blob: f50b7c83b958e0824f3100e8df8dfc2cf0fd7fdd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2008, 2009). All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.osgi.service.framework;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
import org.osgi.framework.launch.Framework;
* Composite bundles are composed of other bundles. The component bundles which
* make up the content of a composite bundle are installed into a child
* framework. Like a normal bundle, a composite bundle may import packages and
* use services from other bundles which are installed in the same framework as
* the composite bundle. The packages imported and the services used by a
* composite bundle are shared with the components of a composite bundle through
* a surrogate bundle installed in the child framework. Also like a normal
* bundle, a composite bundle may export packages and register services which
* can be used by bundles installed in the same framework as the composite
* bundle. The packages exported and the services registered by a composite
* bundle are acquired from the components of a composite bundle by the
* surrogate bundle installed in the child framework
* <p>
* A framework has one composite bundle for each of its child frameworks. A
* framework can have zero or more composite bundles installed. A child
* framework must have one and only one surrogate bundle which represents the
* composite bundle in the parent framework. In other words, a parent framework
* can have many child frameworks but a child framework can have only one
* parent.
* <p>
* A composite bundle does the following as specified by the composite manifest
* map:
* <ul>
* <li>Exports packages to the parent framework from the child framework. These
* packages are imported by the surrogate bundle installed in the child
* framework.</li>
* <li>Imports packages from the parent framework. These packages are exported
* by the surrogate bundle installed in the child framework.</li>
* <li>Registers services to the parent framework from the child framework.
* These services are acquired by the surrogate bundle installed in the child
* framework.</li>
* <li>Acquires services from the parent framework. These services are
* registered by the surrogate bundle installed in the child framework.</li>
* </ul>
* A newly created child <code>Framework</code> will be in the
* {@link Bundle#STARTING STARTING} state. This child <code>Framework</code> can
* then be used to manage and control the child framework instance. The child
* framework instance is persistent and uses a storage area associated with the
* installed composite bundle. The child framework's lifecycle is tied to its
* composite bundle's lifecycle in the following ways:
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>If the composite bundle is marked to be persistently started (see
* StartLevel.isBundlePersistentlyStarted(Bundle)) then the child framework
* instance will automatically be started when the composite bundle's
* start-level is met.</li>
* <li>The child framework instance will be stopped if the composite bundle is
* persistently stopped or its start level is no longer met. Performing
* operations which transiently stop a composite bundle do not cause the child
* framework to stop (e.g. {@link Bundle#stop(int) stop(Bundle.STOP_TRANSIENT)},
* {@link Bundle#update() update}, refreshPackages etc.).</li>
* <li>If the composite bundle is uninstalled, the child framework's persistent
* storage area is also uninstalled.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The child framework may be persistently started and stopped by persistently
* starting and stopping the composite bundle, but it is still possible to
* initialize and start the child framework explicitly while the composite
* bundle is not persistently started. This allows for the child framework to be
* initialized and populated with a set of bundles before starting the composite
* bundle. The set of bundles installed into the child framework are the
* component bundles which comprise the composite bundle.
* <p>
* The child framework's lifecycle is also tied to the lifecycle of its
* parent framework. When the parent <code>Framework</code> enters the
* {@link Bundle#STOPPING STOPPING} state, all active child frameworks of that
* parent are shutdown using the {@link Framework#stop()} method. The parent
* framework must not enter the {@link Bundle#RESOLVED} state until all the
* child frameworks have completed their shutdown process. Just as with other
* Bundles, references to child frameworks (or the associated composite and
* surrogate bundles) become invalid after the parent framework has completed
* the shutdown process, and must not be allowed to re-initialize or re-start
* the child framework.
* @see SurrogateBundle
* @deprecated This is proposed API. As a result, this API may never be published
* or the final API may change substantially by the time of final publication.
* You are cautioned against relying upon this API.
* @ThreadSafe
* @version $Revision: 6860 $
public interface CompositeBundle extends Bundle {
* Returns the child framework associated with this composite bundle.
* @return the child framework.
Framework getCompositeFramework();
* Returns the surrogate bundle associated with this composite bundle. The
* surrogate bundle is installed in the child framework.
* @return the surrogate bundle.
SurrogateBundle getSurrogateBundle();
* Updates this composite bundle with the specified manifest.
* <p>
* Similar to normal bundle updates, the packages exported by a composite or
* surrogate bundle can not change as a result of calling update: the
* previous package exports must be available to other consuming bundles (in
* either the parent or child framework) until the
* PackageAdmin.refreshPackages method has been called to refresh the
* composite, or the parent Framework is re-launched.
* @param compositeManifest
* the new composite manifest.
* @throws BundleException
* If the update fails.
* @see CompositeBundleFactory#installCompositeBundle(Map, String, Map)
void update(Map /* <String, String> */compositeManifest)
throws BundleException;
* This operation is not supported for composite bundles. A
* <code>BundleException</code> of type
* {@link BundleException#INVALID_OPERATION invalid operation} must be
* thrown.
void update() throws BundleException;
* This operation is not supported for composite bundles. A
* <code>BundleException</code> of type
* {@link BundleException#INVALID_OPERATION invalid operation} must be
* thrown.
void update(InputStream input) throws BundleException;
* Uninstalls this composite bundle. The associated child framework
* is shutdown, and its persistent storage area is deleted.
void uninstall() throws BundleException;