blob: fcdfe8521168ce5c0f10949e28825dbfb5654e51 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Borland Software Corp.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Alexander Shatalin (Borland) - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.migration;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.expression.AnalysationIssue;
import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.expression.EvaluationException;
import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.expression.ast.SyntaxElement;
public class MigrationException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8066639467181143331L;
private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = "\n";
public enum Type {
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND("Resource not found"),
ANALYZATION_PROBLEMS("Analyzation problems"),
INCORRECT_RESOURCE_NAME("Incorrect resource name"),
UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION("Incorrect extension"),
METAMODEL_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND("Metamodel alias was not found"),
TYPE_NOT_FOUND("Extension return type was not found"),
UNSUPPORTED_EXPRESSION("Unsupported expression"),
UNSUPPORTED_BOOLEAN_OPERATION("Unsupported boolean operation"),
UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_CALL_TRACE("Unsupported feature call trace"),
UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_CALL("Unsupported feature call"),
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION_CALL_TRACE("Unsupported operation call trace"),
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION_CALL("Unsupported operation call"),
UNSUPPORTED_COLLECTION_EXPRESSION_TRACE("Unsupported collection expression trace"),
UNSUPPORTED_COLLECTION_EXPRESSION("Unsupported collection expression"),
UNSUPPORTED_COLLECTION_OPERATION("Unsupported collection operation"),
UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_SELECT_EXPRESSION_TRACE("Unsupported type select expression trace"),
UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_SELECT_EXPRESSION("Unsupported type select expression"),
UNSUPPORTED_XPAND_RESOURCE("Unsupported xpand resource"),
UNSUPPORTED_XTEND_RESOURCE("Unsupported xtend resource"),
UNABLE_TO_APPLY_EDIT("Unable to apply edit"),
UNABLE_TO_DETECT_NATIVE_LIBRARY_CLASS_NAME("Unable to detect native library class name"),
UNSUPPORTED_NATIVE_EXTENSION_TYPE("Unsupported native extension type");
private String name;
private Type(String name) { = name;
public String toString() {
return name;
private final Type type;
private Set<AnalysationIssue> issues = Collections.emptySet();
private String resourceName;
private int lineNumber = -1;
private int startPosition;
private int endPosition;
private static final String getMessage(Set<AnalysationIssue> issues) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("Following analyzation issues present");
for (AnalysationIssue issue : getErrors(issues)) {
return result.toString();
private static final Set<AnalysationIssue> getErrors(Set<AnalysationIssue> issues) {
Set<AnalysationIssue> result = new LinkedHashSet<AnalysationIssue>();
for (AnalysationIssue issue : issues) {
if (!issue.isWarningNotError()) {
return result;
public static final boolean hasErrors(Set<AnalysationIssue> issues) {
return getErrors(issues).size() > 0;
* Resource-wide Exception (position was not determined)
public MigrationException(Type type, String resourceName, String message) {
this(type, resourceName, null, message);
public MigrationException(Type type, String resourceName, SyntaxElement syntaxElement, String message) {
this.type = type;
this.resourceName = resourceName;
if (syntaxElement != null) {
lineNumber = syntaxElement.getLine();
startPosition = syntaxElement.getStart();
endPosition = syntaxElement.getEnd();
public MigrationException(Set<AnalysationIssue> issues, String resourceName) {
this(Type.ANALYZATION_PROBLEMS, resourceName, getMessage(issues));
this.issues = issues;
public MigrationException(Set<AnalysationIssue> issues, String resourceName, SyntaxElement syntaxElement) {
this(Type.ANALYZATION_PROBLEMS, resourceName, syntaxElement, getMessage(issues));
this.issues = issues;
public MigrationException(Type type, String resourceName, SyntaxElement syntaxElement, EvaluationException e) {
this.type = type;
this.resourceName = resourceName;
if (syntaxElement != null) {
lineNumber = syntaxElement.getLine();
startPosition = syntaxElement.getStart();
endPosition = syntaxElement.getEnd();
public MigrationException(Type type, String resourceName, SyntaxElement syntaxElement, ExpressionAnalyzeTrace trace) {
this(type, resourceName, syntaxElement, String.valueOf(trace));
public Type getType() {
return type;
public Set<AnalysationIssue> getIssues() {
return issues;
public String getMessage() {
return "[" + getType().toString() + "] in " + resourceName + getPosition() + " - " + super.getMessage();
private String getPosition() {
if (lineNumber != -1) {
return " " + lineNumber + ":" + (startPosition + 1) + " - " + lineNumber + ":" + (endPosition + 1);
return "";