| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Borland Software Corp. |
| * |
| * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| * |
| * Contributors: |
| * Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) - initial API and implementation |
| */ |
| «IMPORT 'http://www.eclipse.org/gmf/2008/Binding'» |
| «EXTENSION xpt::StringOperations» |
| |
| «DEFINE Main FOR binding::Editor» |
| package «packageName»; |
| |
| public class FormPage extends org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormPage { |
| |
| public FormPage(org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormEditor editor) { |
| super(editor, "pageId", "page title"); //$NON-NLS-1$ |
| //mySectionStateSupport = editor.getSectionStateSupport(); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| protected void createFormContent(IManagedForm managedForm) { |
| super.createFormContent( managedForm ); |
| managedForm.getToolkit().decorateFormHeading(managedForm.getForm().getForm()); |
| managedForm.getMessageManager().setMessagePrefixProvider(new EmptyMessagePrefixProvider()); |
| managedForm.getForm().setText( Messages.UIPage_title ); |
| managedForm.getForm().getBody().setLayout(new VerticalLayout()); |
| // |
| Composite topPane = managedForm.getToolkit().createComposite(managedForm.getForm().getBody()); |
| Composite bottomPane = managedForm.getToolkit().createComposite(managedForm.getForm().getBody()); |
| org.eclipse.jface.layout.GridLayoutFactory.fillDefaults().applyTo(bottomPane); |
| topPane.setLayout(new FormPageLayout(0,0)); |
| // |
| «FOREACH sections->asSequence() AS s-» |
| «s.className» _«s.className.xpandToFirstLower()» = new «s.className»(bottomPane, managedForm); |
| |
| FormPageLayout.setMinimalWidth(uiProject.getSection(), 350); |
| FormPageLayout.setMinimalWidth(uiWizard.getSection(), 350); |
| org.eclipse.jface.layout.GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().grab(true, false).applyTo(actionsSection.getSection()); |
| // |
| «FOREACH sections->asSequence() AS s-» |
| managedForm.addPart(_«s.className.xpandToFirstLower()»); |
| |
| // if (mySectionStateSupport != null) { |
| // mySectionStateSupport.restoreState(this); |
| // } |
| getManagedForm().setInput(((ProjectEditor) getEditor()).getProjectEditorInput()); |
| |
| // PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().setHelp(managedForm.getForm().getContent(), ID_HELP_CONTEXT); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public void dispose() { |
| // TODO - add support for section states |
| // if (mySectionStateSupport != null) { |
| // mySectionStateSupport.saveState(this); |
| // mySectionStateSupport = null; |
| // } |
| super.dispose(); |
| } |
| |
| } |
| «EXPAND Section::_class('') FOREACH sections» |