Bug 548592 - Generalized Goto/Reveal Service

- define an EMFFormsRevealService: a global view-model service for navigating to (selecting and reveal) objects and/or settings in the editor
- implement EMFFormsRevealProviders for various renderers that can present contained objects
- improve the interop of Eclipse and EMF Forms contexts, especially for putting the e4 context of an editor's site into the view context
- generic association of view-model controls with the renderers that realize them in a particular view context.  This allows reveal providers to get the renderers that they need to manipulate, via dependency-injection as enabled by a new @Renderer injection annotation
- allow the Bazaar DI context to inherit the client's e4 context
- fix View Model validation delegate to enable marker navigation
- utilities to better support mocking of abstract EMF model interfaces
- fix regression in the order of view-model service initialization discovered by refactoring a test
- JUnit test coverage

Change-Id: Idd7112903599da9b1ead77331b98dc9061b9c98e
Signed-off-by: Christian W. Damus <give.a.damus@gmail.com>
163 files changed