| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0" |
| xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="http://www.eclipse.org/epf/uma/1.0.4/uma.ecore" |
| xmlns:epf="http://www.eclipse.org/epf" epf:version="1.2.0" xmi:id="-BPz1k8sC6CCyJ2yZCc1p2Q" |
| name="Produit, release et sprint,_XtRuYP-zEdqLnajTSLeAsA" guid="-BPz1k8sC6CCyJ2yZCc1p2Q" |
| changeDate="2006-12-01T15:54:40.221-0800" version="1.0.0"> |
| <mainDescription><p>
| A <a class="elementLink" href="./../../../Scrum/guidances/termdefinitions/Release_A7C0A48E.html"
| guid="_AIB9gIHrEduFs9jH8xc4xw">Release</a>&nbsp;is the result of a series of de <a class="elementLink"
| href="./../../../Scrum/guidances/termdefinitions/Sprint_494C0C24.html" guid="_kftWoIHqEduFs9jH8xc4xw">Sprint</a>s and
| last in general for a few months. During a product life, many releases are rolled out.
| </p>
| <p>
| <img height="115" alt="release and sprints" src="./resources/release.jpg" width="600" />
| </p>
| <p>
| A release has the following attibutes:
| </p>
| <ul class="noindent">
| <li>
| goal
| </li>
| <li>
| type, either "fixed" or "variable"(default). If "fixed", a date is provided.
| </li>
| <li>
| length, in days , for sprints
| </li>
| <li>
| forecasted number of sprints
| </li>
| </ul>
| <p>
| <a class="elementLink" href="./../../../Scrum/guidances/reports/Release%20Planning_ED85F1BB.html"
| guid="_Z2NzkIGWEduKE9hnyImx1Q">Release planning</a>&nbsp;is a level of project planning: it shows at a high level, the
| list of items to be developed during this release' sprints.<br />
| <br />
| </p></mainDescription> |
| </org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription> |