blob: 8212c4e78a5182fab913b0b5345813586387c33b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
#include "eclipseOS.h"
#include "eclipseConfig.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#include <stdlib.h>
#else /* Unix like platforms */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int readIniFile(_TCHAR* program, int *argc, _TCHAR ***argv)
_TCHAR* config_file = NULL;
int result;
if (program == NULL || argc == NULL || argv == NULL) return -1;
/* Get a copy with room for .ini at the end */
config_file = malloc( (_tcslen(program) + 5) * sizeof(_TCHAR));
_tcscpy(config_file, program);
#ifdef _WIN32
/* Search for the extension .exe and replace it with .ini */
_TCHAR *extension = _tcsrchr(config_file, _T_ECLIPSE('.'));
if (extension == NULL)
/* does not end with an extension, just append .ini */
extension = config_file + _tcslen(config_file);
_tcscpy(extension, _T_ECLIPSE(".ini"));
#ifdef _WIN32_CONSOLE
/* We are the console version, if the ini file does not exist, try
* removing the 'c' from the end of the program name */
struct _stat stats;
if (_tstat( config_file, &stats ) != 0 && *(extension - 1) == _T('c')) {
_tcscpy(extension - 1, extension);
/* Append the extension */
strcat(config_file, ".ini");
result = readConfigFile(config_file, argc, argv);
return result;
int readConfigFile( _TCHAR * config_file, int *argc, _TCHAR ***argv )
_TCHAR * buffer;
_TCHAR * argument;
_TCHAR * arg;
FILE *file = NULL;
int maxArgs = 128;
int index;
size_t bufferSize = 1024;
size_t length;
/* allocate buffers */
buffer = (_TCHAR*)malloc(bufferSize * sizeof(_TCHAR));
argument = (_TCHAR*)malloc(bufferSize * sizeof(_TCHAR));
/* Open the config file as a text file
* Note that carriage return-linefeed combination \r\n are automatically
* translated into single linefeeds on input in the t (translated) mode
* on windows, on other platforms we will strip the \r as whitespace.
file = _tfopen(config_file, _T_ECLIPSE("rt"));
if (file == NULL) return -3;
*argv = (_TCHAR **)malloc((1 + maxArgs) * sizeof(_TCHAR*));
index = 0;
/* Parse every line */
while (_fgetts(buffer, bufferSize, file) != NULL)
/* did we fill the buffer without reaching the end of a line? */
while (buffer[bufferSize - 2] != _T_ECLIPSE('\n') && _tcslen(buffer) == (bufferSize - 1)) {
bufferSize += 1024;
buffer = (_TCHAR*)realloc(buffer, bufferSize * sizeof(_TCHAR));
argument = (_TCHAR*)realloc(argument, bufferSize * sizeof(_TCHAR));
buffer[bufferSize - 2] = 0;
/* read the next chunk to overwrite the \0 left by the last read */
if(_fgetts(buffer + bufferSize - 1025, 1025, file) == NULL)
/* Extract the string prior to the first newline character.
* We don't have to worry about \r\n combinations since the file
* is opened in translated mode.
if (_stscanf(buffer, _T_ECLIPSE("%[^\n]"), argument) == 1)
/* watch for comments */
if(argument[0] == _T_ECLIPSE('#'))
arg = _tcsdup(argument);
length = _tcslen(arg);
/* basic whitespace trimming */
while (length > 0 && (arg[length - 1] == _T_ECLIPSE(' ') ||
arg[length - 1] == _T_ECLIPSE('\t') ||
arg[length - 1] == _T_ECLIPSE('\r')))
arg[--length] = 0;
/* ignore empty lines */
if (length == 0) {
(*argv)[index] = arg;
/* Grow the array of TCHAR*. Ensure one more entry is
* available for the final NULL entry
if (index == maxArgs - 1)
maxArgs += 128;
*argv = (_TCHAR **)realloc(*argv, maxArgs * sizeof(_TCHAR*));
(*argv)[index] = NULL;
*argc = index;
return 0;
void freeConfig(_TCHAR **argv)
int index = 0;
if (argv == NULL) return;
while (argv[index] != NULL)