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<title>Publishing a Method Configuration to a Method Web</title>
<body id="publishingamethodconfigurationtoamethodweb"><a name="publishingamethodconfigurationtoamethodweb"><!-- --></a>
<h1 class="topictitle1">Publishing a Method Configuration to a Method Web</h1>
<div><div class="p">Using the Publish Method Configuration wizard, you can select from
a series of publication options to turn a method configuration into a published
method Web.</div>
<div class="section">To publish a method configuration:</div>
<ol><li class="stepexpand"><span>From the toolbar, select <strong>Configuration &gt; Publish</strong>. The Publish
Method Configuration wizard appears.</span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>On the Select Configuration page, select the configuration you
want to publish from the list of method configurations in the library and
then click <strong>Next</strong>.</span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>On the Specify Publishing Options page:</span><ul><li>Provide a destination directory for the published Web site in the
Publication path field.</li>
<li>Provide a title for the published method web.</li>
<li>Select a banner image to use.</li>
<li>Select a file to use for the "about" information.</li>
<li>Provide a feedback URL</li>
<li>Choose to include a glossary, index, search capability and/or process
tree customization.</li>
<li>Choose to check that external hyperlinks are valid.</li>
<li>Choose to publish activity diagrams that have not been edited, such
as activity diagrams that have been generated by the tool, but not manually
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> Choosing to include either the search capability or to support
customization of the process view will include the browser applet in the published
Web site. If you choose not to publish with the last two options, the browser
applet will not be included.</div>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click <strong>Finish</strong>. Publishing is initiated.</span></li>
<div><div class="relconcepts"><strong>Related concepts</strong><br />
<div><a href="publishingoverview.html#publishingoverview">Publishing Overview</a></div>
<div><a href="methodconfigurations.html#methodconfigurations">Method Configuration</a></div>