blob: 62407882cf7b8ac7950a3b26392ac7b2f80bf2d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// Contributors:
// IBM Corporation - initial implementation
function ActivityTreeTable(/*ProcessElementPage*/parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.tree_node_class = "treeNode"; // !!! don't translate this !!!
this.expandImage = null;
this.collapseImage = null;
this.shimImage = null;
this.wbsItemHtml = null;
this.imagePath = null;
this.DEFAULT_EXPAND_LEVEL = 0; // 0 - collapse all, 1 - expand the first level, ..., 9999 - if you have this many
// Creates the collapsible tree table
// the expected format of the html source are as follows:
// each <TR tag has a uinque id and a parentId.
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link type="text/css" href="./css/default.css" rel="StyleSheet">
<script src="./treetable.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"></script>
<body onload="createTree('td', 'treeNode', './images/');" >
<table border="1">
<tr id="1" parentId="0">
<td class="treeNode">col 1-1</td><td>col 1-2</td>
<tr id="2" parentId="1">
<td class="treeNode">col 1-1</td><td>col 2-2</td>
<tr id="3" parentId="1">
<td class="treeNode">col 1-1</td><td>col 2-2</td>
<tr id="4" parentId="0">
<td class="treeNode">col 2-1</td><td>col 2-2</td>
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.initialize = function(imgPath)
this.imagePath = contentPage.resolveUrl(imgPath);
this.expandImage = this.imagePath + 'expand.gif';
this.collapseImage = this.imagePath + 'collapse.gif';
//expandAllImage = this.imagePath + 'expand_all.gif';
//collapseAllImage = this.imagePath + 'collapse_all.gif';
//backToTopImage = this.imagePath + 'back_to_top.gif';
this.shimImage = this.imagePath + 'indent.gif';
this.wbsItemHtml = new WBSItemHtml(this, this.imagePath);
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.createTree = function(tagName, classSelector) {
this.tree_node_class = classSelector;
if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
// save map of parentId to parent TR to improve performance
var createdNodes = new Array();
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
//var sectionElements = new Array(elements.length);
//var totalLinks = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
if (element.className == classSelector )
var indentSize = 0;
var trElement= this.getTR(element);
var parentId = trElement.getAttribute("parentId");
parentTR = null;
if ( parentId != "")
// cache it to be faster
//parentTR = document.getElementById(trElement.parentId);
parentTR = createdNodes[parentId];
if ( parentTR != null && parentTR != undefined )
indentSize = parseInt(parentTR.getAttribute("indentSize")) + 1;
var expanded = this.getDefaultExpandState(indentSize);
trElement.setAttribute("indentSize", indentSize);
trElement.setAttribute("expanded", expanded);
//alert("createTreeNode for id, parentId, indent =" + + ", " + parentId + ", indentSize=" + indentSize);
//createTreeNode(element, indentSize);
//save the created ones so we can referecne it
createdNodes[] = trElement;
if ( (parentTR != null) && this.isNodeSuppressed(parentTR) )
this.setNodeSuppressed(trElement, true);
//alert("parent suppressed");
if ( this.isNodeSuppressed(trElement) == true || (parentTR != null && parentTR.getAttribute("expanded") == this.NODE_COLLAPSED) )
{ = 'none';
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.getDefaultExpandState = function(level)
if (level >= this.DEFAULT_EXPAND_LEVEL ) {
return this.NODE_COLLAPSED;
} else {
return this.NODE_EXPANDED;
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.getTreeNodeSrc = function(level)
if ( this.getDefaultExpandState(level) == this.NODE_COLLAPSED ) {
return this.expandImage;
else {
return this.collapseImage;
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.getTR = function(element)
// the heml structure is
// <tr id="2" parentId="1">
// <td class="treeNode">col 1-1</td><td>col 2-2</td>
// </tr>
var e = element;
while ( e != null && e.tagName != "TR" || e.className != this.tree_node_class)
e = e.parentNode;
return e;
// Expands or collapses a section based on the received event.
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.expandCollapseTreeNode = function(evtElement) {
var trElement = this.getTR(evtElement);
// if there is no child, remove the tree node image
if ( !this._hasChildren(trElement) )
evtElement.src = this.shimImage;
evtElement.onclick = null; = "default";
return false;
var expanded = trElement.getAttribute("expanded");
if (expanded == this.NODE_EXPANDED) {
evtElement.src = this.expandImage;
expanded = this.NODE_COLLAPSED;
else {
this.showHideChildren(trElement, true);
evtElement.src = this.collapseImage;
expanded = this.NODE_EXPANDED;
trElement.setAttribute("expanded", expanded);
if (evt && evt.preventDefault) {
return false;
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.hideChildren = function(parent)
// make sure it's the TR element
parent = this.getTR(parent);
//var parentId =;
var indentSize = parseInt(parent.getAttribute("indentSize"));
var nextTR = parent;
while ( (nextTR=this.getNextSibling(nextTR)) != null && nextTR.getAttribute("indentSize") > indentSize )
{ = 'none';
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.showHideChildren = function(parent, show)
// make sure it's the TR element
parent = this.getTR(parent);
//var indentSize = parent.indentSize;
var nextTR = this.getNextSibling(parent);
while ( nextTR != null && nextTR.getAttribute("parentId") == )
if ( show && (this.isNodeSuppressed(nextTR) == false) )
{ = '';
{ = 'none';
nextTR = this.showHideChildren(nextTR, (show==true)&&(nextTR.getAttribute("expanded")==this.NODE_EXPANDED) );
return nextTR;
ActivityTreeTable.prototype._hasChildren = function(parent)
// make sure it's the TR element
parent = this.getTR(parent);
var nextTR = this.getNextSibling(parent);
//alert("" + + ", nextTR.parentId=" + nextTR.getAttribute("parentId") + ", isSuppressed=" + isNodeSuppressed(nextTR));
if ( nextTR != null && nextTR.getAttribute("parentId") ==
if (this.isNodeSuppressed(nextTR) == false)
return true;
while (nextTR != null)
if (this.isNodeSuppressed(nextTR) == false)
return true;
nextTR = nextTR.nextSibling;
return false;
return false;
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.getNextSibling = function(element)
var nextElement = element.nextSibling;
while (nextElement != null && nextElement.tagName != element.tagName )
nextElement = nextElement.nextSibling;
return nextElement;
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.getFirstChild = function(trElement, tagName, className)
var e = trElement.firstChild;
while (e != null)
if ( (tagName == null || e.tagName == tagName) && (className == null || e.className == className) )
return e;;
e = e.nextSibling;
return null;
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.isNodeSuppressed = function(trElement)
// if isSupressed attribute is defined, always use it
// only browsign model set this attribute
// if not defined, it's in published site, look up the flag from the generated map
attr_suppressed = trElement.getAttribute("isSupressed");
if ( attr_suppressed == null || attr_suppressed == "" || attr_suppressed == undefined )
// this method is defined in activitylayout.js
relPath = trElement.getAttribute("relProcessPath");
flag = false;
if ( relPath != null && relPath != "" && relPath != undefined )
flag = this.parent.isSuppressed(contentPage.processPage.par_proc, contentPage.processPage.par_path + relPath);
this.setNodeSuppressed(trElement, flag);
return flag;
return (attr_suppressed == "true");
ActivityTreeTable.prototype.setNodeSuppressed = function(trElement, flag)
trElement.setAttribute("isSupressed", flag ? "true" : "false");
// define the break down structure columns ids here
BS_COL_INDEX = "id";
BS_COL_NAME = "name";
BS_COL_PREFIX = "prefix";
BS_COL_PREDECESSORS = "predecessors";
BS_COL_IS_REPEATABLE = "is_repeatable";
BS_COL_IS_ONGOING = "is_ongoing";
BS_COL_IS_EVENT_DRIVEN = "is_event_driven";
BS_COL_ENTRY_STATE = "entry_state";
BS_COL_EXIT_STATE = "exit_state";
BS_COL_TEAMS = "teams";
BS_COL_TYPE = "type";
BS_COL_MODEL_INFO = "model_info";
BS_COL_PRESENTATION_NAME = "presentation_name";
BS_COL_STEPS = "steps";
BS_COL_DELIVERABLE = "deliverable";
BS_COL_IS_OPTIONAL = "is_optional";
BS_COL_IS_PLANNED = "is_planned";
BS_COL_HAS_MULTIPLE_OCCURRENCES = "has_multiple_occurrences";
function WBSItemHtml(/*ActivityTreeTable*/parent)
this.parent = parent;
//this.imagePath = imgPath;
this.extendVariability = "extend"; // !!! don't translate this !!!
this.localContributionVariability = "localContribution"; // !!! don't translate this !!!
this.localReplacementVariability = "localReplacement"; // !!! don't translate this !!!
this.source_html = "";
this.columns = [];
this.fields = [];
this.indentSize = 0;
this.hasChildren = false; = "";
this.parentId = "";
this.relPath = null;
this.isSupressed = false;
this.url = "";
WBSItemHtml.prototype.getTreeNodeTableHtml = function(indentSize, hasChildren, title, url, relPath)
// test
// the url is passed in to a string to construct a string literal
// need to escape the quotes
url = url.replace(/(\'|\")/g, "\\$1");
url = contentPage.processPage.getActivityItemUrl(url, contentPage.processPage.par_proc, contentPage.processPage.par_path, relPath);
var src =
"<table bgcolor=\"#000000\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" class=\"defaultTable\"><tr><td nowrap=\"nowrap\">" +
this.getTreeNodeHtml(indentSize, hasChildren) +
"</td><td width=\"100%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">" +
"<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + title + "</a>" +
return src;
WBSItemHtml.prototype.getTreeNodeHtml = function(indentSize, hasChildren)
var width = 17*indentSize;
var str = "<div class=\"treeNode\"><span>";
if ( indentSize > 0 )
str += "<img width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" src=\"" + this.parent.shimImage + "\"/>";
var imgSrc;
if ( !hasChildren )
str += "<img width=\"17\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"" + this.parent.shimImage + "\">";
imageSrc = this.parent.getTreeNodeSrc(indentSize);
str += "<img width=\"17\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"" + imageSrc + "\""
+ " style=\"cursor:hand\" onclick=\"contentPage.processPage.treeTable.expandCollapseTreeNode(this);return false;\" />";
str += "</span>&#160;&#160;</div>";
return str;
WBSItemHtml.prototype.end = function() {
var div = document.getElementById("treeContent");
if ( div == null ) return;
div.innerHTML =
"<table bordercolor=\"#999999\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"breakdownTable\">"
+ this.source_html
+ "</table>";
WBSItemHtml.prototype.addColumn = function(id, label) {
this.columns[this.columns.length] = [id, label];
WBSItemHtml.prototype.initRow = function(id, parentId, relPath, isSupressed, indentSize, hasChildren,
index, prefix, name, title, url, steps, predecessors, info, type,
repeatable, multiOccurences, optional, planned, ongoing, eventDriven,
team, entryState, exitState, deliverable, variabilityType)
this.indentSize = indentSize;
this.hasChildren = hasChildren; = id;
this.parentId = parentId;
this.relPath = relPath;
this.isSupressed = isSupressed;
this.fields[BS_COL_INDEX] = index;
this.fields[BS_COL_PREFIX] = prefix;
this.fields[BS_COL_NAME] = name;
this.fields[BS_COL_PRESENTATION_NAME] = title;
this.url = url;
this.fields[BS_COL_STEPS] = steps;
this.fields[BS_COL_PREDECESSORS] = predecessors;
if (variabilityType.indexOf(this.extendVariability) != -1 ||
variabilityType.indexOf(this.localContributionVariability) != -1 ||
variabilityType.indexOf(this.localReplacementVariability) != -1 )
this.fields[BS_COL_MODEL_INFO] = "";
this.fields[BS_COL_MODEL_INFO] = info;
this.fields[BS_COL_TYPE] = type;
this.fields[BS_COL_TEAMS] = team;
this.fields[BS_COL_ENTRY_STATE] = entryState;
this.fields[BS_COL_EXIT_STATE] = exitState;
this.fields[BS_COL_DELIVERABLE] = deliverable;
this.setStates(repeatable, multiOccurences, optional, planned, ongoing, eventDriven);
WBSItemHtml.prototype.addStep = function(selected, lineBreak)
var img_src;
if ( selected ) {
img_src = this.parent.imagePath + "circle_close.gif";
} else {
img_src = this.parent.imagePath + "circle_open.gif";
steps = this.fields[BS_COL_STEPS];
steps += "<img width=\"10\" height=\"9\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + img_src + "\" />";
if (lineBreak)
steps += "<br/>";
this.fields[BS_COL_STEPS] = steps;
WBSItemHtml.prototype.setStates = function(repeatable, multiOccurences, optional, planned, ongoing, eventDriven)
if ( repeatable == "true") {
repeatable = "<img alt=\"\" height=\"15\" width=\"20\" src=\"" + this.parent.imagePath + "true.gif\">";
} else {
repeatable = "&nbsp;";
if ( multiOccurences == "true") {
multiOccurences = "<img alt=\"\" height=\"15\" width=\"20\" src=\"" + this.parent.imagePath + "true.gif\">";
} else {
multiOccurences = "&nbsp;";
if ( optional == "true") {
optional = "<img alt=\"\" height=\"15\" width=\"20\" src=\"" + this.parent.imagePath + "true.gif\">";
} else {
optional = "&nbsp;";
if ( planned =="true") {
planned = "<img alt=\"\" height=\"15\" width=\"20\" src=\"" + this.parent.imagePath + "true.gif\">";
} else {
planned = "&nbsp;";
if ( ongoing =="true") {
ongoing = "<img alt=\"\" height=\"15\" width=\"20\" src=\"" + this.parent.imagePath + "true.gif\">";
} else {
ongoing = "&nbsp;";
if ( eventDriven =="true") {
eventDriven = "<img alt=\"\" height=\"15\" width=\"20\" src=\"" + this.parent.imagePath + "true.gif\">";
} else {
eventDriven = "&nbsp;";
this.fields[BS_COL_IS_REPEATABLE] = repeatable;
this.fields[BS_COL_HAS_MULTIPLE_OCCURRENCES] = multiOccurences;
this.fields[BS_COL_IS_OPTIONAL] = optional;
this.fields[BS_COL_IS_PLANNED] = planned;
this.fields[BS_COL_IS_ONGOING] = ongoing;
this.fields[BS_COL_IS_EVENT_DRIVEN] = eventDriven;
WBSItemHtml.prototype.writeHeader = function()
str = "<tr valign=\"top\">";
for ( i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++ ) {
col = this.columns[i];
str += "<th nowrap=\"nowrap\">" + col[1] + "</th>";
str += "</tr>";
this.source_html += str;
WBSItemHtml.prototype.getCellHtml = function(columnCount) {
col = this.columns[columnCount];
col_id = col[0];
text = this.fields[col_id];
if ( text == "" ) {
text = "&nbsp;";
var str = "<td";
if ( columnCount % 2 != 0 ) {
str += " bgcolor=\"#cccccc\"";
if ( col_id.indexOf("is_") >=0 || col_id.indexOf("has_") >=0 ) {
str += " align=\"center\"";
if ( col_id == BS_COL_TYPE ) {
str += " nowrap=\"nowrap\"";
if ( col_id == BS_COL_PRESENTATION_NAME ) {
str += " width=\"100%\">" + this.getTreeNodeTableHtml(
this.indentSize, this.hasChildren,
text, this.url, this.relPath);
} else {
str += ">" + text;
str += "</td>";
return str;
WBSItemHtml.prototype.writeRow = function()
src =
"<tr class=\"treeNode\" id=\"" + + "\" parentId=\"" + this.parentId + "\" relProcessPath=\"" + this.relPath + "\"";
// is suppressed flag is set only when in browsing model, it's not set in publishing model
if ( this.isSupressed != null && this.isSupressed != "" && this.isSupressed != undefined) {
src += " isSupressed=\"" + this.isSupressed + "\"";
src += ">";
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++ ) {
src += this.getCellHtml(i);
src += "</tr>";
this.source_html += src;