blob: eb88656e252b47e8b91c81df5b645fe8a41ade86 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004 Composent, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Composent, Inc. - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ecf.presence;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.ecf.core.util.ECFException;
* Presence account management interface. Access to instances implementing this
* interface is provided by calling
* {@link IPresenceContainerAdapter#getAccountManager()}
* @see IPresenceContainerAdapter#getAccountManager()
public interface IAccountManager {
* Change account password to use new password. Upon next authenticated
* login, new password will be required for accessing account
* @param newpassword
* new password to use for this account. Must not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @return true if password changed, false if not changed
* @throws ECFException
* thrown if not connected, or if password change fails due to
* network failure or server failure
public boolean changePassword(String newpassword) throws ECFException;
* Determine whether account creation is supported for this account manager
* @return true if account creation supported, false otherwise
* @throws ECFException
* thrown if not connected, or if query fails due to network
* failure or server failure
public boolean isAccountCreationSupported() throws ECFException;
* Create a new account. Create a new account using given username,
* password, and attributes. If account creation succeeds, the method will
* return successfully. If fails, or is not supported, ECFException will be
* thrown
* @param username
* the fully qualified username to use for the new account. Must
* not be <code>null</code>.
* @param password
* the password to use with the new account. Must not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param attributes
* attributes to associate with the new account. May be null.
* @return true if account created, false if not created
* @throws ECFException
* thrown if account creation is not supported, or if fails for
* some reason (network failure or server failure)
public boolean createAccount(String username, String password,
Map attributes) throws ECFException;
* Delete an account. Deletes this account. If successful deletion, the
* method will return successfully. If account deletion is not supported,
* network failure, or some server error then an ECFException will be
* thrown.
* @return true if account deleted, false if not deleted
* @throws ECFException
* thrown if account deletion is not supported, or if fails for
* some reason (network failure or server failure)
public boolean deleteAccount() throws ECFException;
* Get any instructions for account
* @return instructions for account. May be <code>null</code>.
* @throws ECFException
* thrown if account account instructions not supported, or if
* fails for some reason (network failure or server failure)
public String getAccountCreationInstructions() throws ECFException;
* Get account attribute names for this account
* @return String[] attribute names. Will return empty array if no attribute
* names for account.
* @throws ECFException
* thrown if get account attribute names not supported, or if
* fails for some reason (network failure or server failure)
public String[] getAccountAttributeNames() throws ECFException;
* Get the value of given
* @param attributeName
* the attribute name to return the value for. Should not be
* <code>null</code>.
* @return Object value for the given attribute. Will be <code>null</code>
* if attribute name is not found.
* @throws ECFException
* thrown if get account attribute not supported, or if fails
* for some reason (network failure or server failure)
public Object getAccountAttribute(String attributeName) throws ECFException;