| # Copyright (c) 2011-2013 EclipseSource Muenchen GmbH and others. |
| # |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # EclipseSource Munich - initial API and implementation |
| |
| pluginName = Template Edit Support |
| providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project |
| |
| _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} |
| _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature |
| _UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. |
| _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. |
| |
| _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} |
| |
| _UI_ViewTemplate_type = View Template |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_type = Control Validation Template |
| _UI_Unknown_type = Object |
| |
| _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value |
| |
| _UI_ViewTemplate_controlValidationConfiguration_feature = Control Validation Configuration |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_okColorHEX_feature = Ok Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_okImageURL_feature = Ok Image URL |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_infoColorHEX_feature = Info Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_infoImageURL_feature = Info Image URL |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_warningColorHEX_feature = Warning Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_warningImageURL_feature = Warning Image URL |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_errorColorHEX_feature = Error Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_errorImageURL_feature = Error Image URL |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_cancelColorHEX_feature = Cancel Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_cancelImageURL_feature = Cancel Image URL |
| _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified |
| |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_okOverlayURL_feature = Ok Overlay URL |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_infoOverlayURL_feature = Info Overlay URL |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_warningOverlayURL_feature = Warning Overlay URL |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_errorOverlayURL_feature = Error Overlay URL |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_cancelOverlayURL_feature = Cancel Overlay URL |
| _UI_Style_type = Style |
| _UI_StyleProperty_type = Style Property |
| _UI_StyleSelector_type = Style Selector |
| _UI_ViewTemplate_styles_feature = Styles |
| _UI_Style_selector_feature = Selector |
| _UI_Style_properties_feature = Properties |
| _UI_AlignmentStyleProperty_type = Alignment Style |
| _UI_AlignmentStyleProperty_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_AlignmentType_LEFT_literal = LEFT |
| _UI_AlignmentType_RIGHT_literal = RIGHT |
| _UI_DomainModelReferenceSelector_type = Domain Model Reference Selector |
| _UI_DomainModelReferenceSelector_domainModelReference_feature = Domain Model Reference |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_type = Validation Style |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_okColorHEX_feature = Ok Color HEX |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_okImageURL_feature = Ok Image URL |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_okOverlayURL_feature = Ok Overlay URL |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_infoColorHEX_feature = Info Color HEX |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_infoImageURL_feature = Info Image URL |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_infoOverlayURL_feature = Info Overlay URL |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_warningColorHEX_feature = Warning Color HEX |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_warningImageURL_feature = Warning Image URL |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_warningOverlayURL_feature = Warning Overlay URL |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_errorColorHEX_feature = Error Color HEX |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_errorImageURL_feature = Error Image URL |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_errorOverlayURL_feature = Error Overlay URL |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_cancelColorHEX_feature = Cancel Color HEX |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_cancelImageURL_feature = Cancel Image URL |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_cancelOverlayURL_feature = Cancel Overlay URL |
| _UI_FontPropertiesStyleProperty_type = Font Style |
| _UI_FontPropertiesStyleProperty_italic_feature = Italic |
| _UI_FontPropertiesStyleProperty_bold_feature = Bold |
| _UI_FontPropertiesStyleProperty_colorHEX_feature = Color HEX |
| _UI_FontPropertiesStyleProperty_height_feature = Size |
| _UI_FontPropertiesStyleProperty_fontName_feature = Font Name |
| _UI_ViewModelElementSelector_type = View Model Element Selector |
| _UI_ViewModelElementSelector_classType_feature = Class Type |
| _UI_ViewModelElementSelector_selectSubclasses_feature = Select Subclasses |
| _UI_EAttribute_type = EAttribute |
| _UI_EAnnotation_type = EAnnotation |
| _UI_EClass_type = EClass |
| _UI_EClassifier_type = EClassifier |
| _UI_EDataType_type = EData Type |
| _UI_EEnum_type = EEnum |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_type = EEnum Literal |
| _UI_EFactory_type = EFactory |
| _UI_EModelElement_type = EModel Element |
| _UI_ENamedElement_type = ENamed Element |
| _UI_EObject_type = EObject |
| _UI_EOperation_type = EOperation |
| _UI_EPackage_type = EPackage |
| _UI_EParameter_type = EParameter |
| _UI_EReference_type = EReference |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_type = EStructural Feature |
| _UI_ETypedElement_type = ETyped Element |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_type = EString To String Map Entry |
| _UI_EGenericType_type = EGeneric Type |
| _UI_ETypeParameter_type = EType Parameter |
| _UI_ViewModelElementSelector_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_ViewModelElementSelector_attributeValue_feature = Attribute Value |
| _UI_EAttribute_iD_feature = ID |
| _UI_EAttribute_eAttributeType_feature = EAttribute Type |
| _UI_EAnnotation_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_EAnnotation_details_feature = Details |
| _UI_EAnnotation_eModelElement_feature = EModel Element |
| _UI_EAnnotation_contents_feature = Contents |
| _UI_EAnnotation_references_feature = References |
| _UI_EClass_abstract_feature = Abstract |
| _UI_EClass_interface_feature = Interface |
| _UI_EClass_eSuperTypes_feature = ESuper Types |
| _UI_EClass_eOperations_feature = EOperations |
| _UI_EClass_eAllAttributes_feature = EAll Attributes |
| _UI_EClass_eAllReferences_feature = EAll References |
| _UI_EClass_eReferences_feature = EReferences |
| _UI_EClass_eAttributes_feature = EAttributes |
| _UI_EClass_eAllContainments_feature = EAll Containments |
| _UI_EClass_eAllOperations_feature = EAll Operations |
| _UI_EClass_eAllStructuralFeatures_feature = EAll Structural Features |
| _UI_EClass_eAllSuperTypes_feature = EAll Super Types |
| _UI_EClass_eIDAttribute_feature = EID Attribute |
| _UI_EClass_eStructuralFeatures_feature = EStructural Features |
| _UI_EClass_eGenericSuperTypes_feature = EGeneric Super Types |
| _UI_EClass_eAllGenericSuperTypes_feature = EAll Generic Super Types |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceClassName_feature = Instance Class Name |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceClass_feature = Instance Class |
| _UI_EClassifier_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceTypeName_feature = Instance Type Name |
| _UI_EClassifier_ePackage_feature = EPackage |
| _UI_EClassifier_eTypeParameters_feature = EType Parameters |
| _UI_EDataType_serializable_feature = Serializable |
| _UI_EEnum_eLiterals_feature = ELiterals |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_instance_feature = Instance |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_literal_feature = Literal |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_eEnum_feature = EEnum |
| _UI_EFactory_ePackage_feature = EPackage |
| _UI_EModelElement_eAnnotations_feature = EAnnotations |
| _UI_ENamedElement_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_EOperation_eContainingClass_feature = EContaining Class |
| _UI_EOperation_eTypeParameters_feature = EType Parameters |
| _UI_EOperation_eParameters_feature = EParameters |
| _UI_EOperation_eExceptions_feature = EExceptions |
| _UI_EOperation_eGenericExceptions_feature = EGeneric Exceptions |
| _UI_EPackage_nsURI_feature = Ns URI |
| _UI_EPackage_nsPrefix_feature = Ns Prefix |
| _UI_EPackage_eFactoryInstance_feature = EFactory Instance |
| _UI_EPackage_eClassifiers_feature = EClassifiers |
| _UI_EPackage_eSubpackages_feature = ESubpackages |
| _UI_EPackage_eSuperPackage_feature = ESuper Package |
| _UI_EParameter_eOperation_feature = EOperation |
| _UI_EReference_containment_feature = Containment |
| _UI_EReference_container_feature = Container |
| _UI_EReference_resolveProxies_feature = Resolve Proxies |
| _UI_EReference_eOpposite_feature = EOpposite |
| _UI_EReference_eReferenceType_feature = EReference Type |
| _UI_EReference_eKeys_feature = EKeys |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_changeable_feature = Changeable |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_volatile_feature = Volatile |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_transient_feature = Transient |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValueLiteral_feature = Default Value Literal |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_unsettable_feature = Unsettable |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_derived_feature = Derived |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_eContainingClass_feature = EContaining Class |
| _UI_ETypedElement_ordered_feature = Ordered |
| _UI_ETypedElement_unique_feature = Unique |
| _UI_ETypedElement_lowerBound_feature = Lower Bound |
| _UI_ETypedElement_upperBound_feature = Upper Bound |
| _UI_ETypedElement_many_feature = Many |
| _UI_ETypedElement_required_feature = Required |
| _UI_ETypedElement_eType_feature = EType |
| _UI_ETypedElement_eGenericType_feature = EGeneric Type |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_EGenericType_eUpperBound_feature = EUpper Bound |
| _UI_EGenericType_eTypeArguments_feature = EType Arguments |
| _UI_EGenericType_eRawType_feature = ERaw Type |
| _UI_EGenericType_eLowerBound_feature = ELower Bound |
| _UI_EGenericType_eTypeParameter_feature = EType Parameter |
| _UI_EGenericType_eClassifier_feature = EClassifier |
| _UI_ETypeParameter_eBounds_feature = EBounds |
| _UI_TableValidationStyleProperty_type = Table Validation Column Style |
| _UI_TableValidationStyleProperty_columnWidth_feature = Column Width |
| _UI_TableValidationStyleProperty_columnName_feature = Column Name |
| _UI_TableValidationStyleProperty_imagePath_feature = Image Path |
| _UI_ViewTemplate_referencedEcores_feature = Referenced Ecores |
| _UI_MandatoryStyleProperty_type = Mandatory Style |
| _UI_MandatoryStyleProperty_highliteMandatoryFields_feature = Highlite Mandatory Fields |
| _UI_MandatoryStyleProperty_mandatoryMarker_feature = Mandatory Marker |
| _UI_TextControlEnablementStyleProperty_type = Style Property |
| _UI_TextControlEnablementStyleProperty_RenderDisableAsEditable_feature = Render Disable As Editable |
| _UI_BackgroundStyleProperty_type = Background Style Property |
| _UI_BackgroundStyleProperty_color_feature = Color |
| _UI_TabStyleProperty_type = Tab Style Property |
| _UI_TabStyleProperty_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_TabType_BOTTOM_literal = BOTTOM |
| _UI_TabType_TOP_literal = TOP |
| _UI_TableStyleProperty_type = Table Style Property |
| _UI_TableStyleProperty_minimumHeight_feature = Minimum Height |
| _UI_TableStyleProperty_maximumHeight_feature = Maximum Height |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_okForegroundColorHEX_feature = Ok Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_infoForegroundColorHEX_feature = Info Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_warningForegroundColorHEX_feature = Warning Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_errorForegroundColorHEX_feature = Error Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_ValidationStyleProperty_cancelForegroundColorHEX_feature = Cancel Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_okForegroundColorHEX_feature = Ok Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_infoForegroundColorHEX_feature = Info Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_warningForegroundColorHEX_feature = Warning Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_errorForegroundColorHEX_feature = Error Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_ControlValidationTemplate_cancelForegroundColorHEX_feature = Cancel Foreground Color HEX |
| _UI_TabStyleProperty_okImageURL_feature = Ok Image URL |
| _UI_TabStyleProperty_infoImageURL_feature = Info Image URL |
| _UI_TabStyleProperty_warningImageURL_feature = Warning Image URL |
| _UI_TabStyleProperty_errorImageURL_feature = Error Image URL |
| _UI_TabStyleProperty_cancelImageURL_feature = Cancel Image URL |