blob: 4c2d76586483ab1045110ad311b203a79b3626b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// define the class here so we don't need to load the detail implementations
function ProcessElementPage() {
this.par_proc = null;
this.par_path = null;
// images for the activity, generated dynamically when publishing
this.imageFiles = [];
// suppressed items for the activity, generated dynamically when publishing
this.suppressedItems = [];
// element urls for the activity, generated dynamically when publishing
this.elementUrls = [];
this.treeTable = null;
ProcessElementPage.prototype.init = function(hasTree) {
var parameters = contentPage.getUrlParameters(contentPage.queryStr.substring(1));
this.par_proc = parameters["proc"];
this.par_path = parameters["path"];
if ( this.par_proc == null || this.par_path == null ) {
parameters = contentPage.getUrlParameters(contentPage.defaultQueryStr.substring(1));
this.par_proc = parameters["proc"];
this.par_path = parameters["path"];
if ( hasTree) {
ProcessElementPage.prototype.onload = function() {
this.buildProcessElementBreadCrumb(location.href, this.backPath);
if ( this.treeTable != null && this.treeTable.createTree) {
this.treeTable.createTree('div', 'treeNode');
ProcessElementPage.prototype.createTree = function(imgPath) {
this.treeTable = new ActivityTreeTable(this);
ProcessElementPage.prototype.fixTabUrl = function(a)
if (a == null || queryStr == null ) return;
var url = a.getAttribute("href") + queryStr;
a.setAttribute("href", url);
ProcessElementPage.prototype.fixMapUrls = function() {
// fix the map area url
if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("AREA");
if ( elements != null ) {
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
var url = element.getAttribute("href");
var relPath = element.getAttribute("relPath");
if ( url != null && relPath != null ) {
url = this.getActivityItemUrl(url, this.par_proc, this.par_path, relPath);
element.setAttribute("href", url);
// fix the diagram img urls
var diagramType = "Activity"; // no transtation!
var e = document.getElementById("diagram_" + diagramType);
if ( e != null ) {
var url = this.getDiagramImageUrl(this.par_proc, this.par_path, diagramType);
if ( url != null ) {
e.src = url;
diagramType = "ActivityDetail"; // no transtation!
e = document.getElementById("diagram_" + diagramType);
if ( e != null ) {
var url = this.getDiagramImageUrl(this.par_proc, this.par_path, diagramType);
if ( url != null ) {
e.src = url;
ProcessElementPage.prototype.getActivityItemUrl = function(url, process, elementProcessPath, relProcessPath)
queryString = "?proc=" + process + "&path=" + elementProcessPath + relProcessPath;
return contentPage.resolveUrl(url) + queryString;
ProcessElementPage.prototype.getDiagramImageUrl = function(process, elementProcessPath, diagramType)
// get the diagram image file for the specified element path and process
// retutns null if noting
// diagram type is Activity, ActivityDetail,
//alert("get " + diagramType + " diagram for " + elementProcessPath);
return contentPage.resolveUrl(this.imageFiles[elementProcessPath+diagramType]);
ProcessElementPage.prototype.isSuppressed = function(process, elementProcessPath)
flag = (this.suppressedItems[elementProcessPath] == true);
//if ( flag ) alert("got one: " + elementProcessPath);
return flag;
ProcessElementPage.prototype.buildTeamTree = function(teamTree) {
var el = document.getElementById("teamTree");
if ( el == null ) return;
if ( teamTree == null || teamTree.length == 0 ) {
teamTree[0][0] = teamTree[0][0].replace(/(\'|\")/g, "\\$1");
var teamBuffer = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < teamTree.length; i++ ) {
if ( !this.isTeamSuppressed(teamTree[i]) ) {
teamBuffer += "<div class=\"teamStructure\" align=\"left\">";
teamBuffer += this.getTeamTreeHtml(teamTree[i]);
teamBuffer += "</div><br/>";
el.innerHTML = teamBuffer;
// format is [url, title, relPath, suppressed]
ProcessElementPage.prototype.getTeamTreeHtml = function(teamTree) {
if ( teamTree == null || teamTree.length < 4) {
return "";
var url = teamTree[0];
var title = teamTree[1];
var relPath = teamTree[2];
url = this.getActivityItemUrl(url, this.par_proc, this.par_path, relPath);
var teamBuffer = "<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + title + "</a>";
if ( teamTree.length > 4 && teamTree[4] != null && teamTree[4] != "" && teamTree[4] != undefined ) {
teamBuffer += "<ul>";
for ( var i = 4; i < teamTree.length; i++ ) {
if (typeof teamTree[i] == "object" && !this.isTeamSuppressed(teamTree[i]) ) {
teamBuffer += "<li>";
teamBuffer += this.getTeamTreeHtml(teamTree[i]);
teamBuffer += "</li>";
teamBuffer += "</ul>";
return teamBuffer;
ProcessElementPage.prototype.isTeamSuppressed = function(teamTree) {
if ( teamTree == null || teamTree.length < 4) {
return true;
var relPath = teamTree[2];
var sup = teamTree[3];
if ( sup == "" ) {
return this.isSuppressed(this.par_proc, this.par_path + relPath);
} else {
return (sup == "true");
ProcessElementPage.prototype.buildProcessElementBreadCrumb = function(url) {
var div = document.getElementById("breadcrumbs");
if ( div == null ) return;
var viewFrame = contentPage.getViewFrame();
if ( viewFrame == null ) {
var paths = this.par_path.split(",");
var hasApp = (contentPage.getApp() != null);
// the first path is the process guid
var id = paths[0];
var nodeInfo = null;
if ( hasApp ) {
nodeInfo = viewFrame.getNodeInfo(id);
if ( hasApp && nodeInfo != null) {
// remove the first element
var self = this;
var callback = function(bcs) {
self._showProcessElementBreadCrumb(div, bcs, url);
viewFrame.getBreadcrumbsByPath(nodeInfo, paths, callback);
} else {
var bcs = [];
this._showProcessElementBreadCrumb(div, bcs, url);
ProcessElementPage.prototype._showProcessElementBreadCrumb = function(div, bcs, url) {
var viewFrame = contentPage.getViewFrame();
var localBcs = [];
var count = 0;
var linksText = "";
var paths = this.par_path.split(",");
var path = this.par_path;
var hasApp = (contentPage.getApp() != null);
var lastBcsId = null;
if ( bcs == null ) {
bcs = [];
} else if ( bcs.length > 0 ) {
lastBcsId = bcs[bcs.length-1].id;
for (var i = paths.length-1; i >=0; i--) {
var guid = paths[i];
var item_text = "";
var item_url = "";
var item = this.elementUrls[guid];
if ( item != null ) {
item_text = item[0];
item_url = item[1];
// get the last tree-node breadcrumbs
// process this before the item_url is set
if (viewFrame != null && viewFrame.getBreadcrumbs ) {
if ( !hasApp ) {
bcs = viewFrame.getBreadcrumbs(item_url);
if ( bcs != null && bcs.length > 0 ) {
} else if ( guid == lastBcsId ) {
// get the url with no back path, then conver to a full url
item_url = this.getActivityItemUrl(item_url, this.par_proc, path, '');
var app = contentPage.getApp();
if ( app != null) {
item_url = app.getBaseUrl() + item_url;
// escape the quotes
item_url = item_url.replace(/'/g, "\\'");
item_url = item_url.replace(/\"/g, "\\\"");
localBcs[count++] = {id: guid, url: item_url, title: item_text};
// trim the path
var x = path.indexOf("," + guid);
if ( x > 0 ) {
path = path.substring(0, x);
if ( localBcs.length > 0 ) {
// order it right
localBcs = localBcs.reverse();
if ( bcs == null ) bcs = [];
var count = bcs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < localBcs.length; i++) {
bcs[count+i] = localBcs[i];
if ( bcs != null && bcs.length > 0 ) {
contentPage.showBreadcrumns(div, bcs);
ProcessElementPage.prototype.getProcessElementLinkHtmlFromId = function(guid, elementPath, backPath) {
var str = "";
var item = this.elementUrls[guid];
if ( item != null ) {
var text = item[0];
var url = backPath + item[1];
url = this.getActivityItemUrl(url, this.par_proc, elementPath, '');
// escape the quotes
url = url.replace(/'/g, "\\'");
url = url.replace(/\"/g, "\\\"");
str = "<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + text + "</a>";
return str;