blob: fdbcd07c6859e4d7f1581fdd240a511a2f5a8880 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Created on: 21 mars 2011
* Contributors:
* Arnault Lapitre (CEA LIST)
* - Initial API and implementation
#include "InstanceOfBuffer.h"
#include <fml/common/ObjectElement.h>
#include <fml/executable/ExecutableForm.h>
#include <fml/infrastructure/Buffer.h>
#include <fml/runtime/RuntimeID.h>
#include <fml/type/BaseTypeSpecifier.h>
#include <fml/type/TypeManager.h>
#include <fml/infrastructure/Buffer.h>
namespace sep
static const TypeSpecifier & getSpecifierType(
BaseAvmProgram * aContainer, Buffer * aBuffer)
// TypeSpecifier bfTS( TypeManager::newCollection(
// aBuffer, aBuffer->getPolicySpecifierKind(),
// TypeManager::UNIVERSAL, aBuffer->getCapacity()) );
// return( bfTS );
return( TypeManager::BUFFER );
static const TypeSpecifier & getSpecifierType(BaseAvmProgram * aContainer,
avm_type_specifier_kind_t aSpecifierKind, avm_size_t aCapacity)
// TypeSpecifier bfTS( TypeManager::newCollection(DataType::BUFFER,
// aSpecifierKind, TypeManager::UNIVERSAL, aCapacity) );
// return( bfTS );
return( TypeManager::BUFFER );
* Default
BaseAvmProgram * aContainer, Buffer * aBuffer, avm_offset_t anOffset)
: BaseInstanceForm(CLASS_KIND_T( InstanceOfBuffer ), aContainer, aBuffer,
getSpecifierType(aContainer, aBuffer), anOffset),
mPolicySpecifierKind( aBuffer->getPolicySpecifierKind() ),
mCapacity( aBuffer->getCapacity() )
InstanceOfBuffer::InstanceOfBuffer( BaseAvmProgram * aContainer,
Buffer * aCompiled, avm_offset_t anOffset,
avm_type_specifier_kind_t aSpecifierKind, long aCapacity)
: BaseInstanceForm(CLASS_KIND_T( InstanceOfBuffer ), aContainer, aCompiled,
getSpecifierType(aContainer, aSpecifierKind, aCapacity), anOffset),
mPolicySpecifierKind( aSpecifierKind ),
mCapacity( (aCapacity < 0) ? AVM_NUMERIC_MAX_SIZE_T : aCapacity )
* Serialization
void InstanceOfBuffer::strHeader(OutStream & out) const
out << "buffer< id:" << getOffset() << " > "
<< Buffer::str(mPolicySpecifierKind, realCapacity()) << " "
<< getFullyQualifiedNameID();
void InstanceOfBuffer::toStream(OutStream & out) const
if( out.preferablyFQN() )
out << TAB << getFullyQualifiedNameID();
bool isEmpty = true;
out << TAB << getModifier().toString()
<< "buffer< id:" << getOffset() << " > "
<< Buffer::str(mPolicySpecifierKind, realCapacity())
<< " " << getFullyQualifiedNameID();
out << " {" << EOL; isEmpty = false;
if( hasAstElement() )
out << TAB2 << "//compiled = "
<< getAstFullyQualifiedNameID() << ";" << EOL;
out << TAB2 << "//container = "
<< (hasContainer() ? getContainer()->getFullyQualifiedNameID() : "NULL")
<< ";" << EOL;
if( hasAliasTarget() )
if( isEmpty ) { out << " {" << EOL; isEmpty = false; }
out << TAB2 << "target = "
<< str_header( getAliasTarget()->as< InstanceOfBuffer >() )
<< ";" << EOL;
if( hasCreatorContainerRID() )
if( isEmpty ) { out << " {" << EOL; isEmpty = false; }
out << TAB2 << "rid#creator = " << getCreatorContainerRID().str()
<< ";" << EOL;
if( hasRuntimeContainerRID() )
if( isEmpty ) { out << " {" << EOL; isEmpty = false; }
out << TAB2 << "rid#container = " << getRuntimeContainerRID().str()
<< ";" << EOL;
if( hasMachinePath() )
if( isEmpty ) { out << " {" << EOL; isEmpty = false; }
out << TAB << "path#machine:" << EOL;
ArrayOfInstanceOfMachine::const_iterator it = getMachinePath()->begin();
ArrayOfInstanceOfMachine::const_iterator endIt = getMachinePath()->end();
for( ; it != endIt ; ++it )
out << TAB2 << (*it)->getFullyQualifiedNameID() << EOL;
( isEmpty ? (out << ";") : (out << TAB << "}") ) << EOL_FLUSH;