blob: fbc19bcc440edbb03af4a0880c16c885141f25b5 [file] [log] [blame]
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authors="Lyndon Washington" changeDate="2007-08-06T18:31:19.274-0700">
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<mainDescription>Within Scrum there are three main artifacts that are used by the roles to convey information about the product that is
being built, the tasks that are necessary to build the specified features and the increments of functionality.&lt;br />
&lt;br />
Clearly stipulating what these base artifacts are, and the owners of the artifacts will establish an understanding of the
roles and their responsibilites within the process for managing the product, project and process.&lt;br /></mainDescription>
<keyConsiderations>The list of artifacts is not exhaustive, but does represent the key components to a Scrum process.&lt;br /></keyConsiderations>