| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <?eclipse version="3.2"?> |
| <plugin> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ecf.start"> |
| <run class="org.eclipse.team.internal.ecf.ui.ECFStart"/> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronizeParticipants"> |
| <participant |
| class="org.eclipse.team.internal.ecf.ui.subscriber.RemoteSubscriberParticipant" |
| icon="icons/collaboration.gif" |
| id="org.eclipse.ecf.sync.team.participant" |
| name="ECF Remote Peer" |
| persistent="false"> |
| </participant> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronizeWizards"> |
| <wizard |
| class="org.eclipse.team.internal.ecf.ui.wizards.RemotePeerSynchronizeWizard" |
| description="Synchronize resources in the workspace with a remote peer's copy." |
| icon="icons/collaboration.gif" |
| id="org.eclipse.ecf.sync.team.remotePeerSynchronization" |
| name="Remote Peer"> |
| </wizard> |
| </extension> |
| <extension point="org.eclipse.core.expressions.definitions"> |
| <definition id="org.eclipse.ecf.sync.team.resourcesDefinition"> |
| <iterate ifEmpty="false"> |
| <adapt type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"/> |
| </iterate> |
| </definition> |
| <definition id="org.eclipse.ecf.sync.team.fileDefinition"> |
| <iterate ifEmpty="false"> |
| <adapt type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile"/> |
| </iterate> |
| </definition> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.menus"> |
| <menuContribution |
| locationURI="popup:org.eclipse.ui.popup.any?after=additions"> |
| <dynamic |
| class="org.eclipse.team.internal.ecf.ui.handlers.SynchronizeWithMenuContributionItem" |
| id="org.ecf.sync.team.menuContribution"> |
| <visibleWhen checkEnabled="true"> |
| <or> |
| <with variable="activeMenuSelection"> |
| <reference definitionId="org.eclipse.ecf.sync.team.resourcesDefinition"/> |
| </with> |
| <with variable="activeMenuEditorInput"> |
| <reference definitionId="org.eclipse.ecf.sync.team.fileDefinition"/> |
| </with> |
| </or> |
| </visibleWhen> |
| </dynamic> |
| <!-- |
| <dynamic |
| class="org.eclipse.team.internal.ecf.ui.handlers.CompareWithMenuContributionItem" |
| id="org.ecf.sync.team.menuContribution2"> |
| <visibleWhen checkEnabled="true"> |
| <or> |
| <with variable="activeMenuSelection"> |
| <reference definitionId="org.eclipse.ecf.sync.team.fileDefinition"/> |
| </with> |
| <with variable="activeMenuEditorInput"> |
| <reference definitionId="org.eclipse.ecf.sync.team.fileDefinition"/> |
| </with> |
| </or> |
| </visibleWhen> |
| </dynamic> |
| --> |
| </menuContribution> |
| </extension> |
| </plugin> |