| --- RCPTT testcase --- |
| Format-Version: 1.0 |
| Contexts: _ihvnUC3mEeSwhO5Nwx0hPg,_MO6C8EobEeiHp8RnhxiMOg |
| Element-Name: ViewModelBulkMigration |
| Element-Type: testcase |
| Element-Version: 3.0 |
| External-Reference: |
| Id: _YFwVIEobEeiHp8RnhxiMOg |
| Runtime-Version: |
| Save-Time: 4/27/18 4:31 PM |
| Testcase-Type: ecl |
| |
| ------=_.content-0a7243a0-75d3-3d5f-9791-539de0e5b7ac |
| Content-Type: text/ecl |
| Entry-Name: .content |
| |
| get-view "Project Explorer" | get-tree | select "barView/Bar.view" | double-click |
| get-window "Perform migration to the latest view model version?" | get-button Yes | click |
| get-window "Migrate view models from workspace" | get-button Yes | click |
| get-window "Migrate view models from workspace" | get-table | select "Foo.view \\[fooView\\/Foo.view\\]" |
| with [get-window "Migrate view models from workspace" | get-table] { |
| get-property itemCount | equals 1 | verify-true |
| get-item -path "Foo.view \\[fooView\\/Foo.view\\]" | get-property caption | equals "Foo.view [fooView/Foo.view]" |
| | verify-true |
| } |
| get-window "Migrate view models from workspace" | get-button OK | click |
| |
| // Check that the ecore path was migrated |
| with [get-editor "Bar.view" | get-table] { |
| get-property itemCount | equals 1 | verify-true |
| get-item -path "\\/bar\\/bar.ecore" | get-property caption | equals "/bar/bar.ecore" | verify-true |
| } |
| |
| // No dialog(s) should pop up because Foo.view should be migrated |
| get-view "Project Explorer" | get-tree | select "fooView/Foo.view" | double-click |
| get-editor "Foo.view" | get-table | get-property itemCount | equals 1 | verify-true |
| get-editor "Foo.view" | get-table | get-item -path "\\/foo\\/foo.ecore" | get-property caption |
| | equals "/foo/foo.ecore" | verify-true |
| ------=_.content-0a7243a0-75d3-3d5f-9791-539de0e5b7ac-- |