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IBM Corporation - initial implementation
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<h2><a>Exercise 2: Browse Method Content via Browsing Perspective </a></h2>
<p>The purpose of this exercise is to become familiar with browsing method content in a library using the browsing perspective. </p>
<p>Select <strong>RUP for Small Projects </strong> in the current configuration drop-down list located underneath the main menu bar. </p>
<p>Select <strong>Browsing perspective</strong>. The Configuration View appears on the left. </p>
<p>To view a Task, click <strong>Disciplines &gt; RUP Disciplines &gt; Analysis &amp; Design &gt; Design the User Interface</strong>. A preview of the published Web page for the selected element is displayed. </p>
<p>Click the <strong>Primary Performer </strong>link in the relationships section. This will show the preview page for the User-Interface Designer. </p>
<p>You can click on any links in the preview and use the back icon in the preview toolbar to return to previous pages. </p>
<p>View other elements in the Configuration View tree – e.g. under Domains, Role Sets, etc. </p>