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IBM Corporation - initial implementation
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<title>Add a Reference or Hyperlink</title>
<div class="nested0" id="addareferenceorhyperlink"><a name="addareferenceorhyperlink"><!-- --></a><h1 class="topictitle1">Add a Reference or Hyperlink</h1>
<div><p>You can add two types of references or hyperlinks to your content text:
references to other elements in the method library or references to external
text with a URL that resides outside the method library.</p>
<p>Text fields that support hyperlinks have a twisty symbol <img src="twisty symbol1.JPG" alt="" /> next to the text field's label. Click the symbol to expand
the field into a full text editor. </p>
<p>To insert a hyperlink to another element in the method library into a text
field, locate the element you want to create a link to in the library or configuration
view and then drag it into the appropriate text field, The link to the element
is added as a method element with type prefix, meaning that the method element
name is prefixed with the method element type. You can also drag a method
element into an unexpanded text field that supports hyperlinks with the same
<div class="p">You can use the Add Link function in the rich text editor to add links
that are references to other method elements or links to files or Web pages.
This gives you further options in how your links are displayed.<ol><li>In the text editor, position the cursor where you want to insert the link
and then click the <strong>Add Link</strong> button <img src="addlink_co.gif" alt="" /> in the tool bar. The Add Link dialog opens.</li>
<li>Click the <strong>Browse</strong> button to locate and select the element you wish
to create a link to. There are several options for creating links to other
content elements, with each option offering a different way for displaying
the link's name:<ul><li>Method element: the link displays the element name.</li>
<li>Method with type prefix: the link displays the element name and type.</li>
<li>Method element with custom text: the link displays user defined text.
To define this text manipulate the text in between the &lt;a&gt;&lt;/a&lt;
tags in the URL text field one you have selected an element using the <strong>Browse</strong> button.</li>
<li>To insert a hyperlink to an external URL, select URL from the Type drop
down list, type the URL details in the URL field, and then click <strong>OK</strong>.</li>
<li>To insert a hyperlink to a file, in the Type drop down list, click <strong>File</strong>,
enter the file name or browse to find the file, and then click <strong>OK</strong>.
Each time you add a link you can choose to have the target open in the same
browser window or in a new window.</li>
<div><div class="relconcepts"><strong>Related concepts</strong><br />
<div><a href="richtexteditor.html#richtexteditor">Rich Text Editor</a></div>