blob: b0edb24a8e386251baf8a48fcba8845d275c09d4 [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _ihvnUC3mEeSwhO5Nwx0hPg,_D4Pj4C3lEeSwhO5Nwx0hPg,_2bS8sTNtEeSiS7b7ptZeHw,_DD4ysDmlEeiV5MMKft7xVA
Element-Name: TemplateEditor_OpenFromHistory
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _-p_yMKoHEeminf0o9fO9mA
Save-Time: 7/19/19 2:44 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
Bug 541191
Tests that the template editor allows opening a revision from the local history.
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
with [get-editor "new_file.template"] {
get-tree | select "View Template" | get-menu -path Style | click
get-button "Create and link new Style Property" | click
with [get-window "New Reference Element"] {
get-tree | select "mandatory/MandatoryStyleProperty"
get-button Finish | click
with [get-window MandatoryStyleProperty] {
get-editbox -after [get-label "Mandatory Marker"] | set-text x
get-button OK | click
get-button "Save (M1+S)" | click
get-view "Project Explorer" | click
get-editor "new_file.template" | close
// Create 2nd revision with text editor as this currently doesn't work properly with template editor
get-view "Project Explorer" | get-tree | select "com.eclipsesource.makeithappen.model/new_file.template"
| select "com.eclipsesource.makeithappen.model/new_file.template" | get-menu -path "Open With/Text Editor" | click
with [get-editor "new_file.template" | get-text-viewer] {
set-caret-pos 4 124
select-range 4 125 4 124
type-text y
key-type "M1+s"
get-view "Project Explorer" | click
get-editor "new_file.template" | close
get-view "Project Explorer" | get-tree | select "com.eclipsesource.makeithappen.model/new_file.template" | get-menu
-path "Team/Show Local History" | click
get-view History | get-tree | select [get-item -path ".*" -index 1] | get-menu
-path "Open With/Template Model Editor" | click
with [get-editor "new_file.template"] {
get-tree | select "View Template/Style/Mandatory Style true"
with [get-editbox -after [get-label "Mandatory Marker"]] {
get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-property text | equals x | verify-true