Bug 541191 - View Template Editor should support opening files from

* Extend view template resource loading: If the editor input is
readonly, copy the contents to a temporary file to allow migration
* This allows opening files from the history (local and EGit)
* Added RCPTT test for this using the local history

Bonus fixes:
* Improved the resource reloading of the GenericEditor
* Fixed a bug in the Template Editor which caused the editor input to
not be properly refreshed when the resource was reloaded
* Added a RCPTT test for reloading resources in the Template Editor
caused by changing the model in the background.

Change-Id: I286a8a00404976e1c7b41f42ce05a28c604ab7f7
Signed-off-by: Lucas Koehler <lkoehler@eclipsesource.com>
6 files changed