Bug 547721 - [Segments] Provide migration of legacy DMRs for View
* Add Pre Replace Processors to the DmrToSegmentsMigrator that allow to
execute custom logic before the legacy dmr is replaced with the segment
dmr in the model
* Define the LegacyDmrToRootEClass service which allows to determine the
root EClass for a legacy dmr
* Implement feature dmr to root eclass converter
* Implement index dmr to root eclass converter
* No mapping dmr to root eclass converter is needed
* Use the LegacyDmrToRootEClass in ViewTemplateSupplierImpl to allow
runtime conversion of all supported legacy dmrs (before it only worked
for feature dmrs)
* Adapt and simplify ViewTemplateSupplierImpl tests
* Add legacy dmr migration to TemplateModelEditorPart
Change-Id: I029a43875b03ddd22659aa5c0ff2bc63dbbf4c9c
Signed-off-by: Lucas Koehler <lkoehler@eclipsesource.com>
35 files changed