServiceRegistration registerCallables(String[] clazzes, IRemoteCallable[][] callables, Dictionary properties) {
final RemoteServiceClientRegistration registration = createRestServiceRegistration(clazzes, callables, properties);
// notify
fireRemoteServiceEvent(new IRemoteServiceRegisteredEvent() {
public IRemoteServiceReference getReference() {
return registration.getReference();
public ID getLocalContainerID() {
return registration.getContainerID();
public ID getContainerID() {
return getID();
public String[] getClazzes() {
return registration.getClazzes();
return registration;
// IContainer implementation methods
public void connect(ID targetID, IConnectContext connectContext1) throws ContainerConnectException {
if (targetID == null)
throw new ContainerConnectException("targetID cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Namespace targetNamespace = targetID.getNamespace();
Namespace connectNamespace = getConnectNamespace();
if (connectNamespace == null)
throw new ContainerConnectException("targetID namespace cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!(targetNamespace.getName().equals(connectNamespace.getName())))
throw new ContainerConnectException("targetID of incorrect type"); //$NON-NLS-1$
fireContainerEvent(new ContainerConnectingEvent(containerID, targetID));
synchronized (connectLock) {
if (connectedID == null) {
connectedID = targetID;
this.connectContext = connectContext1;
} else if (!connectedID.equals(targetID))
throw new ContainerConnectException("Already connected to " + connectedID.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
fireContainerEvent(new ContainerConnectedEvent(containerID, targetID));
public void disconnect() {
ID oldId = connectedID;
fireContainerEvent(new ContainerDisconnectingEvent(containerID, oldId));
synchronized (connectLock) {
connectedID = null;
connectContext = null;
fireContainerEvent(new ContainerDisconnectedEvent(containerID, oldId));
public ID getConnectedID() {
synchronized (connectLock) {
return connectedID;
public ID getID() {
return containerID;
public void dispose() {
synchronized (remoteServiceListeners) {
void fireRemoteServiceEvent(IRemoteServiceEvent event) {
List toNotify = null;
// Copy array
synchronized (remoteServiceListeners) {
toNotify = new ArrayList(remoteServiceListeners);
for (Iterator i = toNotify.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
protected RemoteServiceClientRegistration createRestServiceRegistration(String[] clazzes, IRemoteCallable[][] callables, Dictionary properties) {
return new RemoteServiceClientRegistration(getRemoteServiceNamespace(), clazzes, callables, properties, registry);
protected RemoteServiceClientRegistration createRestServiceRegistration(IRemoteCallable[] callables, Dictionary properties) {
return new RemoteServiceClientRegistration(getRemoteServiceNamespace(), callables, properties, registry);
protected void logException(String string, Throwable e) {
Activator a = Activator.getDefault();
if (a != null)
a.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, string, e));
protected ID getRemoteCallTargetID() {
// First synchronize on connect lock
synchronized (connectLock) {
ID cID = getConnectedID();
return (cID == null) ? getID() : cID;
* @param uri uri
* @param call remote call
* @param callable callable
* @return IRemoteCallParameter[] remote call parameters prepared
* @throws NotSerializableException if cannot be serialized
* @since 8.5
protected IRemoteCallParameter[] prepareCallParameters(String uri, IRemoteCall call, IRemoteCallable callable) throws NotSerializableException {
List<IRemoteCallParameter> results = new ArrayList<IRemoteCallParameter>();
Object[] callParameters = call.getParameters();
IRemoteCallParameter[] defaultCallableParameters = callable.getDefaultParameters();
if (callParameters != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < callParameters.length; i++) {
Object p = callParameters[i];
// If the parameter is already a remote call parameter just add
if (p instanceof IRemoteCallParameter) {
results.add((IRemoteCallParameter) p);
if (defaultCallableParameters != null && i < defaultCallableParameters.length) {
// If the call parameter (p) is null, then add the associated
// callableParameter
if (p == null)
// If not null, then we need to serialize
IRemoteCallParameter val = serializeParameter(uri, call, callable, defaultCallableParameters[i], p);
if (val != null)
return results.toArray(new IRemoteCallParameter[results.size()]);
* @param uri uri
* @param call call
* @param callable callable
* @return IRemoteCallParameter[] extra parameters
* @throws NotSerializableException if not serializable
* @since 8.5
protected IRemoteCallParameter[] prepareExtraParameters(String uri, IRemoteCall call, IRemoteCallable callable) throws NotSerializableException {
List<IRemoteCallParameter> results = new ArrayList<IRemoteCallParameter>();
Object[] callParameters = call.getParameters();
IRemoteCallParameter[] defaultCallableParameters = callable.getDefaultParameters();
// Check if we should send _additional_ default parameters and whether there are more to send.
// This depends on the previous for loop and how many (default) parameters have been used by it.
if (alwaysSendDefaultParameters && (defaultCallableParameters.length > callParameters.length)) {
// Start with the first parameter that wasn't specified
for (int i = callParameters.length; i < defaultCallableParameters.length; i++) {
IRemoteCallParameter param = defaultCallableParameters[i];
Object value = param.getValue();
// skip default parameters with null values
if (value == null)
// else serialize the parameter using the container's parameterSerializer
results.add(serializeParameter(uri, call, callable, param, value));
return results.toArray(new IRemoteCallParameter[results.size()]);
protected IRemoteCallParameter[] prepareParameters(String uri, IRemoteCall call, IRemoteCallable callable) throws NotSerializableException {
List<IRemoteCallParameter> results = new ArrayList<IRemoteCallParameter>();
IRemoteCallParameter[] preparedCallParameters = prepareCallParameters(uri, call, callable);
for (int i = 0; i < preparedCallParameters.length; i++)
IRemoteCallParameter[] preparedExtraParameters = prepareExtraParameters(uri, call, callable);
for (int i = 0; i < preparedExtraParameters.length; i++)
return results.toArray(new IRemoteCallParameter[results.size()]);
* Serialize the parameter using the container's parameterSerializer. If there is no serializer for this container, return null.
* @param uri uri
* @param call call
* @param callable callable
* @param defaultParameter default parameter
* @param parameterValue parameter value
* @return IRemoteCallParameter the serialized parameter or null if there is no parameterSerializer for this container
* @throws NotSerializableException thrown if parameters cannot be serialized
* @see IRemoteCallParameterSerializer#serializeParameter(String, IRemoteCall, IRemoteCallable, IRemoteCallParameter, Object)
* @since 4.1
protected IRemoteCallParameter serializeParameter(String uri, IRemoteCall call, IRemoteCallable callable, IRemoteCallParameter defaultParameter, Object parameterValue) throws NotSerializableException {
// Get parameter serializer...and
IRemoteCallParameterSerializer serializer = getParameterSerializer();
IRemoteCallParameter val = (serializer == null) ? null : serializer.serializeParameter(uri, call, callable, defaultParameter, parameterValue);
return val;
* Serialize the parameter using the container's parameterSerializer. If there is no serializer for this container, return null.
* @param uri uri
* @param call call
* @param callable callable
* @param currentParameters current parameters
* @param parameterValue parameter value
* @return IRemoteCallParameter[] parameters for given
* @throws NotSerializableException thrown if parameters cannot be serialized
* @since 8.0
protected IRemoteCallParameter[] serializeParameter(String uri, IRemoteCall call, IRemoteCallable callable, List currentParameters, Object[] parameterValue) throws NotSerializableException {
// Get parameter serializer...and
IRemoteCallParameterSerializer serializer = getParameterSerializer();
IRemoteCallParameter[] current = (IRemoteCallParameter[]) currentParameters.toArray(new IRemoteCallParameter[currentParameters.size()]);
IRemoteCallParameter[] val = (serializer == null) ? current : serializer.serializeParameter(uri, call, callable, current, parameterValue);
return val;
* @param uri uri
* @param call call
* @param callable callable
* @param responseHeaders http response headers
* @param responseBody response body as byte[]
* @return Object response deserialized via response deserializer
* @throws NotSerializableException if response cannot be deserialized for processing
* @since 8.0
protected Object processResponse(String uri, IRemoteCall call, IRemoteCallable callable, Map responseHeaders, byte[] responseBody) throws NotSerializableException {
IRemoteResponseDeserializer deserializer = getResponseDeserializer();
return (deserializer == null) ? null : deserializer.deserializeResponse(uri, call, callable, responseHeaders, responseBody);
* Create a remote service for a given remote service registration. This method will be
* called as part of the RemoteServiceAdmin.importService.
* @param registration the remote service client registration associated with the service
* being imported. Will not be <code>null</code>.
protected IRemoteService createRemoteService(RemoteServiceClientRegistration registration) {
IRemoteServiceFactory f = this.remoteServiceFactory;
if (f == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Cannot create remote service as remoteServiceFactory is null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return f.createRemoteService(registration);
* Prepare an endpoint address for the given call and callable.
* @param call to create an endpoint for. Will not be <code>null</code>.
* @param callable to create an endpoing for. Will not be <code>null</code>.
* @return String that represents the endpoing for the given call and callable. May only return <code>null</code> if the
* given call should not be completed (i.e. there is no endpoint associated with the given call).
protected abstract String prepareEndpointAddress(IRemoteCall call, IRemoteCallable callable);
* @param endpoint endpoint
* @param call call
* @param callable callable
* @return UriRequest to use for request. May be <code>null</code>
* @since 8.5
public UriRequest createUriRequest(String endpoint, IRemoteCall call, IRemoteCallable callable) {
return null;